assessment update 2014 2015 next steps

Assessment Update 2014-2015 & Next Steps Every Student Succeeds - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Assessment Update 2014-2015 & Next Steps Every Student Succeeds School Board Meeting September 17, 2015 Assessment Update: 2014-2015 Preliminary Results Presented by: Clinton Page Chief Accountability Officer

  1. Assessment Update 2014-2015 & Next Steps Every Student Succeeds School Board Meeting September 17, 2015

  2. Assessment Update: 2014-2015 Preliminary Results Presented by: Clinton Page Chief Accountability Officer 2

  3. Read All About It 3

  4. Essential Questions • What are the two accountability systems? • How did ACPS perform in 2014-2015 according to each of these systems? • Given the results, what are next steps for 2015-2016? 4

  5. State Accreditation System • Measures achievement levels in English (Reading and Writing), mathematics, science and history/social science. • New this year, schools not meeting the benchmark in the current year or three-year average had the opportunity to meet the benchmark based on a four-year average. 5

  6. State Accreditation Results Fifteen of sixteen schools within ACPS earned state accreditation. • Twelve ACPS schools are Fully Accredited for the 2015-2016 school • year: – Charles Barrett – Matthew Maury – Patrick Henry – Mount Vernon – Cora Kelly – James K. Polk – Lyles-Crouch – Samuel Tucker – Douglas MacArthur – George Washington – George Mason – T.C. Williams Two ACPS schools came out of warning from last year’s accreditation • status. – Patrick Henry earned full accreditation status after being warned for two consecutive years. – T.C. Williams earned full accreditation after previously having been warned in mathematics. 6

  7. State Accreditation Results Schools not receiving Full Accreditation may have their current preliminary • Accreditation statuses changed based on potential Virginia Department of Education action scheduled for October 22, 2015. Three ACPS schools are Accredited with Warning for 2015-2016: John • Adams, William Ramsay, and Francis C. Hammond, which is one less than last year. – John Adams is warned in one area, science, as is William Ramsay, which was warned in three areas last year. – Francis C. Hammond is warned in English and mathematics and is no longer warned in science, compared to 2014-2015. Despite large gains, it is anticipated that Jefferson-Houston will remain in • Accreditation Denied status. 7

  8. State Accreditation Highlights • 10 ACPS schools saw increases across all four content areas • ACPS increased pass rates in all previously warned areas by an average of 11 percentage points. • Patrick Henry, after having been warned in all four content areas two years ago, increased performance by an average of 20 percentage points across all four content areas in the last two years to reach full accreditation this year. 8

  9. State Accreditation Highlights: Jefferson-Houston COMPARISON OF JEFFERSON-HOUSTON'S 2014-2015 a AND 2015-2016 b ACCREDITATION RESULTS Year Content Area Change 2014-2015 2015-2016 +14% English 47% 61% +18% Math 46% 64% +4% History 51% 55% +24% Science 36% 60% a Data based on 2013-2014 school year b Data based on 2014-2015 school year 9

  10. Federal Annual Measurable Objectives (AMO) • Replaced Annual Yearly Progress (AYP) • Measures participation and achievement levels in reading and mathematics • Reports the percent of students passing across nine subgroups at the state, division, and school levels 10

  11. Federal Annual Measurable Objectives (AMO) 11

  12. Federal Annual Measurable Objectives (AMO) Federal AMO’s can be met by: • Exceeding the AMO based on current year’s performance • Exceeding the AMO based on a 3 year average • Reducing the previous year’s failure rate by 10% • Having less than 30 students in a subgroup “Higher Expectations” AMOs can be met by: • Having or maintaining progress within 5% of the previous year • A subgroup that already exceeds the 6-year AMO and showed year-to-year improvement 12

  13. FAMO Highlights 100% 90% 80% 70% 71% 69% 60% 64% 50% 66% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% English Performance - All Students Math Performance - All Students 2013-14 Performance 2014-15 Performance • ACPS saw performance increases across the division in 2014-2015 with five percentage point increases to passing rates across all students in the areas of English and mathematics when compared to the previous year. 13

  14. FAMO Highlights • As a division, ACPS met 16 out of 18 Federal English AMOs and 16 out of 18 Federal Mathematics AMOs. 18 16 17 14 16 16 12 10 8 10 6 4 2 0 English Math AMOs Met in 2013-14 AMOs Met in 2014-15 • Four ACPS schools (Charles Barrett, Patrick Henry, Cora Kelly, and Lyles-Crouch) met all 36 Federal AMOs with “higher expectations” in both English and mathematics. 14

