and recommend to

and recommend to those in the official statistics domain? Ja - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

C2G data partnerships: What can we learn from and recommend to those in the official statistics domain? Ja Javier vier Car arranza, ranza, Fund ndaci acin n Geoce ocensos, nsos, Septiembre ptiembre 2018 18 ja javier

  1. C2G data partnerships: What can we learn from and recommend to those in the official statistics domain? Ja Javier vier Car arranza, ranza, Fund ndació ación n Geoce ocensos, nsos, Septiembre ptiembre 2018 18 ja javier carran rranza@geocen @Geocensos Geocensos

  2. content values what we do about us

  3. content values what we do about us

  4. content values what we do about us

  5. We want to Outreach to Share our communities experience what we do about us content Bring Bring more da more data ta to to values nat nation ional al stat statist istics ics Ru Runn nning ing a re real data ta revo volut lution ion

  6. What we do about us content values Data Gove vern rnance ance Taking ing st stock ck of Reco comm mmend endatio ations ns partnership tnerships s with partnerships tnerships at to st streng ngthen then non traditiona itional l the st statistical istical NGO’s capacities act ctors rs scene sc in the officia cial l st statis istics tics domain main

  7. 1 Partn rtnerin ering g for r the e Global al Devel velopme opment. nt. SDG17 17: : Buil ild Partn rtnershi erships ps Enhance the global By 2030, build on existing partnership for sustainable initiatives to develop development complemented measurements of progress by multi-stakeholder on sustainable partnerships that mobilize 17 17.16 16 17.19 17 19 development that and share knowledge, complement GDP, and expertise, technologies and support statistical capacity financial resources to support building in developing the achievement of countries sustainable development 4 goals in all countries, 2 particularly developing By 2020, enhance capacity countries building support to developing countries, including for LDCs and SIDS, to increase significantly the availability of Encourage and promote 3 high-quality, timely and reliable 17.17 17 17 effective public, public- 17.18 17 18 data disaggregated by income, private, and civil society gender, age, race, ethnicity, partnerships, building on migratory status, disability, the experience and geographic location and other resourcing strategies of characteristics relevant in partnerships national contexts. ,

  8. What at is the e Cape pe Tow own n Gl Global obal Ac Action ion Plan an (CTGAP) GAP) The e guid idan ance e that t this is Plan n pro ropose ses s is is n not re rest stri ricted cted only to capacit city buil ildin ing g to pro roduce e SDG in indic icators. tors.

  9. How w CTGAP AP relates tes to no non n tradition ditional al data 2.3 Identify and remove barriers to the use of new data sources, including registries and administrative data and other data from new Use of new data sources and innovative sources, and coordinate efforts to incorporate them Support Capacity Building into mainstream statistical programmes through, inter alia, confidence- and trust-building measures, legal reforms, better funding and capacity building. 3.1 Increase the integ egrat atio ion of data ta from different sources: surveys, Integrate new sources administrative data and new source ces. 3.4 Promote the integr egrat ation ion of moder ern n geospat spatia ial l informati ation on management systems within mainstream statistical production Integrate Geospatial programmes by highlighting synergies between the two systems. Sources Encourage the use and adoptio ption n of techn hnolo ologies gies that at promote ote integr egrat ation ion of geospat patial al and stat atist istic ical al informatio ation. Source: Own Elaboration based on Cape Town Global Action Plan

  10. How w CTGAP AP relates tes to no non n tradition ditional al data (2) 3.6 .6 Develop a comprehensive dat ata a qua ualit lity y assuran urance ce Assure quality in new frame mewor ork to be adopted by data producers, including data sources for new dat ata a source urces. 4.1 Develop effective communication and data 4.1 Develop diss ssem eminati ation strate ategies gies and guidelines for public and private Communication dialogue oriented to policy-makers, legislators, the media, the with Public general public lic, the economy, etc. 5.1 5.1 Develop the institu titutiona tional arran angem emen ents ts that are needed Cooperation with for public-private cooperation, including the use of data from non official non-official icial source ces, in accordance with the UN Fundamental Principles of Official Statistics. sources Source: Own Elaboration based on Cape Town Global Action Plan

