analytical uncertainties and model output

Analytical uncertainties and model output Anders Grimvall 1 , - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Analytical uncertainties and model output Anders Grimvall 1 , Claudia von Brmssen 2 and Gran Lindstrm 3 1) Swedish Institute for the Marine Environment 2) Swedish Univerity of Agricultural Sciences 3) Swedish Meteorological and

  1. Analytical uncertainties and model output Anders Grimvall 1 , Claudia von Brömssen 2 and Göran Lindström 3 1) Swedish Institute for the Marine Environment 2) Swedish Univerity of Agricultural Sciences 3) Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute Uppsala 18 May 2015

  2. Monitoring and modelling riverine loads of substances Measured water Process-based quality and catchment model discharge (e.g. HYPE) High quality monitoring is a prerequisite for high quality modelling!

  3. Monitoring and modelling river water quality Measured water Process-based catchment models quality and (e.g. HYPE) discharge Can process-based models help to reduce the uncertainty of measured data?

  4. Principle premise Constant land- use and point Process-based Weather- emissions catchment driven model temporal Observed (e.g. HYPE) variation temperature and rainfall The impact of human interventions in the catchment will emerge more clearly If weather-driven fluctuations are removed from observed data

  5. Adjustment methods  Simplistic method Substract calculated weather-driven fluctuations from observed values  Slightly more advanced method Regress observed values on modelled values and compute residuals. Focus on the feasibility to predict the irregular components (anomalies) of time series

  6. HYPE HYdrological Predictions for the Environment The soil is modelled as several layers which may have different thickness for each soil class Uppsala 18 May 2015

  7. S-HYPE simulations • S-HYPE is a HYPE setup that covers the whole of Sweden • Sweden was divided into 37786 sub-basins • The anthropogenic forcing was kept fixed to the conditions prevailing in 2005 • The physical forcing consisted of time series of meteorological data from 1992 to 2010. We used monthly mean model outputs for water discharge and nitrogen and phosphorus concentrations at major river mouths Uppsala 18 May 2015

  8. Observational data Sampling Sampling Sampling River Sampling site Sea area River Sea area period site period Norrström Stockholm Centralbron 1996–2010 Baltic Proper Örekilsälven Munkedal 1992–2010 Skagerrak Norrström Stockholm Norrström 1992–2002 Baltic Proper Enningdalsälven N. Bullaren 1992–2010 Skagerrak Nyköpingsån Spånga 1992–2010 Baltic Proper Forsmarksån Johannisfors 1992–2010 Gulf of Bothnia Motala ström Norrköping 1992–2010 Baltic Proper Dalälven Älvkarleby 1992–2010 Gulf of Bothnia Ljungbyån Ljungbyholm 1992–2010 Baltic Proper Gavleån Gävle 1992–2010 Gulf of Bothnia Alsterån Getebro 1992–2010 Baltic Proper Ljusnan Ljusne Strömmar 1992–2010 Gulf of Bothnia Emån Emsfors 1992–2010 Baltic Proper Delångersån Iggesund 1992–2010 Gulf of Bothnia Botorpström Brunnsö 1992–2010 Baltic Proper Ljungan Skallböleforsen 1992–2010 Gulf of Bothnia Gothemsån Hörsne 1992–2010 Baltic Proper Indalsälven Bergeforsen 1992–2010 Gulf of Bothnia Mörrumsån Mörrum 1992–2010 Baltic Proper Ångermanälven Sollefteå 1992–2010 Gulf of Bothnia Lyckebyån Lyckeby 1992–2010 Baltic Proper Gide älv Gideåbacka 1992–2010 Gulf of Bothnia Skivarpsån Skivarp 1992–2010 Baltic Proper Lögde älv Lögdeå 1992–2010 Gulf of Bothnia Kävlingeån Högsmölla 1996–2010 Baltic Proper Öre älv Torrböle 1992–2010 Gulf of Bothnia Helgeån Hammarsjön 1992–2010 Baltic Proper Ume älv Stornorrfors 1992–2010 Gulf of Bothnia Råån Helsingborg 1992–2010 Öresund Rickleån Rickleån outflow 1992–2010 Gulf of Bothnia Rönneå Klippan 1992–2010 Kattegat Skellefte älv Kvistforsen 1992–2010 Gulf of Bothnia Smedjeån V. Mellby 1992–2010 Kattegat Pite älv Bölebyn 1992–2010 Gulf of Bothnia Lagan Laholm 1992–2010 Kattegat Alterälven Norrfjärden 1992–2010 Gulf of Bothnia Nissan Halmstad 1992–2010 Kattegat Lule älv Luleå 1992–2010 Gulf of Bothnia Ätran Falkenberg 1992–2010 Kattegat Kalix älv Karlsborg 1992–2010 Gulf of Bothnia Viskan Åsbro 1992–2010 Kattegat Töre älv Bölträsket inflow 1992–2010 Gulf of Bothnia Göta älv Alelyckan 1992–2010 Kattegat Torne älv Mattila 1992–2010 Gulf of Bothnia Göta älv Trollhättan 1992–2010 Kattegat Råne älv Niemisel 1992–2010 Gulf of Bothnia Bäveån Uddevalla 1992–2010 Skagerrak Monthly sampling for water quality. Daily water discharge. Uppsala 18 May 2015

