approximate stream reasoning with incomplete state

Approximate Stream Reasoning with Incomplete State Information - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Approximate Stream Reasoning with Incomplete State Information Fourth Stream Reasoning Workshop, Link oping, Sweden Daniel de Leng Artificial Intelligence and Integrated Computer Systems Department of Computer and Information Science Link

  1. Approximate Stream Reasoning with Incomplete State Information Fourth Stream Reasoning Workshop, Link¨ oping, Sweden Daniel de Leng Artificial Intelligence and Integrated Computer Systems Department of Computer and Information Science Link¨ oping University, Sweden

  2. Introduction Stream Reasoning with Incomplete Information Metric Temporal Logic Progression Graph-Based Progression Progression-based Runtime Verification Summary Introduction 1 Introduction 2 Stream Reasoning with Incomplete Information 3 Progression Graph-Based Progression 4 Summary Daniel de Leng Link¨ oping University 2/19

  3. Introduction Stream Reasoning with Incomplete Information Metric Temporal Logic Progression Graph-Based Progression Progression-based Runtime Verification Summary Introduction Consider runtime verification for checking whether an agent is behaving in a safe manner. Example (Safety) “A robot in an unsafe state should return to a safe state within 10 seconds” Motivation : Incomplete information! Daniel de Leng Link¨ oping University 3/19

  4. Introduction Stream Reasoning with Incomplete Information Metric Temporal Logic Progression Graph-Based Progression Progression-based Runtime Verification Summary Metric Temporal Logic We use Metric Temporal Logic (MTL) as a language for describing temporal rules that must hold. Definition (MTL syntax) The syntax for MTL is as follows for atomic propositions p ∈ Prop, temporal interval I ⊆ (0 , ∞ ), and well-formed formulas (wffs) φ and ψ : p | ¬ φ | φ ∨ ψ | φ U I ψ where � I and ♦ I are syntactic sugar for ‘always’ and ‘eventually’. Daniel de Leng Link¨ oping University 4/19

  5. Introduction Stream Reasoning with Incomplete Information Metric Temporal Logic Progression Graph-Based Progression Progression-based Runtime Verification Summary Progression-based Runtime Verification Progression is an incremental syntactic rewriting procedure introduced by Bacchus and Kabanza (1996, 1998): MTL Formula + Complete State + Delay ⇒ MTL Formula φ 0 = � ( ¬ p → ♦ [0 , 10] p ) , s = {¬ p } , ∆ = 2 φ 1 = ♦ [0 , 8] p ∧ � ( ¬ p → ♦ [0 , 10] p ) Daniel de Leng Link¨ oping University 5/19

  6. Introduction Stream Reasoning with Incomplete Information Incomplete States and Streams Progression Graph-Based Progression Progression Graphs Summary Stream Reasoning with Incomplete Information Problem: How to perform progression with incomplete states? General idea: Apply model counting Daniel de Leng Link¨ oping University 6/19

  7. Introduction Stream Reasoning with Incomplete Information Incomplete States and Streams Progression Graph-Based Progression Progression Graphs Summary Incomplete States and Streams Important assumptions: We keep a constant delay value (∆) and omit it from here on; An incomplete state � s is a disjunctive set of complete states; A (piecewise) incomplete stream � ρ is a sequence of incomplete states; We assume we have a probabilistic model of a stream denoted by a state universe S n for every time-point n . Daniel de Leng Link¨ oping University 7/19

  8. Introduction Stream Reasoning with Incomplete Information Incomplete States and Streams Progression Graph-Based Progression Progression Graphs Summary Progression Graphs ◇ [0,5] p ∅ A progression graph encodes formulas ◇ [0,4] p and their progressions into a graph ∅ G ( χ ) = ( χ, V , E ) such that ◇ [0,3] p vertices represent formulas; ∅ ◇ [0,2] p χ ∈ V represents the graph source { p } formula; and ∅ { p } ◇ [0,1] p { p } labelled edges ( φ, ψ, s ) ∈ E iff ∅ { p } PROGRESS ( φ, s ) = ψ . { p } p ∅ { p } ⊤ ⊥ Daniel de Leng Link¨ oping University 8/19

  9. Introduction Stream Reasoning with Incomplete Information Incomplete States and Streams Progression Graph-Based Progression Progression Graphs Summary Progression Graphs Progression graphs G n ( χ ) = ( χ, V , E , m n ) carry probability mass : m 0 ( χ ) = 1 . 0 (Initialization) � � � m n − 1 ( v ′ ) Pr [ S n = s | � m n ( v ) = s n ] ( v ′ , v , s ) ∈ E Theorem (Soundness) Given a progression graph G n ( χ ) and a stream � ρ : n →∞ m n ( ⊤ ) = Pr [ � lim ρ, t 0 | = χ ] , n →∞ m n ( ⊥ ) = Pr [ � lim ρ, t 0 �| = χ ] . Daniel de Leng Link¨ oping University 9/19

