anti social behaviour crime

Anti-social Behaviour, Crime and Policing Act 2014 Lunch & - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

01992 453 700 01992 453 700 Anti-social Behaviour, Crime and Policing Act 2014 Lunch & Learn Dave Lockerman Head of Housing Management Kerry Clifford Safer Communities Team Leader WARNING

  1. 01992 453 700 01992 453 700 Anti-social Behaviour, Crime and Policing Act 2014 Lunch & Learn Dave Lockerman – Head of Housing Management Kerry Clifford – Safer Communities Team Leader


  3. What will I know by the time I’m out of here? • A little bit about B3Living • Whether the Act will change my world • Community Trigger • Civil Injunction (Injunction to Prevent Nuisance & Annoyance (IPNA)) • Criminal Behaviour Order (CBO) • Community Protection Notice (CPN) • Dispersal • Closure • Absolute Ground for Possession

  4. Us • B3Living – Better Homes, Communities, Business. • Created after stock transfer in 2006 • Re-branded from Broxbourne HA in 2012 • 4200 properties including 600 Leasehold • Mainly contained to borough of Broxbourne Herts

  5. How we approach ASB • Specialist Safer Communities Team • Team includes two tenure blind Intensive Support Workers • Receive funding from County Council to deliver Troubled Families work • Signatory of the Respect Charter for Housing • Were HouseMark ASB accredited • Won a Lemos & Crane award for the fact we carry out perp surveys • Satisfaction for reporters remains consistently above 90% • Received around 500 reports of ASB last year • Our residents account for 11% of households in the borough but account for only 6.7% of ASB generally • 2 evictions for ASB in the last year

  6. ASB, Crime and Policing Act

  7. It’s all still there! Anti-Social Behaviour Order (ASBO) ASBO on Conviction Drink Banning Order (DBO) DBO on Conviction Criminal Behaviour Order (CBO) Anti-Social Behaviour Injunction (ASBI) Individual Support Order (ISO) Injunction to Prevent Nuisance & Annoyance Intervention Order (IPNA) Litter Clearing Notice Street Litter Clearing Notice Graffiti/Defacement Removal Notice Designated Public Place Order Gating Order Community Protection Notice (CPN) Dog Control Order Community Protection Order (Public Space) Premises Closure Order Community Protection Order (Closure) Crack House Closure Order Noisy Premises Closure Order Section 161 Closure Order Section 30 Dispersal Order Dispersal Powers Section 27 Direction to Leave

  8. Seen this? Available from GOV.UK Its actually pretty good! BUT…

  9. Some dependencies • How will the courts interpret the Act? • How good are your partnerships? • You may need to draw up some new procedures/amend policy • No changes to court forms yet… BUT ANYWAY…

  10. It should all be about…

  11. Do any of the new measures tackle? • Mental health • Substance dependency • Parenting skills Generational attitudes • • Domestic abuse • Community detachment Housing conditions • • Financial exclusion • Educational attainment/ability • Worklessness Experience of • independent living

  12. Support • Gets 3 paragraphs in the new guidance! • HouseMark benchmarking details the following for actions taken to resolve ASB: 0.7% referral to mental health 0.7% referral to FIP 0.3% referral to drug/alcohol • Unless we nail this stuff we are only ever…

  13. • The guidance highlights that practitioners should liaise with their local Troubled Families Unit. • W e’d go a step further and say learn from the FIP model and apply it to your casework

  14. Lets crack on with this enforcement stuff…

  15. Civil Injunction - Injunction to Prevent Nuisance and Annoyance (IPNA) • Replaces ASBI & ASBO • Available on anyone aged over 10 • No minimum or maximum term for over 18’s. 12 month maximum for under 18’s • Local Council’s, Social landlords, Police, Transport for London, Environment Agency & NHS Protect can apply • Balance of probabilities • Behaviour likely to cause harassment, alarm or distress (non-housing related) or:

  16. Civil Injunction - Injunction to Prevent Nuisance and Annoyance (IPNA) • Conduct causing nuisance or annoyance or conduct is capable of causing housing related nuisance or annoyance and: • Just and convenient to grant the injunction to prevent anti-social behaviour. • County Court and High Court for over 18’s • Youth Court for under 18’s • Breach is not a criminal offence but needs to be proved to criminal standard • Over 18’s breach is civil contempt of court – unlimited fine or up to 2 years in prison

