approximation algorithms for graph polynomials and

Approximation algorithms for graph polynomials and partition - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Approximation algorithms for graph polynomials and partition functions. Guus Regts University of Amsterdam 14 June 2016, Dagstuhl Seminar Graph Polynomials: Towards a Comparative Theory Based on joint work with Viresh Patel (University of

  1. Approximation algorithms for graph polynomials and partition functions. Guus Regts University of Amsterdam 14 June 2016, Dagstuhl Seminar Graph Polynomials: Towards a Comparative Theory Based on joint work with Viresh Patel (University of Amsterdam) Guus Regts (University of Amsterdam) Approximation algorithms for graph polynomials and partition functions. 1 / 15

  2. 1 Graph polynomials and partition functions The independent set polynomial: λ | I | . ∑ Z G ( λ ) = I ⊆ V ( G ) I independent The (random cluster formulation of the) Tutte polynomial x k ( A ) y | A | , ∑ T G ( x , y ) = A ⊆ E ( G ) here k ( A ) denotes the number of components of the graph ( V , A ) . Guus Regts (University of Amsterdam) Approximation algorithms for graph polynomials and partition functions. 2 / 15

  3. 1 Graph polynomials and partition functions The number of proper k -colorings of a graph G Guus Regts (University of Amsterdam) Approximation algorithms for graph polynomials and partition functions. 3 / 15

  4. 1 Graph polynomials and partition functions The number of proper k -colorings of a graph G = ∑ 1 φ : V ( G ) → [ k ] φ is a proper coloring Guus Regts (University of Amsterdam) Approximation algorithms for graph polynomials and partition functions. 3 / 15

  5. 1 Graph polynomials and partition functions The number of proper k -colorings of a graph G = ∑ 1 φ : V ( G ) → [ k ] φ is a proper coloring φ : V ( G ) → [ k ] ∏ ∑ = 1 { φ ( u ) � = φ ( v ) } . uv ∈ E ( G ) Guus Regts (University of Amsterdam) Approximation algorithms for graph polynomials and partition functions. 3 / 15

  6. 1 Graph polynomials and partition functions The number of proper k -colorings of a graph G = ∑ 1 φ : V ( G ) → [ k ] φ is a proper coloring φ : V ( G ) → [ k ] ∏ ∑ = 1 { φ ( u ) � = φ ( v ) } . uv ∈ E ( G ) φ : V ( G ) → [ k ] ∏ ∑ = A ( K k ) φ ( u ) , φ ( v ) . uv ∈ E ( G ) Guus Regts (University of Amsterdam) Approximation algorithms for graph polynomials and partition functions. 3 / 15

  7. 1 Graph polynomials and partition functions The number of proper k -colorings of a graph G = ∑ 1 φ : V ( G ) → [ k ] φ is a proper coloring φ : V ( G ) → [ k ] ∏ ∑ = 1 { φ ( u ) � = φ ( v ) } . uv ∈ E ( G ) φ : V ( G ) → [ k ] ∏ ∑ = A ( K k ) φ ( u ) , φ ( v ) . uv ∈ E ( G ) For a symmetric k × k -matrix A (a vertex-coloring model ) define: φ : V ( G ) → [ k ] ∏ ∑ p G ( A ) = A φ ( u ) , φ ( v ) . uv ∈ E ( G ) Guus Regts (University of Amsterdam) Approximation algorithms for graph polynomials and partition functions. 3 / 15

  8. 1 Graph polynomials and partition functions The partition function of the vertex-coloring model A : φ : V ( G ) → [ k ] ∏ ∑ p G ( A ) = A φ ( u ) , φ ( v ) , uv ∈ E ( G ) Guus Regts (University of Amsterdam) Approximation algorithms for graph polynomials and partition functions. 4 / 15

  9. 1 Graph polynomials and partition functions The partition function of the vertex-coloring model A : φ : V ( G ) → [ k ] ∏ ∑ p G ( A ) = A φ ( u ) , φ ( v ) , uv ∈ E ( G ) To go from vertex-coloring model to edge-coloring model just flip edges and vertices: φ : E ( G ) → [ k ] ∏ ∑ p G ( ? ) = ? , v ∈ V ( G ) Guus Regts (University of Amsterdam) Approximation algorithms for graph polynomials and partition functions. 4 / 15

  10. 1 Graph polynomials and partition functions The partition function of the vertex-coloring model A : φ : V ( G ) → [ k ] ∏ ∑ p G ( A ) = A φ ( u ) , φ ( v ) , uv ∈ E ( G ) To go from vertex-coloring model to edge-coloring model just flip edges and vertices: φ : E ( G ) → [ k ] ∏ ∑ p G ( ? ) = ? , v ∈ V ( G ) Call a map h : N k → C an edge-coloring model and define φ : E ( G ) → [ k ] ∏ ∑ p G ( h ) = h ( φ ( δ ( v ))) . v ∈ V ( G ) Guus Regts (University of Amsterdam) Approximation algorithms for graph polynomials and partition functions. 4 / 15

  11. 2 Previous work: correlation decay Correlation decay method (assuming ∆ = ∆ ( G ) is constant) yields an efficient deterministic approximation algorithm (FPTAS) for: Evaluations of the independent set polynomial Z G ( λ ) for 0 ≤ λ < λ c (Weitz, 2006) The number of matchings in a graph (Bayati, Gamarnik, Katz, Nair and Tetali, 2007) The number of k -colorings of a graph for k > α ∆ + 1 for α large enough (Lu and Yin, 2013) Partition function of real vertex-coloring models A with | A i , j − 1 | ≤ c / ∆ (for some constant c ) (Lu and Yin, 2013) Guus Regts (University of Amsterdam) Approximation algorithms for graph polynomials and partition functions. 5 / 15

