asset building

ASSET BUILDING IN SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA A Peer Learning Conversation - PDF document

7/24/2014 FROM GETTING BY TO GETTING AHEAD: ASSET BUILDING IN SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA A Peer Learning Conversation Joseph Antolin | AFN Director | Southern California Grantmakers | July 23, 2014 Agenda WELCOME & INTRODUCTIONS AMANDA BYRD

  1. 7/24/2014 FROM GETTING BY TO GETTING AHEAD: ASSET BUILDING IN SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA A Peer Learning Conversation Joseph Antolin | AFN Director | Southern California Grantmakers | July 23, 2014 Agenda WELCOME & INTRODUCTIONS AMANDA BYRD Director of Communications & Membership Southern California Grantmakers FRAMING THE ISSUE: JOE ANTOLIN Strategic Philanthropy from an Asset- Director, Asset Funders Network Building Perspective PEER CONVERSATION: EVERYONE Understanding the Los Angeles Funding Landscape CLOSING & NEXT STEPS AMANDA BYRD 1

  2. 7/24/2014 Asset Funders Network WHAT IS AFN? The Asset Funders Network (AFN) is a national affinity group of interested grant makers focused on providing safe space to learn and discuss promising asset-building strategies, research, standards and solutions. OUR MISSION AFN’s mission is to increase the capacity of our philanthropic members to effectively promote economic security by supporting efforts that help low- and moderate-income individuals build and protect assets. AFN’s Goals • GROW – increase stakeholder investments for greater impact and scale. • EDUCATE – through issue and policy briefings, webinars, and discussion to help funder access new research, emerging solutions, and value-added investments. • ELEVATE – lift up examples of high-performing grantee programs and successful strategies to all stakeholders. • ADVOCATE – identify policy changes needed through individual, aligned, and collective funding to help catalyze meaningful policy change. 2

  3. 7/24/2014 Income vs. Asset Poverty INCOME POVERTY Percentage of households with income below the federal poverty threshold. ASSET POVERTY Percentage of households without sufficient net worth to subsist at the poverty level for three months in the absence of income. Asset Poverty in California Liquid Asset Poverty 46% $5,887 for a family of four of CA households are LIQUID ASSET POOR Liquid Asset Poor households lack savings to cover basic expenses for three months if job loss, a medical emergency, or other crisis leads to a loss of income. 3

  4. 7/24/2014 Poor Angelinos Lack Financial Tools 58 Percent of LA consumers have subprime credit scores. 21 Percent of all LA households are unbanked. All findings refer to Los Angeles MSA; Data by CFED at Poor Angelinos Leverage Tax Time LA - MSA CA USA Tax Filers Receiving EITC 17.5% 15.7% 16.6% Average EITC Refund $1917 $1905 $1932 The Greater Los Angeles Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) Campaign helps working families save money by providing access to free income tax preparation, tax credits, and information about other free financial services. Last year, volunteers provided free preparation services to over 42,000 families, helping them claim over $45 million in total tax returns . 4

  5. 7/24/2014 Strategic Philanthropy • Strategic Philanthropy: Creating Opportunity, Building Wealth, and Driving Community Change • First in a series of issue briefs that provide an in-depth look at major topics and emerging trends in the asset-building field. • Written by deeply entrenched issue experts; this brief was done by Brandeis University’s Heller School for Social Policy and Management. Why Invest in Asset Building Buffer against economic shocks • Improve health outcomes • Increase retirement security • Advance racial and gender equity • Expand educational opportunities for children • Improve quality of new jobs • Support micro-enterprise job creation • Ultimately, investments in asset-building help families can communities shift from getting by to getting ahead. 5

  6. 7/24/2014 Why Invest in Asset Building The challenges facing families are too complex for any single sector. Foundations are responding by intentionally framing investments as asset building to reach across sectors and involve diverse partners. INTEGRATED Approach SILO’d Approach Asset building is the thread that connects Sectors work independently; but the work of non-traditional partners families don’t live that way. WORKFORCE DEV. ASSET BUILDING EDUCATION HEALTH BANKING HEALTH How to Invest in Asset Building The following strategies can help experienced asset-build funders and those new to the field further our goal of advancing and sustaining greater economic security and upward mobility: SUPPORT FINANCIAL Foundations should consider supporting timely and relevant financial guidance. Financial education is not enough. CAPABILITY PROMOTE INTEGRATING AND Encourage grantees to integrate asset building into their existing programs or to establish co-located services to reach BUNDLING OF SERVICES people closer to home. COLLABORATE AND ENGAGE Leverage impact through joint funding; serve as convener to influence grantees and other stakeholders. STAKEHOLDERS Fund rigorous evaluations to better understand the RESEARCH AND EVALUATE effectiveness of interventions and help focus scarce resources EFFECTIVENESS and competing priorities. INFORM PUBLIC POLICY Fund research, education, and engagement that informs policy changes, in turn, impacting both immediate consumers needs and long-term public goals. 6

  7. 7/24/2014 AFN’s Value Proposition Benefits of seeding a Metro Los Angeles Regional Chapter • Neutral forum for grantmakers to learn about and discuss asset-building trends and best practices. • Access to national experts via AFN publications: issue briefs, webinars, local and national convenings. • Networking among familiar and non-traditional funders. • Gain a national platform to share highlights of regional innovations while learning from other similar communities. • Greater potential for collaborative funding models to leverage existing portfolios. • Wield greater influence as a collective force than individual grant maker. • Contribute to making real and sustained impact on low-income communities across thru region. Thank You For more information, please contact: Joe Antolin Director 312.296.0700 Stephanie Upp Regional Manager 415.871.7877 7


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