ANNUAL REPORT (January-December 2016) Third development Plan (DP3) A new path to Supporting the Africa Development Agenda Annual Meeting – Marrakech, February 20 – 24, 2017 1143_130 – SSATP – DP3 Strategy - Urban Mobility
Lessons from thirty years of experience • 2008 – 2011 : • 1987 – 2004 : • 2004 – 2007 : Second Transport Sector First Development Policy Program Development Plan (DP2) Plan (DP1) Road • 2014 – … : Third Road Safety as Poverty Maintenance Development a key priority Initiative Reduction Plan (DP3) Transport Rural Travel Sector Review and Transport Establishment Program of the REC-TCC Annual Meeting – Marrakech, February 20 – 24, 2017 1143_130 – SSATP – DP3 Strategy - Urban Mobility
DP3: Tackling current transport issues Pillar A : Integration, Connectivity and Cohesion Third Pillar B : Development Urban Transport and Plan Mobility Pillar C : Road Safety Annual Meeting – Marrakech, February 20 – 24, 2017 1143_130 – SSATP – DP3 Strategy - Urban Mobility
• Mobilize Your City and Safer Africa initiatives • Reviving collaboration with AUC • Collaborating with ARMFA • Advocating for new memberships • Collaborating with academia • Empowering stakeholders • Extending partnership with the donor community Partnership Ownership Sustain- ability • Dissemination/Outreach • Replicability RESULTS Annual Meeting-Marrakech, February 20-24, 2017 1143_130 – SSATP – DP3 Strategy - Urban Mobility
SSATP Governance Structure and Focus Areas General Assembly (40 countries) Provides strategic directions Executive SSATP management Committee team Provides guidance to Day-to-day the SSATP management management team Working Group Working Group Working Group Pillar A : Integration, Pillar B : Urban Connectivity and Pillar C : Road Safety Transport and Mobility Cohesion Annual Meeting-Marrakech, February 20-24, 2017 1143_130 – SSATP – DP3 Strategy - Urban Mobility
Pillar A: Integration, Connectivity and Cohesion A Paradigm Shift Objective/outcome Indicators Continental Free Trade Area (CFTA) agreement indicators Promote effective policy and strategy formulation and implementation for corridor development at the country and regional levels Intermediate outcome Indicators Consensus built on the strategic orientations for integrated 1. One Regional Economic Community (REC) having corridor development adopted a holistic and multimodal approach in 2. Consensus built on the strategic orientations for performance- planning and executing integrated corridor based corridor development plans development One REC having adopted strategies for performance- based corridor development Outputs Indicators 1. Assessment of corridor development approaches in Africa, review Assessment of strategic plans in RECs and corridor of REC and corridor strategic development plans authorities carried out 2. Preparation of technical notes on knowledge gaps, assessment Case study of integrated corridor development in Africa and dissemination of experience and good practices, and Review of international good practices promotion of integrated corridor development and performance- Stakeholders ’ meetings having taken place to advocate based corridor development integrated corridor development and performance- 3. Program to promote integrated corridor development and based corridor development approaches performance-based corridor development 6 SSATP – Integration, Connectivity and Cohesion Pillar Annual Meeting – Marrakech, February 20 – 24, 2017 1143_130 – SSATP – DP3 Strategy - Urban Mobility
Objective/outcome Indicators One institution meeting capacity criteria (must be Develop the capacity of institutions for an inclusive sustainable, inclusive, and have monitoring and diagnosis policy dialogue on regional integration tools) Intermediate outcome Indicators Capacity building to ensure that institutions are 1. Capacity development plan prepared in one institution, Sustainable including financing framework with composition of institution reflecting diversity of stakeholders (control Inclusive agencies, logistics operators, traders, agricultural Have adequate monitoring and diagnosis tools producers, civil society organizations) Indicators on corridor performance published 2. Continental framework for cooperation in place through the REC One institution has agreed to host the REC-TCC Transportation Coordination Committee (REC-TCC) Outputs Indicators Capacity review of regional integration institutions, including 1. Capacity review and capacity development plan funding needs and ways to involve stakeholders approved by one institution with funding framework for Assistance for establishment and expansion of transport 2. the institution identified and strategies prepared to observatories engage, involve, and inform stakeholders Support of regional coordination mechanism 3. Two Regional Economic Communities with unit created having corridor performance monitoring responsibility Two REC-TCC meetings per year during four years Annual Meeting-Marrakech, February 20-24, 2017 1143_130 – SSATP – DP3 Strategy - Urban Mobility
Objective/outcome Indicators Decrease in total logistics cost on selected corridors Promote efficient logistics services Intermediate outcome Indicators Regulatory framework in place per type of logistics service: Number of countries having adopted revised regulatory framework Trucking services Cost and freight (C&F) Terminal operators Rural logistics Railways Inland waterways Control agencies (customs) Single windows Outputs Indicators For each type of logistics service, a case study would Three case studies carried out. Each case study covers: 1. Analyze the problems Analysis of the problems 2. Prepare reform scenarios and review of options Preparation of reform scenarios and review of options 3. Quantify the cost of inaction Quantification of the cost of inaction 4. Perform a political economy analysis Assess the capacity development and training needs for operators 5. Political economy analysis Assessment of capacity development and training needs for operators Annual Meeting-Marrakech, February 20-24, 2017 1143_130 – SSATP – DP3 Strategy - Urban Mobility
Pillar B: Urban Transport and Mobility Promoting a New Integrated Approach Objective/outcome Indicators Secure universal access by sustainable transport for As defined in the SDGs urban populations by 2030 Intermediate outcome Indicators ENABLE National and urban decision makers and technical staff Number of references to SSATP best practice standards in aim at adopting and are capable of putting in place sustainable urban official documents regarding urban transport transport planning, monitoring, coordination, and financing Number of urban areas where the preparation of strategies to mechanisms improve urban transport experiences AVOID Urban decision makers and technical staff have Number of urban areas where sound programs exist for the knowledge of and start to apply urban forms that minimize the need for motorized transport and favor public and nonmotorized transport creation of an urban transport planning, monitoring, and SHIFT Urban decision makers and technical staff have knowledge coordination agency; or financing mechanisms for urban transport have been established; or the nonmotorized of and have competently completed the preliminary steps toward transport modes have been improved; or the restructuring adopting and implementing sound integrated multimodal urban mobility plans and modernization of informal public transport operators IMPROVE Urban decision makers and technical staff have have been drafted with support from SSATP best practice standards and submitted to the highest decision-making knowledge of and have competently completed the preliminary steps authorities; or where the elaboration of an integrated toward adopting and implementing the key measures needed to improve traffic conditions in African cities multimodal urban mobility plan or a traffic and parking management program has started. 9 SSATP – Integration, Connectivity and Cohesion Pillar Annual Meeting – Marrakech, February 20 – 24, 2017 1143_130 – SSATP – DP3 Strategy - Urban Mobility
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