assessment made easy

Assessment Made Easy Automated Assessment for More Effective - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Assessment Made Easy Automated Assessment for More Effective Treatment Scott L. Cone, Ph.D. Talbot Hall, Assessment & Treatment Center Community Education Centers Can this data Can I share this be aggregated data regularly with

  1. Assessment Made Easy Automated Assessment for More Effective Treatment Scott L. Cone, Ph.D. Talbot Hall, Assessment & Treatment Center Community Education Centers

  2. Can this data Can I share this be aggregated data regularly with TODAY’S to measure the offenders, relevant counselors, practices? supervisors, and FOCUS Crime and Justice administrators? Institute at Community Resources for Justice (2009). Implementing Can this be Evidence-Based Policy and Practice in done in an Community efficient, cost- Corrections , 2nd ed. effective Washington, DC: manner? National Institute of Corrections.

  3. The Assessment Process STEP 3 STEP 1 STEP 2 STEP 4 STEP 5

  4. Institute of Behavioral Research at Texas Christian University (TCU) � TCU CJ CEST (CJ - criminal justice version) � Client Evaluation of Self and Treatment � TCU CTS � Criminal Thinking Scales � TCU DS - II � Drug Screen II

  5. Test Format Disagree Disagree Uncertain Agree Agree Strongly Strongly You have people close to you who motivate and 1 A B C D E encourage your recovery. 183 Questions on Pre Assessment Test 200 Questions on Post Assessment Test Multiple questions make up each score.

  6. Identifying Information & Validity � Five validity questions for a score between 0 and 20. � >9 is considered invalid

  7. Validity Question Disagree Disagree Uncertain Agree Agree Strongly Strongly You are putting some A B C D E effort into this test HOW DO YOU THINK GUYS RESPOND?

  8. Validity Question Disagree Disagree Uncertain Agree Agree Strongly Strongly You are putting some A B C D E effort into this test ?% ?% ?% ?% ?% Totals to 100%

  9. Validity Question Disagree Disagree Uncertain Agree Agree Strongly Strongly You are putting some A B C D E effort into this test 1% 3% 1% 43% 52%

  10. Validity Question Disagree Disagree Uncertain Agree Agree Strongly Strongly Your favorite author is A B C D E Logan Scott

  11. Validity Question Disagree Disagree Uncertain Agree Agree Strongly Strongly Your favorite author is A B C D E Logan Scott HOW DO YOU THINK GUYS RESPOND?

  12. Validity Question Disagree Disagree Uncertain Agree Agree Strongly Strongly Your favorite author is A B C D E Logan Scott 35% 47% 17% 2% .3% Is this lying or just trying to look good?

  13. Identifying Information & Validity

  14. Client Evaluation of Self and Treatment CJ CEST (CJ - criminal justice version) Treatment Needs & Motivation • Problem Recognition, Desire for Help, Treatment • Readiness, External Pressure, Treatment Needs Psychological Functioning • Self Esteem, Depression, Anxiety, Decision Making • Social Functioning • Hostility, Risk Taking, Social Support • Treatment Engagement Process (post only) • Participation, Satisfaction, Rapport, Peer Support •

  15. INTERPRETING SCORES Disagree Agree Strongly Disagree Uncertain Agree Strongly 1 2 3 4 5 •Residents answers are scored from 1 to 5, •An average score (mean) is calculated for each category, •The mean is then multiplied by 10 so the scale ranges from 10-50 •10 – strong disagreement •30 – uncertain or neutral •50 – strong agreement

  16. Desire for Help Disagree Disagree Uncertain Agree Agree Strongly Strongly 3 You need help dealing with 4 your criminal behavior A B C D E It is urgent you find help immediately for you criminal A B C D E 27 3 behavior Your life has gone out of 4 control 54 A B C D E You are tired of all the problems caused by your A B C 3 D E criminal behavior. 71 You want to get your life 94 straightened out. A B C D E 5

  17. Desire for Help Subscale = 3 8 4 4 The average response to 3 +3 these questions 4 is 3.8. +4 Multiply by 10 3 +3 and the DH Score 5 is 38. +5 Sum = 19, 19 divided by 5 = 3.8

  18. Motivated for Treatment That is where this score comes from.

  19. INTERPRETING SCORES Disagree Agree Strongly Disagree Uncertain Agree Strongly 10 20 30 40 50 Subscale = 3 8 This resident AGREES that he Desires Help

  20. Motivated for Treatment Is Mr. Jersey Offender motivated for treatment?

  21. Motivated for Treatment

  22. INTERPRETING SCORES Disagree Agree Strongly Disagree Uncertain Agree Strongly 10 20 30 40 50 Subscale = 2 7 Subscale = 3 3 At Intake, Mr. Jersey At Discharge, Mr. Offender DISAGREED Jersey Offender was a with statements that bit more ambivalent he Desires Help regarding statements that he Desires Help

  23. WHAT IS THE TALBOT AVERAGE FOR Desire for Help (DH)? 10 20 30 40 50 DISAGREE DISAGREE UNCERTAIN AGREE AGREE STRONGY STRONGLY You need help dealing with your criminal behavior It is urgent you find help immediately for you criminal behavior Your life has gone out of control You are tired of all the problems caused by your criminal behavior. You want to get your life straightened out.

