
Artemis Distributed system Hun0ng for Dryad Bugs with Overview - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Artemis Distributed system Hun0ng for Dryad Bugs with Overview Artemis Logs System Architecture Data Data collec1on Collec1o n Database View GUI Plugins GUI Plugins Conclusion s Hunting for Bugs with Artemis pptPlex

  1. Artemis Distributed system Hun0ng for Dryad Bugs with Overview Artemis Logs System Architecture Data Data collec1on Collec1o n Database View GUI Plug‐ins GUI Plug‐ins Conclusion s

  2. Hunting for Bugs with Artemis pptPlex Section Divider The slides after this divider will be grouped into a section and given the label you type above. Feel free to move this slide to any position in the deck.

  3. Hun0ng for Bugs with Artemis Gabriela F. Cre ţ u-Ciocârlie Mihai Budiu Moises Goldszmidt Microsoft Research, Silicon Valley WASL 2008 This presenta0on is built and should be viewed with pptPlex: hBp://

  4. Artemis Goal One‐stop shop for performance analysis of distributed systems

  5. Principles 1) Modular : Separate generic from applica0on specific parts 2) Extensible: add new analyses via plug‐ins 3) Interac3ve: human expert part of the analysis loop

  6. System Architecture pptPlex Section Divider The slides after this divider will be grouped into a section and given the label you type above. Feel free to move this slide to any position in the deck.

  7. Distributed system Distributed Logs Data collec1on Database Local View GUI Plug‐ins

  8. Distributed system Applica0on‐ Specific Logs Data collec1on Generic Database View GUI Plug‐ins

  9. Dryad Overview pptPlex Section Divider The slides after this divider will be grouped into a section and given the label you type above. Feel free to move this slide to any position in the deck.

  10. Dryad Applica0on Structure Input Channels Stage Output files files sort grep awk sed perl sort grep awk sed grep sort Ver1ces

  11. Dryad System Architecture data plane job schedule V V V Serv Serv Serv control plane Job manager cluster

  12. Data Collection pptPlex Section Divider The slides after this divider will be grouped into a section and given the label you type above. Feel free to move this slide to any position in the deck.

  13. Text Binary XML Perfmon Data Text Binary XML Perfmon Text Binary XML Perfmon 10GB‐1TB Copy DryadLINQ Persisted data applica1on Parse Filter Aggregate 100MB‐1GB

  14. GUI pptPlex Section Divider The slides after this divider will be grouped into a section and given the label you type above. Feel free to move this slide to any position in the deck.

  15. Plug-ins pptPlex Section Divider The slides after this divider will be grouped into a section and given the label you type above. Feel free to move this slide to any position in the deck.

  16. Machine U0liza0on Plug‐in

  17. Complex sta0s0cs: HiLighter plug‐in Key Binary search over Performance logis0c regression with Indicator L1 regulariza0on Correlated Metrics metrics 22

  18. Interac0ve Analysis KPI Selec0on Feature Computa0on Visualiza0on Hilighter

  19. Conclusions pptPlex Section Divider The slides after this divider will be grouped into a section and given the label you type above. Feel free to move this slide to any position in the deck.

  20. Conclusions Automa0c diagnosis Goal Sta0s0cal analyses Feature extrac0on Artemis today Summariza0on Raw data Distributed system

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