analyzing aggregated ar 1 processes

Analyzing Aggregated AR(1) Processes Jon Gunnip Supervisory - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Analyzing Aggregated AR(1) Processes Jon Gunnip Supervisory Committee Professor Lajos Horv ath (Committee Chair) Professor Davar Koshnevisan Professor Paul Roberts Analyzing Aggregated AR(1) Processes p.1 What is an AR(1) Process?

  1. Analyzing Aggregated AR(1) Processes Jon Gunnip Supervisory Committee Professor Lajos Horv´ ath (Committee Chair) Professor Davar Koshnevisan Professor Paul Roberts Analyzing Aggregated AR(1) Processes – p.1

  2. What is an AR(1) Process? Let ǫ i be i.i.d. with Eǫ = 0 , Var ǫ = σ 2 . For some constant ρ , −∞ < ρ < ∞ , and for all i ∈ Z , let X i = ρX i − 1 + ǫ i . This is an autoregressive process of order 1. Analyzing Aggregated AR(1) Processes – p.2

  3. AR(1) Process Example ρ = . 5 , ǫ ∼ N (0 , 1) Analyzing Aggregated AR(1) Processes – p.3

  4. Aggregated AR(1) Processes • What if a financial statistic for N companies each followed an AR(1) process? X ( j ) = ρ ( j ) X ( j ) i − 1 + ǫ ( j ) 1 ≤ j ≤ N, 1 ≤ i ≤ ∞ i , i Analyzing Aggregated AR(1) Processes – p.4

  5. Aggregated AR(1) Processes • What if a financial statistic for N companies each followed an AR(1) process? X ( j ) = ρ ( j ) X ( j ) i − 1 + ǫ ( j ) 1 ≤ j ≤ N, 1 ≤ i ≤ ∞ i , i • Only summary statistics might be reported: j =1 X ( j ) � N Y i = 1 1 ≤ i ≤ n i , N Analyzing Aggregated AR(1) Processes – p.4

  6. Aggregated AR(1) Processes • What if a financial statistic for N companies each followed an AR(1) process? X ( j ) = ρ ( j ) X ( j ) i − 1 + ǫ ( j ) 1 ≤ j ≤ N, 1 ≤ i ≤ ∞ i , i • Only summary statistics might be reported: j =1 X ( j ) � N Y i = 1 1 ≤ i ≤ n i , N • Is it plausible to consider Y 1 , ..., Y n as an AR(1) process? Y i = ρ ∗ Y i − 1 + ǫ ∗ 1 ≤ i ≤ n i , Analyzing Aggregated AR(1) Processes – p.4

  7. Agenda • Discuss some elementary facts about AR(1) processes Analyzing Aggregated AR(1) Processes – p.5

  8. Agenda • Discuss some elementary facts about AR(1) processes • Derive an estimator ˆ ρ for ρ in an AR(1) process and analyze the distribution of √ n (ˆ ρ − ρ ) Analyzing Aggregated AR(1) Processes – p.5

  9. Agenda • Discuss some elementary facts about AR(1) processes • Derive an estimator ˆ ρ for ρ in an AR(1) process and analyze the distribution of √ n (ˆ ρ − ρ ) • Consider aggregations of AR(1) processes where ρ is a random variable and use simulations to test two estimators for Eρ that rely on the aggregated data Analyzing Aggregated AR(1) Processes – p.5

  10. Elementary Facts about AR(1) Processes Analyzing Aggregated AR(1) Processes – p.6

  11. Stationary, Predictable Solutions • A solution to an AR(1) process is weakly stationary if EX i is independent of i and Cov ( X i + h , X i ) is independent of i for each integer h Analyzing Aggregated AR(1) Processes – p.7

  12. Stationary, Predictable Solutions • A solution to an AR(1) process is weakly stationary if EX i is independent of i and Cov ( X i + h , X i ) is independent of i for each integer h • A solution is predictable if X i is a function of ǫ i , ǫ i − 1 , . . . Analyzing Aggregated AR(1) Processes – p.7

  13. Solutions to AR(1) Processes • An AR(1) process has a unique, stationary, predictable solution if and only if | ρ | < 1 Analyzing Aggregated AR(1) Processes – p.8

