artificial intelligence reinforcement learning

ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE Reinforcement learning Lecturer: Silja - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Utrecht University INFOB2KI 2019-2020 The Netherlands ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE Reinforcement learning Lecturer: Silja Renooij These slides are part of the INFOB2KI Course Notes available from Outline

  1. Utrecht University INFOB2KI 2019-2020 The Netherlands ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE Reinforcement learning Lecturer: Silja Renooij These slides are part of the INFOB2KI Course Notes available from

  2. Outline  Reinforcement learning basics  Relation with MDPs  Model‐based and model‐free learning  Exploitation vs. exploration  (Approximate Q‐learning) 2

  3. Reinforcement learning RL methods are employed to address two related problems: the Prediction Problem and the Control Problem .  Prediction: learn value function for a (fixed) policy and use that to predict reward for future actions.  Control: learn, by interacting with the environment, a policy which maximizes the reward when traveling through state space  obtain an optimal policy which allows for action planning and optimal control. 3

  4. Control learning Consider learning to choose actions, e.g.  Robot learns to dock on battery charger  Learn to optimize factory output  Learn to play Backgammon Note several problem characteristics:  Delayed reward  Opportunity for active exploration  Possibility that state only partially observable  … 4

  5. Examples of Reinforcement Learning  Robocup Soccer Teams (Stone & Veloso, Reidmiller et al.) – World’s best player of simulated soccer, 1999; Runner‐up 2000  Inventory Management (Van Roy, Bertsekas, Lee & Tsitsiklis) – 10‐15% improvement over industry standard methods  Dynamic Channel Assignment ( Singh & Bertsekas, Nie & Haykin) – World's best assigner of radio channels to mobile telephone calls  Elevator Control (Crites & Barto) – (Probably) world's best down‐peak elevator controller  Many Robots – navigation, bi‐pedal walking, grasping, switching between skills...  Games: TD‐Gammon, Jellyfish (Tesauro, Dahl), AlphaGo (Deepmind) – World's best backgammon & Go players (Alpha Go: 5

  6. Key Features of RL  Agent learns by interacting with environment  Agent learns from the consequences of its actions, rather than from being explicitly taught, by receiving a reinforcement signal  Because of chance, agent has to try things repeatedly  Agent makes mistakes, even if it learns intelligently (regret)  Agent selects its actions based on its past experiences ( exploitation ) and also on new choices ( exploration )  trial and error learning  Possibly sacrifices short‐term gains for larger long‐term gains 6

  7. Reinforcement vs Supervised Training Info Input x from Learning Output (based on) h(x) environment System The general learning task: learn a model or function h, that approximates the true function f , from a training set. Training info is of following form: • (x,~f(x)) for supervised learning • (x, reinforcement signal from environment) for reinforcement learning 7

  8. Reinforcement Learning: idea Agent State: s Actions: a Reward: r Environment  Basic idea: – Receive feedback in the form of rewards – Agent’s return in long run is defined by the reward function – Must (learn to) act so as to maximize expected return – All learning is based on observed samples of outcomes! 8

  9. The Agent-Environment Interface Agent reward action state r t a t s t r t+ 1 Environment s t+ 1 Agent:   Interacts with environment at time t 0 , 1 , 2 , K  s S  Observes state at step t : t  a A(s )  Produces action at step t : t t  r R  Gets resulting reward:  t 1  And resulting next state: s  t 1 r t + 1 s t +1 r t +2 s t +2 r t +3 . . . . . . s t +3 s t a a a a t t +1 t +2 t +3 9

  10. Degree of Abstraction  Time steps: need not be fixed intervals of real time.  Actions: – low level (e.g., voltages to motors) – high level (e.g., accept a job offer) – “mental” (e.g., shift in focus of attention), etc.  States: – low‐level “sensations” – abstract, symbolic, based on memory, ... – subjective (e.g., the state of being “surprised” or “lost”).  Reward computation: in the agent’s environment (because the agent cannot change it arbitrarily)  The environment is not necessarily unknown to the agent, only incompletely controllable. 10

  11. RL as MDP The best studied case is when RL can be formulated as a (finite) Markov Decision Process (MDP), i.e. we assume:  A (finite) set of states s  S  A set of actions (per state) A  A model T(s,a,s’)  A reward function R(s,a,s’)  Markov assumption  Still looking for a policy  (s)  New twist: we don’t know T or R ! – I.e. we don’t know which states are good or what the actions do – Must actually try actions and states out to learn 11

