ap appr proaches oaches in in as assessing sessing en

Ap Appr proaches oaches in in As Assessing sessing En Envir - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Asian Development Banks Experience and Ap Appr proaches oaches in in As Assessing sessing En Envir vironme onment nt Andr drew Bruba baker r and d Garrett tt Kilroy Independent Evaluation Department, Asian Development Bank

  1. Asian Development Bank’s Experience and Ap Appr proaches oaches in in As Assessing sessing En Envir vironme onment nt Andr drew Bruba baker r and d Garrett tt Kilroy Independent Evaluation Department, Asian Development Bank Third d Internat ernationa onal Conference erence on Evalua aluati ting g Envir ironme nment nt and Devel elopment opment Prague, Czech Republic | October 2019

  2. Ind ndepe pende ndent nt Eval aluation uation De Depa partm tment ent (IED) D) Org Organizat anization ional al Str Structure cture at at ADB DB AD ADB Board d of Direct ector ors Preside sident nt Development Effectiveness Committee Compliance Review Independent Panel Evaluation Department Operations Sector Thematic and and Project Country Division Division

  3. Highe Hig her-Le Level el Evalua aluation tions s Rela lated ed to En o Envir ironme onment nt EVALUATION TION TYPE PE Corporate Corporate Thematic Thematic Country Sector Country Projects

  4. Cha halle llenges nges for or Ass ssessing essing th the Envir ironme onment nt in in Highe Hig her r Le Level el Evalu aluatio ations ns  Lower level evaluations do not systematically address environment  Portfolio data and results frameworks don’t capture Env well  Inconsistent and limited data  Poor or absent baselines  Limited time and resources

  5. App pproa oache hes s for or Ass ssessin ssing g th the Envir ironme onment nt in in Hig Highe her r Le Level el Evalu aluatio ations ns Statistical analysis Secondary data Portfolio review Cost benefit analysis Remote sensing

  6. Secondary Data: Natural Disasters Secondary data Source: https://www.emdat.be/publications

  7. Environmentally Sustainable Growth Portfolio review (2016): Portfolio Review Results: Extent ESG by percent ESG Fina nanci ncing ng in ADB Sovereign eign Operati tions ns, , 2004-2014 28 28 31 31 41 41 fully partially marginally

  8. Environmentally Sustainable Growth Portfolio review Agenda: Comparison of India and PRC ESG Appr provals als for India ia and the People ople's 's Republi public c of China, ina, by Four r Sect ctor ors, s, 2004 04-- --20 2014 ESG share of total financing in India ESG share of total financing in the People's Republic of China 100% 100% 96% 66% 60% 43% 33% 27% Agriculture and Natural Energy Transport, and Water and other Resources Information and Municipal Infrastructure Communication and Services Technology

  9. Country Evaluation: PRC Secondary data Portfolio review Shar are e of ener ergy, , Success ss rate e Shar are e of proj ojec ects ts Perio iod tran ansp spor ort, , urban ban (%) (%) with h envir ironm onment 1998-2005 93% 97% < 50% 2006-2013 81% 100% > 90% Clean coal and Energy Coal solar power Sustainable Roads and Transport mass transport, highways rail, BRT Wastewater Water supply Urban treatment and access reuse Source: NASA 9 Source: IED

  10. Strategic Application of Remote Sensing Remote sensing Average NDVI 2000 Normal malized ized Di Differ erence ence Vegetat ation ion Index x (NDVI) I) for Rice e Yields ds 0.7 0.6 Yield 0.5 Increase NDVI 0.4 0.3 Average NDVI 2017 Project 1 0.2 Project 2 SSWRDSP PSSWRSP 0.1 0.0 2000 2005 2010 2017 Boro (pre-harvest) Aman (pre-harvest)

  11. Wetland Restoration in Sanjiang Plain Remote sensing Qixi xing nghe he Nature ure Reserve Land d Cover er 20,000 15,000 Hectares 10,000 5,000 - 2000 2006 2011 2017 Project Implementation Period Wetland Agriculture Grassland Water bodies

  12. Cost Benefit Analysis: Safeguards Evaluation Cost benefit analysis Benefits and Costs of the With and Without Safeguards Scenarios Net benefits from previously With safeguards unvalued impacts of safeguards Safeguards value for road construction added to limited safeguards scenario With limited safeguards Safeguards value added to without safeguards scenario Project Project construction start construction ends Project timeline Period before the project Without safeguards

  13. Key Messages  Robust standard methodologies and triangulation remain the cornerstone of thematic and corporate evaluations and can be applied to the environment  Spaced-based technologies and other forms of data analysis, used appropriately and cost-effectively, can add value to standard approaches, increase efficiency of evaluations and improve the weight of evidence  Shifting baselines due to land-use and climate influences will drive greater use of these technologies in evaluation

  14. Asian Development Bank’s Experience and Ap Appr proaches oaches in in As Assessing sessing En Envir vironme onment nt Andr drew Bruba baker r and d Garrett tt Kilroy Independent Evaluation Department, Asian Development Bank Third d Internat ernationa onal Conference erence on Evalua aluati ting g Envir ironme nment nt and Devel elopment opment Prague, Czech Republic | October 2019


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