  15. Preliminary AMO Division Reading Performance School Year Data Collected Federal Subgroups 2013-14 2014-15 Met Federal AMO? All Students 66% 71% Yes - R10 Gap Group 1 53% 59% Yes - R10 Gap Group 2 Yes 57% 65% Gap Group 3 54% 57% No Asian Yes - CI 82% 82% Economically Disadvantaged 53% 59% Yes - R10 Limited English Proficient Yes - R10 45% 51% Students with Disabilities 36% 37% No White Yes - MP 89% 91% 100% 100% 90% 90% 80% 80% 80% 80% 76% 75% 72% 70% 70% 69% 65% 82% 66% 91% 65% 64% 82% 89% 61% 60% 60% 60% 59% 59% 57% 54% 52% 50% 50% 42% 40% 40% 71% 65% 66% 30% 59% 59% 30% 57% 57% 53% 54% 53% 51% 45% 20% 20% 37% 36% 10% 10% 0% 0% All Students Gap Gr 1 Gap Gr 2 Gap Gr 3 Asian FRL LEP SPED White All Students Gap Gr 1 Gap Gr 2 Gap Gr 3 Asian FRL LEP SPED White 2013-14 English Performance 2013-14 English Benchmark 2014-2015 English Performance 2014-2015 English Benchmark 15

  16. FAMO Results Summary - English • ACPS met seven out of nine Federal English performance AMOs by either the current year score being above the benchmark or a 10% reduction in the previous year’s failure rate. • In comparison to 2013-2014 performance, division English scores increased or remained constant across all AMO subgroups. • The greatest increase in performance among subgroups was that of gap group 2 (black students), which rose from 57% last year to 65% this year. 16

  17. FAMO Results Summary - English • Students with Disabilities and gap group 3 (Hispanic students) did not meet AMO targets at the division level based on their 2014-2015 performance levels. • Performance within the Students with Disabilities subgroup increased one percentage point while the benchmark increased 12 percentage points when compared to last year. • English performance for gap group 3 (Hispanic students) also fell below the benchmark (-9%) yet increased from the previous year (+3%) . 17

  18. Preliminary AMO Division Mathematics Performance School Year Data Collected Federal Subgroups 2013-14 2014-15 Met Federal AMO? All Students 64% 69% Yes Gap Group 1 Yes - R10 53% 58% Gap Group 2 55% 62% Yes Gap Group 3 Yes - R10 53% 57% Asian 78% 82% Yes - CI Economically Disadvantaged Yes - R10 52% 58% Limited English Proficient 51% 55% No Students with Disabilities 30% 35% No White Yes - MP 87% 89% 100% 100% 90% 90% 82% 82% 80% 80% 70% 70% 70% 71% 66% 68% 82% 65% 63% 89% 87% 63% 62% 60% 60% 60% 59% 57% 57% 56% 57% 78% 53% 50% 49% 50% 69% 40% 64% 40% 30% 62% 30% 55% 58% 58% 57% 53% 53% 52% 55% 51% 20% 20% 35% 30% 10% 10% 0% 0% All Students SPED Gap Gr 1 Gap Gr 2 Gap Gr 3 Asian FRL LEP White All Students Gap Gr 1 Gap Gr 2 Gap Gr 3 LEP SPED Asian FRL White 2013-14 Math Performance 2013-14 Math Benchmark 2014-15 Math Performance 2014-15 Math Benchmark 18

  19. FAMO Results Summary - Mathematics • ACPS met seven out of nine Federal Mathematics performance AMOs , which is in stark contrast to the 2013-2014 school year in which only one was met. • As with English scores, mathematics scores across the division also exceeded those of last year. In comparison to 2013-2014 performance, mathematics scores increased across all AMO subgroups (ranging from +2 to +7 percentage points ). • Again, the greatest increase in performance was for gap group 2 (black students), which rose from 55% last year to 62% this year. 19

  20. FAMO Results Summary - Mathematics • Students with Disabilities and Limited English Proficient (LEP) students did not meet AMO targets at the division level based on their 2014-2015 performance levels. • Performance within the Students with Disabilities subgroup increased five percentage points while the benchmark increased eight percentage points when compared to last year. • Math performance for LEP students also fell below the benchmark (-4%) yet increased from the previous year (+4%) . 20


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