  10. Introduction Complete Information Stream Reasoning with Incomplete Information Incomplete Information Progression Graph-Based Progression Approximate Progression Summary Progression Graph-Based Progression Example (Ship Stabilisation) Suppose we have an autonomous ship with a landing deck. The ship attempts to stabilise itself according to the rule: � ( ¬ p → ( ♦ [0 , 5] � [0 , 3] p )) “Whenever the ship is unstable ( ¬ p), the ship will be stable (p) for a consecutive period of 3 minutes, within 5 minutes from having become unstable.“ Daniel de Leng Link¨ oping University 10/19

  11. Introduction Complete Information Stream Reasoning with Incomplete Information Incomplete Information Progression Graph-Based Progression Approximate Progression Summary Daniel de Leng Link¨ oping University 11/19

  12. Introduction Complete Information Stream Reasoning with Incomplete Information Incomplete Information Progression Graph-Based Progression Approximate Progression Summary Daniel de Leng Link¨ oping University 11/19

  13. Introduction Complete Information Stream Reasoning with Incomplete Information Incomplete Information Progression Graph-Based Progression Approximate Progression Summary Daniel de Leng Link¨ oping University 11/19

  14. Introduction Complete Information Stream Reasoning with Incomplete Information Incomplete Information Progression Graph-Based Progression Approximate Progression Summary Daniel de Leng Link¨ oping University 11/19

  15. Introduction Complete Information Stream Reasoning with Incomplete Information Incomplete Information Progression Graph-Based Progression Approximate Progression Summary Incomplete Information Example (Ship Stabilisation (Cont’d)) Suppose we are no longer able to measure unambiguously whether the ship is stable. Continue progression, and assume 90% stable, 10% unstable. Daniel de Leng Link¨ oping University 12/19

  16. Introduction Complete Information Stream Reasoning with Incomplete Information Incomplete Information Progression Graph-Based Progression Approximate Progression Summary Daniel de Leng Link¨ oping University 13/19

  17. Introduction Complete Information Stream Reasoning with Incomplete Information Incomplete Information Progression Graph-Based Progression Approximate Progression Summary Daniel de Leng Link¨ oping University 13/19

  18. Introduction Complete Information Stream Reasoning with Incomplete Information Incomplete Information Progression Graph-Based Progression Approximate Progression Summary Daniel de Leng Link¨ oping University 13/19

  19. Introduction Complete Information Stream Reasoning with Incomplete Information Incomplete Information Progression Graph-Based Progression Approximate Progression Summary Daniel de Leng Link¨ oping University 13/19

  20. Introduction Complete Information Stream Reasoning with Incomplete Information Incomplete Information Progression Graph-Based Progression Approximate Progression Summary Daniel de Leng Link¨ oping University 13/19

  21. Introduction Complete Information Stream Reasoning with Incomplete Information Incomplete Information Progression Graph-Based Progression Approximate Progression Summary Daniel de Leng Link¨ oping University 13/19

  22. Introduction Complete Information Stream Reasoning with Incomplete Information Incomplete Information Progression Graph-Based Progression Approximate Progression Summary Daniel de Leng Link¨ oping University 13/19

  23. Introduction Complete Information Stream Reasoning with Incomplete Information Incomplete Information Progression Graph-Based Progression Approximate Progression Summary Daniel de Leng Link¨ oping University 13/19

  24. Introduction Complete Information Stream Reasoning with Incomplete Information Incomplete Information Progression Graph-Based Progression Approximate Progression Summary Example: Ship Stabilisation Example (Ship Stabilisation (Cont’d)) After 10 minutes, despite incomplete sensor readings, we know: Pr [ � ρ, t 0 �| = � ( ¬ p → ( ♦ [0 , 5] � [0 , 3] p ))] ≥ 0 . 212680 , right now based on m 10 ( ⊥ ), regardless of future readings. Daniel de Leng Link¨ oping University 14/19

  25. Introduction Complete Information Stream Reasoning with Incomplete Information Incomplete Information Progression Graph-Based Progression Approximate Progression Summary Approximate Progression Approximate progression allows us to trade precision for speed and vice-versa: 1 Institute a MAX AGE for formulas; 2 Limit the size of the graph by setting a MAX NODES bound. We may drop nodes with probability mass, thereby leaking some probability mass over time. Daniel de Leng Link¨ oping University 15/19

  26. Introduction Complete Information Stream Reasoning with Incomplete Information Incomplete Information Progression Graph-Based Progression Approximate Progression Summary Methods to reduce the graph size : MAX AGE and MAX NODES . Daniel de Leng Link¨ oping University 16/19


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