  12. An Example: Recycling robot  At each step, robot has to decide whether it should – (1) actively search for a can, – (2) wait for someone to bring it a can, or – (3) go to home base and recharge.  Searching is better but runs down the battery; if it runs out of power while searching, it has to be rescued (which is bad).  Actions are chosen based on current energy level (states): high, low.  Reward = number of cans collected 12

  13. Recycling Robot MDP   S  high , low search  R expected no. of cans while searching   A ( high )  search , wait  wait R expected no. of cans while waiting   A ( low )  search , wait , recharge  search wait R R 1, R wait 1— β , —3 β , R search search wait recharge 1, 0 low high wait search 1, R wait search α , R α , R search 1— 13

  14. MDPs and RL Known MDP: offline Solution, no learning Goal Technique Compute V π Policy evaluation Compute V*,  * Value / policy iteration Unknown MDP: Model‐Based Unknown MDP: Model‐Free Goal Technique Goal Technique Compute V*,  * VI/PI Compute V π Direct evaluation on approximated TD‐learning MDP Compute Q*,  * Q‐learning 14

  15. Model-Based Learning  Model‐Based Idea: – Learn an approximate model based on experiences – Solve for values, as if the learned model were correct  Step 1: Learn empirical MDP model – Count outcomes s’ for each s, a – Normalize to give an estimate of – Discover each when we experience (s, a, s’)  Step 2: Solve the learned MDP – For example, use value iteration, as before: 15

  16. Model-Free Learning  Model‐Free idea: – Directly learn (approximate) state values, based on experiences  Methods (a.o.): I. Direct evaluation Passive: use fixed policy II. Temporal difference learning III. Q‐learning Active: ‘off‐policy’ Remember: this is NOT offline planning! You actually take actions in the world. 16

  17. I: Direct Evaluation  Goal: Compute V(s) under given   Idea: Average ‘reward to go’ of visits First act according to  for several episodes/epochs 1. 2. Afterwards, for every state s and every time t that s is visited: determine the rewards r t … r ⊤ subsequently received in epoch 3. Sample for s at time t = sum of discounted future rewards 𝑡𝑏𝑛𝑞𝑚𝑓 � 𝑆 � 𝑡 � 𝑠 � � 𝛿𝑆 ��� 𝑡′ �𝑆 ⊤ 𝑡 � 𝑠 ⊤ ) given experience tuples <s,  (s), r t , s’> 4. Average samples over all visits of s Note: this is the simplest Monte Carlo method 17

  18. Example: Direct Evaluation Observed Episodes Input: Output (Training) Values Policy  Episode 1 Episode 2 ‐10 B, east, ‐1, C B, east, ‐1, C A A C, east, ‐1, D C, east, ‐1, D D, exit, +10,  D, exit, +10,  +8 +4 +10 B C D B C D Episode 3 Episode 4 ‐2 E E E, north, ‐1, C E, north, ‐1, C States C, east, ‐1, D C, east, ‐1, A D, exit, +10,  A, exit, ‐10,  Assume:  = 1 18

  19. Example: Direct Evaluation Observed Episodes Sample computations (Training) A: sample t4‐3 = ‐10 B: sample t1‐1 = ‐1 ‐  1+  2 10 = 8 Episode 1 Episode 2 sample t2‐1 = ‐1 ‐  1+  2 10 = 8 t1‐1 B, east, ‐1, C B, east, ‐1, C t2‐1 C: sample t1‐2 = ‐1 +  10 = 9 t1‐2 C, east, ‐1, D C, east, ‐1, D t2‐2 sample t2‐2 = ‐1 +  10 = 9 D, exit, +10,  D, exit, +10,  t1‐3 t2‐3 sample t3‐2 = ‐1 +  10 = 9 sample t4‐2 = ‐1 ‐  10 = ‐11 Episode 3 Episode 4 D: sample t1‐3 = 10 sample t2‐3 = 10 t4‐1 E, north, ‐1, C E, north, ‐1, C t3‐1 sample t3‐3 = 10 t4‐2 C, east, ‐1, D C, east, ‐1, A t3‐2 E: sample t3‐1 = ‐1 ‐  1+  2 10 = 8 D, exit, +10,  A, exit, ‐10,  t4‐3 t3‐3 sample t4‐1 = ‐1 ‐  1 ‐  2 10 = ‐12 Assume:  = 1 19

  20. Properties of Direct Evaluation Output  Benefits: Values – easy to understand ‐10 – doesn’t require any knowledge of T, R A – eventually computes the correct average values, using just sample transitions +4 +10 +8 B C D  Drawbacks: ‐2 – wastes information about state connections E – each state must be learned separately  takes a long time to learn If B and E both go to C under this policy, how can their values be different? 20


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