  14. Solutions to AR(1) Processes • An AR(1) process has a unique, stationary, predictable solution if and only if | ρ | < 1 • Assume | ρ | < 1 . Using X i − i = ρX i − 2 + ǫ i − 1 , recursively expand X i = ρX i − 1 + ǫ i to get Y i = � ∞ k =0 ρ k ǫ i − k = ǫ i + ρǫ i − 1 + ρ 2 ǫ i − 2 + . . . as solution Analyzing Aggregated AR(1) Processes – p.8

  15. Solutions to AR(1) Processes • An AR(1) process has a unique, stationary, predictable solution if and only if | ρ | < 1 • Assume | ρ | < 1 . Using X i − i = ρX i − 2 + ǫ i − 1 , recursively expand X i = ρX i − 1 + ǫ i to get Y i = � ∞ k =0 ρ k ǫ i − k = ǫ i + ρǫ i − 1 + ρ 2 ǫ i − 2 + . . . as solution • Solution is predictable. It is also defined with probability 1 and that it satisfies X i = ρX i − 1 + ǫ i Analyzing Aggregated AR(1) Processes – p.8

  16. Solutions to AR(1) Processes (cont’d) • Mean function is µ Y ( i ) = 0 and covariance function is γ Y ( h ) = ρ − h � � σ 2 so solution is 1 − ρ 2 stationary Analyzing Aggregated AR(1) Processes – p.9

  17. Solutions to AR(1) Processes (cont’d) • Mean function is µ Y ( i ) = 0 and covariance function is γ Y ( h ) = ρ − h � � σ 2 so solution is 1 − ρ 2 stationary • For | ρ | > 1 , there is a unique, stationary, non-predictable solution Analyzing Aggregated AR(1) Processes – p.9

  18. Solutions to AR(1) Processes - Conclusion • Since we have a unique, stationary, predictable solution if and only if | ρ | < 1 , we assume | ρ | < 1 throughout the rest of the presentation Analyzing Aggregated AR(1) Processes – p.10

  19. Solutions to AR(1) Processes - Conclusion • Since we have a unique, stationary, predictable solution if and only if | ρ | < 1 , we assume | ρ | < 1 throughout the rest of the presentation • Next step is to have a way to estimate ρ given data X 1 , ..., X n from an AR(1) process Analyzing Aggregated AR(1) Processes – p.10

  20. Deriving ˆ ρ and Analyzing √ n (ˆ ρ − ρ ) Analyzing Aggregated AR(1) Processes – p.11

  21. Estimating ρ in AR(1) Process • Least squares estimation: using ǫ k = X k − ρX k − 1 and minimizing k =2 ( X k − ρX k − 1 ) 2 yields � n n � X k X k − 1 k =2 ρ = ˆ n � X 2 k − 1 k =2 Analyzing Aggregated AR(1) Processes – p.12

  22. Estimating ρ in AR(1) Process • Least squares estimation: using ǫ k = X k − ρX k − 1 and minimizing k =2 ( X k − ρX k − 1 ) 2 yields � n n � X k X k − 1 k =2 ρ = ˆ n � X 2 k − 1 k =2 • Agrees with maximum liklihood estimator for ǫ ∼ N (0 , σ 2 ) Analyzing Aggregated AR(1) Processes – p.12

  23. Properties of √ n (ˆ ρ − ρ ) • By substituting ρX k − 1 + ǫ k for X k in ˆ ρ we derive n n � � X k − 1 ǫ k X k − 1 ǫ k k =2 k =2 ρ − ρ = ˆ ≈ n nEX 2 0 � X 2 k − 1 k =2 Analyzing Aggregated AR(1) Processes – p.13

  24. Properties of √ n (ˆ ρ − ρ ) • By substituting ρX k − 1 + ǫ k for X k in ˆ ρ we derive n n � � X k − 1 ǫ k X k − 1 ǫ k k =2 k =2 ρ − ρ = ˆ ≈ n nEX 2 0 � X 2 k − 1 k =2 • Predictability of X k implies EX k − 1 ǫ k = 0 Analyzing Aggregated AR(1) Processes – p.13

