are you interested in expanding your business horizons

Are you interested in expanding your business horizons ? Can help - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Are you interested in expanding your business horizons ? Can help you... We... dedicate our talent to promote foreign companies and their operations in Mexico Strategic Planning Marketing Business Intelligence Through our

  1. Are you interested in expanding your business horizons ?

  2. Can help you...

  3. We... “dedicate our talent to promote foreign companies and their operations in Mexico ”

  4. • Strategic Planning • Marketing • Business Intelligence Through our practices • Negotiating • Coordinating legal and accounting services for you

  5. In the... Security Health Energy sectors

  6. Collaborating closely with... Private Public Institutions

  7. In order to... Generate Value in the health sector we...

  8. with the most important institutions Private Institutions Mexican Social Security (IMSS) Social Security Institute for government employees (ISSSTE) Mexican Health Ministry (SSA)

  9. Offering essential activities necessary for business in the Mexican market Public Relations and Marketing Contacting of potential clients Carrying out appointments Making product presentations Preparation of sales material Brief Market Check Post-appointment followup Arrange/negotiate proposal Registration Integrate technical proposals Elaborate financial proposals Sales Process Proposal follow-up Coordinate contracts Coordinate import process Coordinate delivery Elaborate monthly reports We will look after your business in Mexico

  10. Is...

  11. Experienced Professional Successful Small

  12. Professionalism Transparency Our Motivation Values... Innovation Respect

  13. Sharing the best of...

  14. Providing both Foreign and Mexican Know Business Staff How Culture

  15. The Mexican market is very attractive for foreign med-tech and bio-tech companies because...

  16. Mexico’s population is rapidly aging Deaths or births per 1000 inhabitants 50 40 30 20 10 0 1930 1940 1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010 2020 2030 2040 2050 Year

  17. The population structure is starting to shift towards more senior citizens 1970 2000 men women men women 2050 2030 men women men women

  18. public expenditure on health is increasing constantly Total Government expenditure in Healthcare (Thousands of Mexican Pesos) 400,000,000 300,000,000 200,000,000 100,000,000 0 1990 1993 1996 1999 2002 2005 2008

  19. The Social Security Institute is one of the largest clients for health products in Latin America Federal Expenditure State Expenditure Federal Health Fund (FASSA) 150,000,000 Mexican Social Security Institute (IMSS) Mexican Social Security Institute for Government Employees (ISSSTE) National Oil Company (PEMEX) 112,500,000 75,000,000 37,500,000 0 1990 1993 1996 1999 2002 2005 2008

  20. Contagious diseases , such as respiratory and intestine infections are the most common in Mexico Reasons for Hospital Visits in 2007 1% 2% 7% 55% 34% Contagious Diseases, Maternal, Perinatal and Nutritional Non Contagious Diseases Injuries Other reasons Wrong Diagnose

  21. Non Contagious diseases such as Diabetes, Cancer and organ failure are the main causes of death in Mexico. Reasons for Hospital Deaths in 2007 2% 5% 29% 64% Contagious Diseases, Maternal, Perinatal and Nutritional Non Contagious Diseases Injuries Wrong Diagnose

  22. The most common causes of death for females in Mexico are Diabetes and Respiratory Infections . Top 10 Reasons for Female Hospital Deaths 2007 - 2008 4% 4% 4% 5% 27% 6% 6% 8% Diabetes Melitus Low Acute Respiratory Infections 17% Hypertensive Disorders 9% Nefritis and Nefrosis Cerebrovascular Disease 11% Leucemia Ethereal Neck Malignant Tumor Isquemic Heart Disease Malignant Breast Tumor Asfixia and Trauma at Birth Cirrosis and other liver diseases

  23. HIV/AIDS and kidney diseases are within the top causes of death between males in Mexico Top 10 Reasons for male Hospital Deaths 2007 - 2008 5% 5% 22% 5% 5% 6% 12% 6% Diabetes Melitus Low Acute Respiratory Infections 10% HIV/AIDS 12% Nefritis and Nefrosis Alcohol Abuse 11% Hypertensive Disorders Cirrosis and other liver diseases Linfoma and multiple Melanoma Cerebrovascular Disease Asfixia and Trauma at Birth Isquemic Heart Disease

  24. This Creates...

  25. Opportunities for new solutions and technologies for the Mexican Population

  26. Contact: Rafael Villar Tel. +52 (55) 2474 3266


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