asphalt production asphalt plants

Asphalt Production Asphalt Plants Batch Plant Drum Plant Produces - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Asphalt Production Asphalt Plants Batch Plant Drum Plant Produces asphalt one batch at a time Produces asphalt continuously Relatively low production capacities Very high production capacities Easy to change to a new mix as needed Storage

  1. Asphalt Production

  2. Asphalt Plants Batch Plant Drum Plant Produces asphalt one batch at a time Produces asphalt continuously Relatively low production capacities Very high production capacities Easy to change to a new mix as needed Storage silos hold accumulated mix CIVL 4155/6155 2

  3. Material Flow (Taken from The Asphalt Institute Manual ES-1, Second Edition) Liquid Asphalt Cement Heating Drying Cold Feed Bins Stockpiled Aggregate CIVL 4155/6155 3

  4. Material Stockpiles CIVL 4155/6155 4

  5. Batch Plant Hot Elevator Secondary Primary Dust Dust Collector Collector Control Room Cold Elevator Storage silos can help to make up for low production capacities by making mix even when trucks aren’t waiting to load CIVL 4155/6155 5

  6. Cold Feed Bins Cold Elevator CIVL 4155/6155 6

  7. Aggregate Dryer CIVL 4155/6155 7

  8. Dryer Cutaway CIVL 4155/6155 8

  9. Mixing Tower Cutaway (Taken from The Asphalt Institute Manual ES-1, Second Edition) SCREEN DECK & HOT BINS HOT ELEVATOR CIVL 4155/6155 9

  10. Screen Deck & Hot Bins (Taken from The Asphalt Institute Manual ES-1, Second Edition) CIVL 4155/6155 10

  11. Pugmill Mixer (Taken from The Asphalt Institute Manual ES-1, Second Edition) CIVL 4155/6155 11

  12. Typical Mixing Cycle 2. Asphalt cement enters 1. Aggregate enters pugmill from spraybar pugmill from weigh box 3. Aggregate and asphalt 4. Finished mix discharged 5. Pugmill gate closes to cement are mixed through pugmill gate receive the next batch CIVL 4155/6155 12

  13. Storage SLAT CONVEYOR Heated silos can store asphalt for up to 4 days CIVL 4155/6155 13

  14. Batch Plant Secondary Primary Dust Dust Collector Collector Control Room CIVL 4155/6155 14

  15. Drum Plant Storage Silo Control Room RAP = Recycled Asphalt Product CIVL 4155/6155 15

  16. Asphalt Milling CIVL 4155/6155 16

  17. RAP Stockpiles CIVL 4155/6155 17

  18. Fractionated RAP CIVL 4155/6155 18

  19. Drum Plant Storage Silo Control Room CIVL 4155/6155 19

  20. Types of Drum Plants • Parallel-Flow Drum Plant – Oldest style of drum plant – Aggregate flows in same direction as burner gases • Counter-Flow Drum Plant – Aggregate flows counter to the burner gases – Introduced to keep asphalt cement from burning • Double-Drum Plant – Asphalt cement kept separated from burner gases CIVL 4155/6155 20

  21. Parallel-Flow Drum Plant (Taken from The U. S. Army Corps of Engineers Hot Mix Paving Handbook ) Drying and Heating Mixing Asphalt cement exposed to hot burner gases CIVL 4155/6155 21

  22. Counter-Flow Drum Plant (Taken from The U. S. Army Corps of Engineers Hot Mix Paving Handbook ) RAP introduced behind the burner Asphalt cement introduced behind the burner CIVL 4155/6155 22

  23. Double-Drum Plant (Taken from The U. S. Army Corps of Engineers Hot Mix Paving Handbook ) CIVL 4155/6155 23

  24. Double-Drum Plant (Taken from The ASTEC Double-Barrel Brochure) Burner Combustion Showering Conditioning Zone Flights Flights Flights CIVL 4155/6155 24

  25. Double-Drum Plant (Taken from The ASTEC Double-Barrel Brochure) RAP Enters Here Burner AC Enters Final Product Here Exits Here CIVL 4155/6155 25

  26. Portable Drum Plant CIVL 4155/6155 26

  27. Fixed Drum Plant CIVL 4155/6155 27

  28. Hot Mix Asphalt Paving

  29. Paving Train Rubber Vibrating Tired Steel Drum Asphalt Roller Dump Roller Paver Truck CIVL 4155/6155 30

  30. Asphalt Paver Hopper Screed Side Arm CIVL 4155/6155 31

  31. Asphalt Paver Hopper Screed Side Arm CIVL 4155/6155 32

  32. Asphalt Paver Source: PTC Pavement Guide Interactive CIVL 4155/6155 33

  33. Asphalt Paver Source: PTC Pavement Guide Interactive CIVL 4155/6155 34

  34. Paving Train Material Transfer Dump Truck Asphalt Paver Device CIVL 4155/6155 35

  35. Material Transfer Device CIVL 4155/6155 36

  36. Asphalt Compaction CIVL 4155/6155 37

  37. Asphalt Compaction Asphalt Paver Screed Vibratory Breakdown Roller Pneumatic Intermediate Roller Steel-Drum Finishing Roller Traffic CIVL 4155/6155 38

  38. Asphalt Paver Screed Provides about 85% of the final compaction density Asphalt Paver Vibrating Screed CIVL 4155/6155 39

  39. Vibratory Breakdown Roller CIVL 4155/6155 40

  40. Intermediate and Finishing Rollers Rubber Tire Steel Drum Intermediate Roller Finishing Roller CIVL 4155/6155 41


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