  24. WHAT IS THE TALBOT AVERAGE FOR Desire for Help (DH)? 10 20 30 40 50 DESIRES MINIMAL UNCERTAIN DESIRES REALLY NO HELP HELP HELP MOTIVATED Mean You need help dealing with your criminal behavior 2% = 35.80 20% It is urgent you find help immediately for you criminal behavior What percentage are NOT What percentage are REALLY Motivated (<25)? REALLY Motivated (>40)? Your life has gone out of control You are tired of all the problems caused by your criminal behavior. You want to get your life straightened out.

  25. WHAT IS THE TALBOT AVERAGE FOR Problem Recognition (PR)? 10 20 30 40 50 DISAGREE DISAGREE UNCERTAIN AGREE AGREE STRONGY STRONGLY Your criminal behavior is a problem for you. Your criminal behavior is more trouble than it is worth. Your criminal behavior is causing problems with your family or work. Your criminal behavior is making your life become worse and worse. Your criminal behavior is going to cause your death.

  26. WHAT IS THE TALBOT AVERAGE FOR Problem Recognition (PR)? 10 20 30 40 50 IT’S ALL NO REAL UNCERTAIN SOME I’M A GOOD PROBLEMS PROBLEMS MESS!! Mean Your criminal behavior is a problem for you. 19% = 31.70 10% Your criminal behavior is more trouble than it is worth. What percentage see NO What percentage really Problems (<25)? Recognize they have Your criminal behavior is causing problems with your family or work. Problems (>40)? Your criminal behavior is making your life become worse and worse. Your criminal behavior is going to cause your death.

  27. Impact on Motivation in Residents with Low Problem Recognition at Intake Enhanced Motivation Pre Test Scores Post Post TR DH 35 35 31.53 30.39 Pre Pre 30 30 Pre Pre TR TR DH DH 23.37 23.37 25 25 21.15 21.15 20 20 15 15 Residents’ Desire for Help (DH) (DH) Desire for Help 10 10 and Treatment Readiness (TR) (TR) Treatment Readiness Increased Significantly Cone (2008). OSAR, Vol 8(1).

  28. Psychological & Social Functioning Hostility is an IMPORTANT value to check out.

  29. Note that the resident’s score (34) is WELL ABOVE average according to TCU norms

  30. WHAT IS THE TALBOT AVERAGE FOR Hostility (HS)? 10 20 30 40 50 DISAGREE DISAGREE UNCERTAIN AGREE AGREE STRONGY STRONGLY You feel a lot of anger inside of you. You have a hot temper. You like others to feel afraid of you. You get mad at other people easily. You have urges to fight or hurt others.

  31. WHAT IS THE TALBOT AVERAGE FOR Hostility (HS)? 10 20 30 40 50 CALM & FAIRLY UNCERTAIN ANGRY & DANGER PEACEFUL CALM HOSTILE XXX Mean 85% 4% You feel a lot of anger inside of you. = 19.67 You have a hot temper. What percentage do not have What percentage admit anger issues (<25)? anger issues (> 30 )? You like others to feel afraid of you. You get mad at other people easily. You have urges to fight or hurt others.

  32. WHAT IS THE TALBOT AVERAGE FOR Decision Making (DM)? 10 20 30 40 50 DISAGREE DISAGREE UNCERTAIN AGREE AGREE STRONGY STRONGLY You consider how your actions will affect others. You plan ahead. You think about what causes your current problems. You make good decisions. You analyze problems by looking at all choices.

  33. WHAT IS THE TALBOT AVERAGE FOR Decision Making (DM)? 10 20 30 40 50 RECKLESS BAD UNCERTAIN GOOD ON POINT DECISIONS DECISIONS Mean You consider how your actions will affect others. 1% = 39.33 34% You plan ahead. What percentage admit to poor What percentage make decision making (<25)? great decisions (>40)? You think about what causes your current problems. You make good decisions. You analyze problems by looking at all choices.

  34. How about Thinking? Criminal

  35. Criminal Thinking Scale (CTS) Entitlement • Society owes you a better life. • Justification • Breaking the law is no big deal as long as you do not physically • harm someone. Power Orientation • You like to be in control. • Cold Heartedness • Seeing someone cry makes you sad. • Rationalizing • Anything can be fixed in court if you have the right connections. • Irresponsibility • You are in prison now because you had a run of bad luck. •


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