Outline Introduction ASSAM Annotator OATS Conclusion ASSAM: A Tool for Semi-Automatically Annotating Semantic Web Services Andreas Heß, Eddie Johnston and Nicholas Kushmerick University College Dublin, Ireland November 10, 2004 4 , Andreas Heß ASSAM
Outline Introduction ASSAM Annotator OATS Conclusion Outline Introduction 1 Motivation Progress made ASSAM Annotator 2 The Annotator Application Relational Learning Evaluation OATS 3 Conclusion 4 Andreas Heß ASSAM
Outline Introduction Motivation ASSAM Annotator Progress made OATS Conclusion Outline Introduction 1 Motivation Progress made ASSAM Annotator 2 The Annotator Application Relational Learning Evaluation OATS 3 Conclusion 4 Andreas Heß ASSAM
Outline Introduction Motivation ASSAM Annotator Progress made OATS Conclusion Outline Introduction 1 Motivation Progress made ASSAM Annotator 2 The Annotator Application Relational Learning Evaluation OATS 3 Conclusion 4 Andreas Heß ASSAM
Outline Introduction Motivation ASSAM Annotator Progress made OATS Conclusion Semantic Web Services Desired Features Automatic discovery Automatic composition Automatic invocation Andreas Heß ASSAM
Outline Introduction Motivation ASSAM Annotator Progress made OATS Conclusion Semantic Metadata Assumptions Semantic annotation, e.g. OWL-S Shared ontology Problems Hand-crafting annotations can be tedious Integrate legacy web services Our Solution Learn mappings to ontology! Andreas Heß ASSAM
Outline Introduction Motivation ASSAM Annotator Progress made OATS Conclusion Semantic Metadata Assumptions Semantic annotation, e.g. OWL-S Shared ontology Problems Hand-crafting annotations can be tedious Integrate legacy web services Our Solution Learn mappings to ontology! Andreas Heß ASSAM
Outline Introduction Motivation ASSAM Annotator Progress made OATS Conclusion Semantic Metadata Assumptions Semantic annotation, e.g. OWL-S Shared ontology Problems Hand-crafting annotations can be tedious Integrate legacy web services Our Solution Learn mappings to ontology! Andreas Heß ASSAM
Outline Introduction Motivation ASSAM Annotator Progress made OATS Conclusion What is learned? Learn from: Web Service as a whole Operations Parameters Features used: Names Operations Parameters Web Service Comments (if available) Andreas Heß ASSAM