  17. Civil Injunction - Injunction to Prevent Nuisance and Annoyance (IPNA ) • Under 18’s: supervision order or as a very last resort, a civil detention order up to 3 months for 14-17 year olds • Can include positive requirements- must be reasonable • Exclusion from home (over 18’s) or power of arrest - where use, or threatened violence, or significant risk of harm • Without notice – ‘Exceptional cases’ to stop serious harm – if successful interim injunction

  18. Criminal Behaviour Order (CBO) • Available on conviction for any criminal offence • Over 10. If under 18 must consult with YOT • Over 18’s 2 years – indefinite. Under 18’s 1 -3 years • Usually CPS but can be local authority • CPS on own initiative or request from LA or Police

  19. Criminal Behaviour Order (CBO) • Beyond all reasonable doubt offender has engaged in behaviour that has caused or is likely to cause harassment, alarm or distress to any person and; • The court considers that making the order will help prevent the offender from engaging in such behaviour. • Breach is a criminal offence and must be proved to criminal standard • Over 18’s summary conviction up to 6 mths imprisonment or a fine or both

  20. Criminal Behaviour Order (CBO) • Over 18’s on indictment up to 5 yrs imprisonment or a fine or both • For under 18’s youth court sentencing powers apply • Can ask for an interim order if there is an adjournment for sentencing or CBO hearing • CBO must clearly set out prohibitions and requirements

  21. Community Protection Notice

  22. Community Protection Notice (CPN) • Can be issued by Council officers, Police officers, PCSO’s (if designated), Social landlords (if designated by local authority). • Over 16’s or a body including a business. • Behaviour has to have a detrimental effect on the quality of life of those in the locality; be of a persistent or continuing nature; and be unreasonable.

  23. Community Protection Notice (CPN) • Breach is a criminal offence. A fixed penalty ticket of up to £100 if appropriate. A level 4 fine or 20k for a business. • Can insist on remedial work or forfeiture/seizure on breach of CPN • Anyone issued with a CPN can appeal it in the Magistrates court. • Issuing a CPN does not discharge the Council from its duty to issue an Abatement Notice. • Before a CPN can be issued a written warning must be issued to the person committing the ASB

  24. Community Protection Notice (CPN) • Warning must make clear if the behaviour doesn’t stop they will receive a CPN • CPN must include:  A requirement to stop doing specified things;  A requirement to do specified things;  A requirement to take reasonable steps to achieve specified results.  CPN’s are deigned to deal with short or medium term issues.

  25. Absolute ground for possession • Social landlords and private rented sector landlords • Tenant/member of household/person visiting meets one of the following: – Convicted of a serious offence – Found by a court to have breached a civil injunction – Convicted for breaching a criminal behaviour order – Convicted for breaching a noise abatement notice; or – The tenant’s property has been closed for more than 48 hours under a closure order for ASB

  26. Absolute ground for possession • Offence/breach needs to have occurred in the locality of the property or affected a person with a right to live in the locality or affected the landlord/staff/contractors. • If the test is met court must grant a possession order • Secure tenants have statutory right to request a review of landlords decision. Private/Registered providers should adopt similar practice • Need to serve notice of proceedings within 12 months of the relevant conviction (or appeal) or within 3 months where property has been closed under a closure order (or appeal).

  27. Absolute ground for possession • 4 weeks Notice period (or rent period). 1 month on fixed term or the rent period. • Notice valid for 12 months.

  28. Closure • Closure notice can only be used by Council or the Police • Following needs to have occurred or will occur if power not used: Closure notice (up to 48hrs) – Nuisance to the public; or – Disorder near those premises Closure Order (up to 6 months) – Disorderly, offensive or criminal behaviour; – Serious nuisance to the public; or – Disorder near the premises

  29. Closure • Closure notice cannot prohibit access in respect of anyone who habitually lives on a premises. • A Closure Order can prohibit access to those who live at the premises. • Application at Magistrates court for Closure Order • An application for a Closure Order should be made on every issue of a Closure Notice • The courts are required to hear the application within 48 hours of the service of the closure notice. • Both the notice and order can cover any land or any other place


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