  11. Share re of of dif iffere erent nt kin inds s of of pa partn rtners ers that at pr prov ovid ide e NSOs s non on tra raditi ition onal Sourc rces es for r Big ig Data a . 3 . 32 countri tries es 2013/20 /2014 14 10,3% 13% 44% 0% 100% 0% 100% 0% 100% INTERNATIONAL ACADEMIA GOVERNMENT ORGANIZATION 3.4% 51,7% 10.3% 0% 100% 0% 100% 0% 100% OTHER COMMERCIAL NGO Source: UNSD and UNECE Survey on organizational context and individual projects of Big Data

  12. Share re of dif iffer erent ent kin inds s of partn rtners ers that at pro rovid ide e NSOs s non tra radit itio ional nal Sourc rces es for r Big ig Data a . 3 . 32 countri tries es 2013/20 /2014 14 Type pe of of re reso source rce pr prov ovided ided in in pa part rtnership nership 17,2% 65,5% 17,2% 0% 100% 0% 100% 0% 100% DESIGN PARTNER DATA DATA AGREGATION 17,2% 44,8% 6,9% 0% 100% 0% 100% 0% 100% TECHNOLOGY ANALYTICAL OTHER PARTNER PARTNER Source: UNSD and UNECE Survey on organizational context and individual projects of Big Data

  13. Data ta Gov overna ernance ce pa part rtnersh nerships ips and d examp amples les of of initi tiativ atives es Civil vil Soci ciety ety Governme vernment nt Busi usine ness ss Organ anizat izations ions or (NSS S or NSO) compa pani nies NGOs ions ion iety y ion iety y iety y Google Maps Civic Data Alliance izatio or NGOs izatio Uwezo initia tiativ tive e in or NGOs anizatio or NGOs ivil Socie ivil Socie ivil Socie Organizat /Civic Apps For Greater Organiza Organiza handicapped survey in Uganda nda / P PEPFAR Portland / Malaysian CSO- Mexico / Mapbox and Popula lation tion-ba base sed d HIV Civil Civil Civil s o s o NGO contributed open data Mapillary applications impact ct asses essm sment ents s in (involving openstreetmap site / OpenSchools KG CIV / OSM Stats ts Can / contributors) / Local People Budget NO/ Guides community ernment SS or NSO) ernmen ernmen NSOs data on OSM GDB/ / SS or SS or Urban Dynamics and DataMarket - Economic O) NSO) A tu servicio in Uruguay/ O) NSO) t (NSS Govern administrative records t (NSS Govern Census Govern NSO Data Portals project at INE Chile (NSS Comparison of Experian Microsoft Open Maps team Linkedin - Facebook - ies ies MKT data to UK ONS ies iness open data on building iness Google - AWS AI / BD / panie panie iness panie ocmpan ocmpan ocmpan Busine Busine census data / Twitter Big footprints in U.S. / Apple Busine Database Management Data project at INEGI internal volunteer services programme.

  14. Uwezo ezo (meani eaning ng 'capabilit pability' y' in Kiswahi ahili li C2G G dp dp) uw t/assess assessment ment/tools /tools

  15. Ope penstreetmap nstreetmap / Stats ats Can n pa part rtnersh nership ip - Canada nada (C2G C2G dp dp) www.crow .crowdid.osmc id.osmcana anada. com

  16. A tu servi rvicio cio Por ortal tal - Uru ruguay uay (G2C G2C dp dp) atuservi

  17. Ins nsights ights and nd lesson sons 1 5 3 Governments CSO contributing Proactivity to support show a with a broader 7 statistical activities certain range of tasks in goes from citizenry to More interest in the statistical governments rather research is data production than the other way needed partnerships processes around. 4 Difference between 2 monitoring and Citizen statistical complementing data in 6 production is in its first the public scenario stages and developing NSS parties mostly valuable experiences involved in C2G, little involvement of NSOs.

  18. Our r ow own con ontr tribution: ibution: Stats ats Up p pr proj oject ect https ps:/ :// / /watch?v=9cfd atch?v=9cfdYdQH YdQHZVY&authu ZVY&authuser=1 ser=1



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