  25. Properties of √ n (ˆ ρ − ρ ) • By substituting ρX k − 1 + ǫ k for X k in ˆ ρ we derive n n � � X k − 1 ǫ k X k − 1 ǫ k k =2 k =2 ρ − ρ = ˆ ≈ n nEX 2 0 � X 2 k − 1 k =2 • Predictability of X k implies EX k − 1 ǫ k = 0 • Thus, E √ n (ˆ ρ − ρ ) ≈ 0 Analyzing Aggregated AR(1) Processes – p.13

  26. Properties of √ n (ˆ ρ − ρ ) (cont’d) • Similarly we can show σ 2 Var √ n (ˆ ρ − ρ ) ≈ EX 2 0 Analyzing Aggregated AR(1) Processes – p.14

  27. Properties of √ n (ˆ ρ − ρ ) (cont’d) • Similarly we can show σ 2 Var √ n (ˆ ρ − ρ ) ≈ EX 2 0 • If √ n (ˆ ρ − ρ ) is normally distributed we would σ 2 expect it to be approximately N (0 , 0 ) EX 2 Analyzing Aggregated AR(1) Processes – p.14

  28. Properties of √ n (ˆ ρ − ρ ) (cont’d) • Similarly we can show σ 2 Var √ n (ˆ ρ − ρ ) ≈ EX 2 0 • If √ n (ˆ ρ − ρ ) is normally distributed we would σ 2 expect it to be approximately N (0 , 0 ) EX 2 • We examine this proposition through simulations using several combinations of ρ and ǫ Analyzing Aggregated AR(1) Processes – p.14

  29. Properties of √ n (ˆ ρ − ρ ) (cont’d) ρ = . 1 , ǫ ∼ N (0 , 1) Analyzing Aggregated AR(1) Processes – p.15

  30. Properties of √ n (ˆ ρ − ρ ) (cont’d) ρ = . 5 , ǫ ∼ N (0 , 1) Analyzing Aggregated AR(1) Processes – p.16

  31. Properties of √ n (ˆ ρ − ρ ) (cont’d) ρ = . 9 , ǫ ∼ N (0 , 1) Analyzing Aggregated AR(1) Processes – p.17

  32. Properties of √ n (ˆ ρ − ρ ) (cont’d) ρ = . 99 , ǫ ∼ N (0 , 1) Analyzing Aggregated AR(1) Processes – p.18

  33. Properties of √ n (ˆ ρ − ρ ) (cont’d) f ( x ) = 1 2 e −| x | ρ = . 5 , ǫ ∼ DE (1 , 0) Analyzing Aggregated AR(1) Processes – p.19

  34. Properties of √ n (ˆ ρ − ρ ) (cont’d) 1 ρ = . 5 , ǫ ∼ CAU (1 , 0) f ( x ) = π (1+ x 2 ) Analyzing Aggregated AR(1) Processes – p.20

  35. Properties of √ n (ˆ ρ − ρ ) - Conclusion • When ǫ is distributed as N (0 , 1) or DE (1 , 0) , √ n (ˆ ρ − ρ ) is distributed approximately as σ 2 N (0 , 0 ) EX 2 Analyzing Aggregated AR(1) Processes – p.21

  36. Properties of √ n (ˆ ρ − ρ ) - Conclusion • When ǫ is distributed as N (0 , 1) or DE (1 , 0) , √ n (ˆ ρ − ρ ) is distributed approximately as σ 2 N (0 , 0 ) EX 2 • We can create confidence intervals or do hypothesis testing for ρ under these circumstances Analyzing Aggregated AR(1) Processes – p.21

  37. Properties of √ n (ˆ ρ − ρ ) - Conclusion • When ǫ is distributed as N (0 , 1) or DE (1 , 0) , √ n (ˆ ρ − ρ ) is distributed approximately as σ 2 N (0 , 0 ) EX 2 • We can create confidence intervals or do hypothesis testing for ρ under these circumstances • We will use ǫ distributed as N (0 , 1) and DE (1 , 0) for our simulations of aggregrated AR(1) processes Analyzing Aggregated AR(1) Processes – p.21

  38. Aggregated AR(1) Processes Analyzing Aggregated AR(1) Processes – p.22


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