arxiv 8 dec 2018 main question

Arxiv, 8 dec 2018 Main question How does a GAN represent our visual - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Arxiv, 8 dec 2018 Main question How does a GAN represent our visual world internally? How do activations in the generator correlate with concepts in the output image? Dissection Results In the dining room dataset, a unit emerges to match

  1. Arxiv, 8 dec 2018

  2. Main question How does a GAN represent our visual world internally? How do activations in the generator correlate with concepts in the output image?

  3. Dissection

  4. Results In the dining room dataset, a unit emerges to match dining table regions. More interestingly, the matched tables have different colors, materials, geometry, viewpoints, and levels of clutter: the only obvious commonality among these regions is the concept of a table. This unit’s featuremap correlates to the fully supervised segmentation model (Xiao et al., 2018) with a high IoU of 0.34.

  5. Results • The set of all object classes matched by the units of a GAN provides a map of what a GAN has learned about the data. • Conference room GAN learns chairs, table, etc., • Bedroom GAN learns bed, window, etc. • Many units represent parts of objects: for example, the conference room GAN contains separate units for the body and head of a person. • Depth influences unit semantics

  6. Debugging GANs • By examining unit semantics, we confirm that [contribution of ProGAN] increases not only the realism of results, but also the diversity of concepts represented by units: the number of types of objects, parts, and materials matching units increases by more than 40%.

  7. Causal intervention

  8. Fixing GANS Strikingly, this simple manual change to a network beats state- of-the-art GANs models.

  9. GAN image editing: removal

  10. GAN image editing: insertion

  11. •


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