area universal area universal rectangular layouts

Area-Universal Area-Universal Rectangular Layouts Rectangular - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Area-Universal Area-Universal Rectangular Layouts Rectangular Layouts David Eppstein University of California, Irvine Elena Mumford, Bettina Speckmann, and Kevin Verbeek TU Eindhoven Rectangular layout not allowed Rectangular layout

  1. Area-Universal Area-Universal Rectangular Layouts Rectangular Layouts David Eppstein University of California, Irvine Elena Mumford, Bettina Speckmann, and Kevin Verbeek TU Eindhoven

  2. Rectangular layout not allowed Rectangular layout partition of a rectangle into finitely many interior-disjoint rectangles, such that no four rectangles meet in one point.

  3. Applications: floor planning

  4. Applications: rectangular cartograms Rectangular Cartograms [Raisz 1934] visualize statistical data about sets of regions; regions are rectangles; area proportional to some geographic variable

  5. Rectangular cartograms 14 14 12 12 14 14 Given a plane triangulated graph G = (V,E) 10 10 4 16 16 and a positive weight for each vertex. 20 20 11 11 14 14 7 21 21 Construct a partition of a rectangle into rectangular regions 14 14 12 12 14 14 16 16 10 10 4 5 � G is the dual graph of the partition 20 20 11 11 (that is, the partition is a rectangular dual of G) 7 21 21 14 14 � The area of each region = the weight of the corresponding vertex

  6. Constructing a cartogram G L 30 20 30 20 30 20 30 20 1. Find a rectangular dual L for G 2. Give rectangles correct areas

  7. Rectangular dual [Kozminski & Kinnen ’85] A planar graph G has a rectangular dual ⇔ we can complete with four outer vertices to obtain a graph E(G) s.t. 1. every interior face of E(G) is a triangle 2. the exterior face of E(G) is a quadrangle 3. E(G) has no separating triangles E(G) G

  8. Constructing a cartogram 30 20 30 20 30 20 30 20 1. Find a rectangular dual L for G 2. Give rectangles correct areas = turn it into an equivalent layout whose regions have given areas

  9. Equivalent layouts E(G) L equivalent to L NOT NOT equivalent to L Equivalent layout a rectangular dual of L such that the adjacencies of the regions have the same orientations

  10. Constructing a cartogram 20 30 30 20 20 30 30 20 30 20 40 10 20 10 40 40 10 40 10 Solution does not always exist When it does it is unique [Wimer, Koren, and Cederbaum ‘88]

  11. Finding a suitable layout � There are potentially exponentially many rectangular duals for a given graph � There are layouts that “work” for any set of weights: Area-universal layout L for every choice of weights for the regions of L there is a layout L’ equivalent to L such that the areas of rectangles in L’ are equal to the given weights.

  12. Finding a suitable layout Theorem A layout is area-universal, if an only if it is one-sided. Area-universal layout L for every choice of weights for the regions of L there is a layout L’ equivalent to L such that the areas of rectangles in L’ are equal to the given weights.

  13. One-sided layouts maximal horizontal segment maximal vertical segment One-sided layout L: every maximal line segment of L must be the side of a least one rectangle

  14. Finding one-sided layouts

  15. One-sided duals [Rinsma ’87] There exists an outer-planar triangulated graph that does have rectangular duals, but no one-sided dual.

  16. Regular edge labelings horizontal adjacency vertical adjacency Regular edge labeling [Kant and He’97] inner vertex outer vertices top vertex left vertex right vertex bottom vertex

  17. Regular edge labelings Theorem [Kant and He’97] Every rectangular dual for E(G) corresponds to a regular edge labeling of E(G) and vice versa.

  18. Non-one-sided layouts Look for RELs without the patterns above

  19. Distributive lattice of RELs b a d c [Fusy’05]

  20. Distributive lattice of RELs [Fusy’05]

  21. Distributive lattice of RELs *For graphs with trivial trivial separating 4-cycles:

  22. Distributive lattice of RELs exponential size

  23. Birkhoff’s representation theorem

  24. Birkhoff’s representation theorem

  25. Birkhoff’s representation theorem upward closed downward closed O(n 2 ) size can be constructed in polynomial time

  26. Finding area-universal layouts � Fixed parameter tractable algorithm 2 that runs in O(2 O(K ) n O(1) ) time K = number of degree-four vertices in the graph E(G) b a d c

  27. Summary Results 2 � We can find an area-universal layout in O(2 O(K ) n O(1) ) time � Perimeter cartograms � Area-universal layouts for dual spanning trees in O(n) time Open problems � Is there a polynomial algorithm for area-universal layouts? � Can we efficiently find a layout that realizes a given area assignment in case when a graph has no area-universal layout?


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