Outline Introduction Motivation ASSAM Annotator Progress made OATS Conclusion Outline Introduction 1 Motivation Progress made ASSAM Annotator 2 The Annotator Application Relational Learning Evaluation OATS 3 Conclusion 4 Andreas Heß ASSAM
Outline Introduction Motivation ASSAM Annotator Progress made OATS Conclusion Progress Earlier Now Classifying Services Classifying Services, Operations, Datatypes Ensemble Learning Relational Learning Application that can export OWL-S New OATS algorithm for output aggregation Andreas Heß ASSAM
Outline Introduction Motivation ASSAM Annotator Progress made OATS Conclusion Progress Earlier Now Classifying Services Classifying Services, Operations, Datatypes Ensemble Learning Relational Learning Application that can export OWL-S New OATS algorithm for output aggregation Andreas Heß ASSAM
Outline Introduction Motivation ASSAM Annotator Progress made OATS Conclusion Progress Earlier Now Classifying Services Classifying Services, Operations, Datatypes Ensemble Learning Relational Learning Application that can export OWL-S New OATS algorithm for output aggregation Andreas Heß ASSAM
Outline Introduction Motivation ASSAM Annotator Progress made OATS Conclusion Progress Earlier Now Classifying Services Classifying Services, Operations, Datatypes Ensemble Learning Relational Learning Application that can export OWL-S New OATS algorithm for output aggregation Andreas Heß ASSAM
Outline Introduction Motivation ASSAM Annotator Progress made OATS Conclusion Progress Earlier Now Classifying Services Classifying Services, Operations, Datatypes Ensemble Learning Relational Learning Application that can export OWL-S New OATS algorithm for output aggregation Andreas Heß ASSAM
Outline Introduction Motivation ASSAM Annotator Progress made OATS Conclusion Progress Earlier Now Classifying Services Classifying Services, Operations, Datatypes Ensemble Learning Relational Learning Application that can export OWL-S New OATS algorithm for output aggregation Andreas Heß ASSAM
Outline Introduction The Annotator Application ASSAM Annotator Relational Learning OATS Evaluation Conclusion Outline Introduction 1 Motivation Progress made ASSAM Annotator 2 The Annotator Application Relational Learning Evaluation OATS 3 Conclusion 4 Andreas Heß ASSAM
