
Draft Asset Risk Assessment Workshops Asset Management Goals - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Draft Asset Risk Assessment Workshops Asset Management Goals Workshop Objectives Overview of Asset Management Draft Review Likelihood and Consequence Criteria Review Wastewater Asset Hierarchy Score Wastewater Assets S W

  1. Draft Asset Risk Assessment Workshops

  2.  Asset Management Goals  Workshop Objectives  Overview of Asset Management Draft  Review Likelihood and Consequence Criteria  Review Wastewater Asset Hierarchy  Score Wastewater Assets S W t t A t

  3.  Provide baseline information to the Water & Wastewater Master Plan  The results of the risk assessment will be used to help identify and prioritize potential projects with a focus identify and prioritize potential projects with a focus Draft on addressing the Stipulated Order

  4.  Perform the Asset Risk Was W W astewa t t ewater t er Sys S ystems t ems Assessment for Saipan Wastewater Systems Draft  Develop consequence and likelihood of failure matrices matrices  Perform the top-down risk assessment

  5. Effective Asset Mana Effective Asset Management is: g ement is: An integrated set of processes to minimize the life-cycle costs of owning, operating and y g, p g Draft maintaining assets, at an acceptable level of risk, while continuously delivering established levels y g of service. Implementing Asset Management – A Practical Guide A Practical Guide AMWA, NACWA, WEF 2007 M Managing Public Infrastructure Assets to i P bli I f t t A t t Minimize Costs and Maximize Performance AMSA, AMWA, AWWA, WEF 2002 5

  6. 1. Minimize the life-cycle costs of assets 1 Minimize the life cycle costs of assets 2. Continuously deliver established levels of service Draft 3. At an acceptable level of risk RISK

  7.  The basis for prioritizing capital Th b i f i iti i it l investments for R&R  The basis for optimizing O&M  The basis for optimizing O&M Draft  The basis for investing in condition assessments  A uniform and rigorous methodology that results in defensible decisions

  8.  Quantify the consequence associated with asset failure asset failure  Quantify the likelihood of an asset failure  Use equation to quantify relative risks of assets  Use equation to quantify relative risks of assets Draft Risk = ƒ (consequence x likelihood) How severe are the How likely is it for o e y s t o consequences of asset the asset to fail? failure?

  9. Refine projections with additional data Top-Down Eleme Element Level t Level Facility Level Facility Level Draft 3 3. Populat Populat Populate asset Populate asset asset asset register register 1. Use Use known data and known data and existi exi ting knowledg ng knowledge 2. Perform condition 2. Perform condition 2. Asse 2. Assess consequence ss consequence and performanc and performance assessments assessments & likelihood of & likelihood of failu failu ilure ilure re to re to determ to determ rmine rmine ine ine 1. 1. Co Collect d llect detailed iled risk risk asset asset informat information 3. Ident Identify gaps gaps and and priority needs priority needs Bottom-Up Refine capital Refi Refi Refine capital ne capital planning and ne capital planning and planning and planning and O&M activi O&M activiti O&M activi O&M activiti ties ties

  10.  How the system, as a whole, is Levels of Service intended to perform in a p measurable way. Usually consists Customers & Other of two parts: Stakeholders Draft  measurable performance bl f specification, Organizational Goals  minimum condition grade Organizational Mission & Vision The Commonwealth Utilities Corporation is dedicated to providing reliable, environmentally sensitive and efficient Power, Water, and Wastewater Treatment services for the people of the CNMI at the lowest reasonable cost while providing safety to the public, employees, and the community. h l d f h bl l d h

  11. Risk = ƒ (consequence Risk = ƒ (consequence x likelihood) likelihood) Draft How severe are the How likely is it for consequences of asset the asset to fail? failure? • Financial impact • Regulatory compliance Categories g • Public confidence/image of Levels • Service delivery of Service • Health and Safety ea a d Sa e y

