Article 24: Hayden Rowe Traffic Calming • $1,050,000 for the design and construction of traffic calming elements on Hayden Rowe between Chestnut St and Grove St, inclusive • Necessary to improve pedestrian and motorist safety within the corridor • Corridor safety will become more important when new elementary school opens Grove St Middle School EMC Park High School New School Hopkins School Hayden Rowe D Chestnut St HOPKINTON W
Hayden Rowe Traffic Calming: Middle School / High School Segment Ha Hayden Row owe Str treet trance ool Schoo Entr En Ga Gateway Treatment for or Traffic ic Calm Calmin ing Ded Dedicated La Lanes for or Turning Vehic icles Potential Location of Imp Improved Op Operatio ions Dur During Sch School Dr Drop-off / Di Dismiss ssal Rectangular Rapid Flashing Ped edestrian En Enhancements / Acc ccommodations (R (RRFB) Beacon (RRFB) Addit itional Traffic ic Calm Calming – Ra Radar / Nec eckdowns / La Lateral Sh Shif ifts D HOPKINTON W
Hayden Rowe Traffic Calming: Elementary School Driveway iveway ool Driv Rectangular Rapid Schoo Flashing Beacon Assembly Flashing School Zone Assembly Hayden Row Ha owe Str treet Flashing School Rectangular Rapid Zone Assembly Flashing Beacon Imp Improved Op Operatio ions En Enhanced Pedestr trian Acc ccommodations / Vi Visibil ility Op Opportunity for or Median/ Ga Gateway treatment D HOPKINTON W
Hayden Rowe Traffic Calming: Chestnut Street Intersection Traffic Si Signal Sidewalk Extension from EMC² Park to Imp Improved Op Operatio ions Chestnut Street Provides Gap Gaps s in Traffic Fl Flow En Enhanced Pedestr trian Acc ccommodations Dedicated Turn Op Opportunity for or Median/ Lane Gateway treatment Ga Dedicated Turn Lanes Proposed Gateway Treatment D HOPKINTON W
Hayden Rowe Traffic Calming: Overview Intersection Elementary Intersection Reconstruction / School Reconstruction Gateway Rectangular Rapid Radar Feedback Radar Feedback Flashing Beacons Sign (SB) Sign (NB) treet tnut Str hestn Che Proposed Sidewalk Extension Teresa oad Roa Intersection Reconstruction / Gateway D HOPKINTON W
SUMMARY OF ORDER OF MAGNITUDE COSTS Long Term Improvements* Hayden Rowe Improvements @ School Driveways $400,000 Chestnut Street Intersection Improvements $650,000 TOTAL $1,050,000 *Costs Include Design, Construction, and Construction Phase Services D HOPKINTON W
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