Outline Introduction The Annotator Application ASSAM Annotator Relational Learning OATS Evaluation Conclusion Outline Introduction 1 Motivation Progress made ASSAM Annotator 2 The Annotator Application Relational Learning Evaluation OATS 3 Conclusion 4 Andreas Heß ASSAM
Outline Introduction The Annotator Application ASSAM Annotator Relational Learning OATS Evaluation Conclusion Our Application Andreas Heß ASSAM
Outline Introduction The Annotator Application ASSAM Annotator Relational Learning OATS Evaluation Conclusion Our Application +⇧⌃⌃ A/⌃= ⌘⇤ ⌃⇧A/✏⌃ (⌥⌧⌃⇢⌘⇧- *⌘6⌥/⇤L*⌥⌧⌥⌧-%⌃ ⌘⇤⌧⌘✓⌘⇢- ⌘⇤⌧⌘✓⌘⇢/⌃ *⌘✏6⌃⇤⌧⌥⌧/⌘⇤ <⌘⇤⌅ /⇤ ?>*⇡ ⇡/⌧ ⌘< =⌃@ ⌃⇧A/✏⌃ 2✓⌥/⇤ ?>*⇡ A/⌃= Andreas Heß ASSAM
Outline Introduction The Annotator Application ASSAM Annotator Relational Learning OATS Evaluation Conclusion ASSAM’s Key Feature 3⌃✏⌘66⌃⇤⌅⌃⌅ ⌥⇤⇤⌘⌧⌥⌧/⌘⇤ Andreas Heß ASSAM
Outline Introduction The Annotator Application ASSAM Annotator Relational Learning OATS Evaluation Conclusion OWL-S Export !=⌦⇥6>↵?>=⇧⇤↵⌅⇠6◆⇢6◆*✓⌥=✓*⌥⇢5 !=⌦⇥6>↵?>=⇧⇤↵⌅*✓⌥=✓#⌥⌦◆5 !-↵⇧⌥>!./ ⌦↵,⇧0⌥⌅6✓✏⇣1◆✓2⇤↵⌅3"4⇥↵!⇣;5 !;=⌦⇥6>↵?>=⇧⇤↵⌅*✓⌥=✓#⌥⌦◆5 !=⌦⇥6>↵?>=⇧-⌅◆$⌦⌥>,⇥⌦⌧⌥◆?⇥> ⌦↵,⇧⇢⌥⌦✓$!⇢✓✏⇣+?◆✓⌦⌥⌅⇣5 !-⌅⇧◆!⌅✓✓✓◆ 0✓⌦?⇥>✏⇣(@'⇣ -⌧⌅>⇧-⌅✏⇣◆◆⇢⇧;;⇤⇤⇤@⇤%@⇥⌦=;(555;),+;$⌦⌥>,⇥⌦⌧⇣5 !⇥⇤⌅⇧⌃⌅⌥ ⌦↵,⇧ .✏⇣⌘✓⌥◆✓⌦⇣5 !-⌅⇧⇥6◆⇢6◆ ⌧✓◆⇥↵✏⇣-⌧⌅⇣ ?>↵✓>◆✏⇣!✓⇣;5 !⌦↵,⇧6⌫⌃⌅⌥⇠, ⌦↵,⇧⌦✓⇥6⌦⇡✓✏⇣◆◆⇢⇧;;⌧⇥=6>◆?⌥@6⇡↵@?✓;⇥⇤⌅;.⌥◆⌥◆!⇢✓@⇥⇤⌅"⌘✓⌥◆✓⌦⇣;5 !-⌅⇧◆✓⌧⇢⌅⌥◆✓ ⌧⌥◆⇡✏⇣;⇣5 !;⇥⇤⌅⇧⌃⌅⌥5 !⌦↵,⇧/.6 -⌧⌅>⇧⌦↵,✏⇣◆◆⇢⇧;;⇤⇤⇤@⇤%@⇥⌦=;(555;'&;&&7⌦↵,7!>◆⌥-7>⇣ !⇥⇤⌅⇧.⌥◆⌥◆!⇢✓#⌦⇥⇢✓⌦◆! ⌦↵,⇧ .✏⇣$?⌧✓⇣5 -⌧⌅>⇧◆✓2⇡⇥>⇡✓⇢◆✏⇣1◆✓2⇡⇥>⇡✓⇢◆3⇣ !⌦↵,⇧⌦⌥>=✓ ⌦↵,⇧⌦✓⇥6⌦⇡✓✏⇣◆◆⇢⇧;;⇤⇤⇤@⇤%@⇥⌦=;&''(;)*+,⇡✓⌧⌥"◆⌦?>=⇣;5 -⌧⌅>⇧◆✓2⇢⌦⇥⇡✓✏⇣1◆✓2⇢⌦⇥⇡✓3⇣5 !⌦↵,⇧↵⇥⌧⌥?> ⌦↵,⇧⌦✓⇥6⌦⇡✓✏⇣"⌘✓⌥◆✓⌦⇣;5 !◆✓2⇡⇥>⇡✓⇢◆⇧⌘✓⌥◆✓⌦5 !⌦↵,⇧6⌫#⌦⇥⇢✓⌦◆!⇠, ⌦↵,⇧⌦✓⇥6⌦⇡✓✏⇣◆◆⇢⇧;;⌧⇥=6>◆?⌥@6⇡↵@?✓;⇥⇤⌅;.⌥◆⌥◆!⇢✓@⇥⇤⌅"$?⌧✓⇣;5 !◆✓2⇡⇥>⇡✓⇢◆⇧$?⌧✓5 !;⇥⇤⌅⇧.⌥◆⌥◆!⇢✓#⌦⇥⇢✓⌦◆!5 !-⌅⇧0⌥⌅6✓7⇥, ✓⌅✓⇡◆✏⇣4⇥↵!;$?⌧✓⇣;5 !⇥⇤⌅⇧.⌥◆⌥◆!⇢✓#⌦⇥⇢✓⌦◆! ⌦↵,⇧ .✏⇣$✓⌧⇢✓⌦⌥◆6⌦✓⇣5 !;◆✓2⇡⇥>⇡✓⇢◆⇧$?⌧✓5 !⌦↵,⇧⌦⌥>=✓ ⌦↵,⇧⌦✓⇥6⌦⇡✓✏⇣◆◆⇢⇧;;⇤⇤⇤@⇤%@⇥⌦=;&''(;)*+,⇡✓⌧⌥"◆⌦?>=⇣;5 !⌦↵,⇧↵⇥⌧⌥?> ⌦↵,⇧⌦✓⇥6⌦⇡✓✏⇣"⌘✓⌥◆✓⌦⇣;5 !⌦↵,⇧6⌫#⌦⇥⇢✓⌦◆!⇠, ⌦↵,⇧⌦✓⇥6⌦⇡✓✏⇣◆◆⇢⇧;;⌧⇥=6>◆?⌥@6⇡↵@?✓;⇥⇤⌅;.⌥◆⌥◆!⇢✓@⇥⇤⌅"$✓⌧⇢✓⌦⌥◆6⌦✓⇣;5 !;⇥⇤⌅⇧.⌥◆⌥◆!⇢✓#⌦⇥⇢✓⌦◆!5 Andreas Heß ASSAM
Outline Introduction The Annotator Application ASSAM Annotator Relational Learning OATS Evaluation Conclusion OWL-S Export ASSAM generates... Grounding Profile Process Model Concepts (like WSDL2DAML-S by Paolucci, Sycara et al.) Andreas Heß ASSAM
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