  12. 3 New approach: Taylor approximations Guus Regts (University of Amsterdam) Approximation algorithms for graph polynomials and partition functions. 6 / 15

  13. 3 New approach: Taylor approximations High level idea: try to approximate the logarithm of the polynomial/partition function with a low order Taylor polynomial. Guus Regts (University of Amsterdam) Approximation algorithms for graph polynomials and partition functions. 6 / 15

  14. 3 New approach: Taylor approximations New approach (assuming ∆ = ∆ ( G ) is constant) yields an efficient deterministic approximation algorithm (FPTAS) for: Evaluations of the independent set polynomial Z G ( λ ) for λ ∈ C with | λ | < λ ∗ , Evaluations of the independent set polynomial Z G ( λ ) for a claw-free graph G for λ ∈ C with arg ( λ ) bounded away from − π , Evaluations of the Tutte polynomial T ( x , y 0 ) for y 0 ∈ C fixed x ∈ C with | x | ≥ C for some constant C = C ( ∆ , y 0 ) , Partition function of complex vertex-coloring models A with | A i , j − 1 | ≤ c / ∆ (for some constant c ), Partition function of complex edge-coloring models h with | h ( α ) − 1 | ≤ c ′ / ∆ (for some constant c ′ ). Guus Regts (University of Amsterdam) Approximation algorithms for graph polynomials and partition functions. 7 / 15

  15. 4 How does it work: independence polynomial Guus Regts (University of Amsterdam) Approximation algorithms for graph polynomials and partition functions. 8 / 15

  16. 4 How does it work: independence polynomial Theorem (Lov´ asz ’75, Dobrushin ’96, Shearer ’99, Scott and Sokal ’05) For each ∆ ∈ N there exists a constant λ ∗ = λ ∗ ( ∆ ) > 0 such that for each graph G of maximum degree at most ∆ and λ such that | λ | ≤ λ ∗ one has Z G ( λ ) � = 0. Guus Regts (University of Amsterdam) Approximation algorithms for graph polynomials and partition functions. 8 / 15

  17. 4 How does it work: independence polynomial Theorem (Lov´ asz ’75, Dobrushin ’96, Shearer ’99, Scott and Sokal ’05) For each ∆ ∈ N there exists a constant λ ∗ = λ ∗ ( ∆ ) > 0 such that for each graph G of maximum degree at most ∆ and λ such that | λ | ≤ λ ∗ one has Z G ( λ ) � = 0. Lemma (Barvinok 2015) Let p be a polynomial of degree n such that p ( z ) � = 0 for all | z | ≤ C for some C > 0 . Let f ( z ) = ln p ( z ) for | z | < C and let k = 0 f ( k ) ( 0 ) z k T m ( z ) = ∑ m k ! . Then for m = O ( ln ( n / ε )) we have that | f ( z ) − T m ( z ) | ≤ ε . Guus Regts (University of Amsterdam) Approximation algorithms for graph polynomials and partition functions. 8 / 15

  18. 4 How does it work: independence polynomial • The coefficients of the m -th order Taylor polynomial T m of ln ( Z G ) can efficiently be derived from the coefficients of Z G . • The k th coefficient of Z G is equal to the number of independent sets of size k of G . How do we compute that for k = O ( ln n / ε ) ? Guus Regts (University of Amsterdam) Approximation algorithms for graph polynomials and partition functions. 9 / 15

  19. 4 How does it work: independence polynomial For a graph G = ( V , E ) define λ α ( G ) −| I | . ˆ ∑ Z G ( λ ) = I ⊂ V I independent Let ( ζ 1 , . . . , ζ α ) be the roots of ˆ Z G and define the power sums α ζ k ∑ p k = i i = 1 Guus Regts (University of Amsterdam) Approximation algorithms for graph polynomials and partition functions. 10 / 15

  20. 4 How does it work: independence polynomial For a graph G = ( V , E ) define λ α ( G ) −| I | . ˆ ∑ Z G ( λ ) = I ⊂ V I independent Let ( ζ 1 , . . . , ζ α ) be the roots of ˆ Z G and define the power sums α ζ k ∑ p k = i i = 1 Surprisingly: the power sums for k = O ( log ( n / ε )) can be computed efficiently for bounded degree graphs! Guus Regts (University of Amsterdam) Approximation algorithms for graph polynomials and partition functions. 10 / 15

  21. 4 How does it work: independence polynomial For a graph G = ( V , E ) define λ α ( G ) −| I | . ˆ ∑ Z G ( λ ) = I ⊂ V I independent Let ( ζ 1 , . . . , ζ α ) be the roots of ˆ Z G and define the power sums α ζ k ∑ p k = i i = 1 Surprisingly: the power sums for k = O ( log ( n / ε )) can be computed efficiently for bounded degree graphs! p 1 = | V ( G ) | ; p 2 = 2 | E ( G ) | + | V ( G ) | ; p 3 = .... Guus Regts (University of Amsterdam) Approximation algorithms for graph polynomials and partition functions. 10 / 15

  22. 4 How does it work: partition functions Guus Regts (University of Amsterdam) Approximation algorithms for graph polynomials and partition functions. 11 / 15


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