  12. Consequence by Level of Service Category W ATER LOS Category Wt. Negligible = 1 Low = 4 Moderate = 7 Severe = 10 Wt Health & Safety of Lost-time injury, medical No injuries or adverse No lost-time injuries or Loss of life or widespread water- public and 30% attention required, or water- health effects, medical attention required. borne illness experienced. employees borne illness experienced. Draft Able to be absorbed in Abl t b b b d i Able to be absorbed in CIP budget, or requires May require new borrowing or Financial impact 15% O&M budget’s applicable Requires Board approval budget transfers between impact rates cost center. O & M cost centers No social or economic impact on the community. Minor disruption (e.g., No reactive media No reactive media traffic dust noise) No traffic, dust, noise). No Long term impact Area wide Long-term impact. Area-wide Substantial but short-term coverage. (any media adverse media coverage. disruption. Widespread adverse Public confidence 20% disruption. Adverse media coverage is a result of Minor service interruption, media coverage. Public outcry of coverage due to public impact. proactive announcements service restored without dissatisfaction with utility services. by PCU) No Service public reaction. Interruption Technical violation Technical violation. Violation of secondary Violation of secondary Primary and secondary Environmental Possible notice of violation standard. Probable Violation of primary MCL. 35% drinking water standards compliance but enforcement action is enforcement action but fines Enforcement action with fines likely. met. No permit violations. unlikely. unlikely. 13

  13. ƒ (consequence x Risk = ƒ (consequence x Risk likelihood) likelihood) Draft How severe are the How severe are the How likely is it for consequences of asset the asset to fail? failure? • Condition of asset Condition of asset • Performance of asset • Effectiveness of O&M protocols • Maintenance history

  14. Likelihood by Category for W ater Likelihood Wt Wt Negligible = 1 Unlikely = 2 Possible = 4 Likely = 7 Very Likely = 10 Category Very poor (Condition Poor (Condition Grade 4). Good (Condition Grade Fair (Condition Grade 3). Grade 5). Between 81 Very good (Condition Between 61 and 80 years 2). Between 21 and 40 Between 41 and 60 years and 100 years old. Draft Grade 1). Less than 20 old. Significant backlog years old Minor years old. Minor old. Backlog corrective old Backlog corrective Requires complete Requires complete Physical Condition years old. New or maintenance or partial 50% defects. Minimal maintenance is necessary rehabilitation or (based on age) nearly new. Only rehabilitation required. corrective maintenance likely requiring outside replacement. >50% normal maintenance Outside assistance required. ~ 5% needs assistance. . ~ 10% to requires maintenance. required. needed. ~ 20% to 40% maintenance. 20% needs maintenance. Asset may be needs maintenance. unserviceable. Avg of between 0 and 1 Avg of between 2 and 5 Avg of between 6 and 15 Avg of between 16 and Avg of greater than 25 Performance (no. 40% wos per 300ft over wos per 300 ft over wos per 300 ft over rolling 25 wos per 300 ft over wos per 300 ft over of wos) rolling 5 year period. rolling 5 year period. 5 year period. rolling 5 year period. rolling 5 year period. Low corrosion potential Low-moderate corrosion Moderate corrosion Moderate corrosion Soils 10% High corrosion potential potential potential potential 12

  15.  Develop hierarchy based on available information Level 1 System Water System Level 2 Subsystem Treatment Plant Level 3 Component Intake structure Draft Level 4 Level 4 Subcomponent Subcomponent Screening Screening Level 5 Element Screen 1 Level 5 Element Screen 2 Level 5 Element Screen 3 Level 3 Component Clarification Level 4 Subcomponent Clarifier 1 Level 5 Element Structure Level 5 Element Mechanical Level 3 Component Chemical system Level 4 Subcomponent Sodium hydroxide Level 5 Element Pumps Level 5 Level 5 Element Element Day tank Day tank Initially, stay at Level 4 or 5 and above  Group subcomponents as appropriate Group subcomponents as appropriate  


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