  9. S-HYPE performance: annual means Uppsala 18 May 2015

  10. S-HYPE performance: seasonal components for total N Uppsala 18 May 2015

  11. S-HYPE performance: seasonal components for total P Uppsala 18 May 2015

  12. Prediction of anomalies, i.e the irregular components of a time series Which is the best predictor of observed anomalies? S-HYPE anomalies or water discharge anomalies? Uppsala 18 May 2015

  13. S-HYPE performance: monthly anomalies for total N Measured anomalies are sometimes slightly better correlated to modelled anomalies than to water discharge anomalies Uppsala 18 May 2015

  14. S-HYPE performance: annual anomalies for total N Measured anomalies are sometimes better correlated to modelled anomalies than to water discharge anomalies Uppsala 18 May 2015

  15. S-HYPE performance: annual anomalies for total P With few exceptions, measured anomalies are poorly correlated to both modelled anomalies and water discharge anomalies Uppsala 18 May 2015

  16. Weather-normalized annual anomalies of total N Red solid line: modelled anomalies Blue dashed line: observed anomalies Uppsala 18 May 2015

  17. Mann-Kendall tests for monotone trends: unadjusted and weather-normalized total N data Annual measured anomaly (Total N: m g/l) Annual regression residual (Total N: m g/l) p-value Significance Slope p-value Significance Slope Mean total N ( m g/l) River/Sea area (twosided) code (change/year) (twosided) code (change/year) Enningdalsälv 0.1154 -4.4 0.2208 -2.9 623 Bäveån 0.0543 -8.3 0.2483 -2.6 939 Örekilsälven 0.0029 - - -11.8 0.3449 -4.1 1013 Skagerrak 0.0116 - -7.4 0.1695 -3.0 Göta älv, Trollhättan 0.0001 - - - -8.2 0.3103 -1.8 793 Göta älv, Alelyckan 0.0071 - - -8.3 0.8065 -0.2 833 Lagan 0.7004 0.5 0.9721 0.1 908 Nissan 0.8611 1.3 0.5520 1.9 1029 Ätran 0.0107 - -15.4 0.2781 -4.3 1183 Viskan 0.0637 -8.6 0.3818 -4.2 1281 Rönneå 0.0037 - - -30.3 0.0744 -15.2 2316 Smedjeån 0.0001 - - - -89.5 0.0046 - - -65.6 4438 Kattegat 0.0023 - - -9.7 0.1099 -2.6 Kävlingeån 0.0001 - - - -168.6 0.0001 - - - -168.3 4215 Råån 0.0000 - - - -272.2 0.0000 - - - -260.6 6714 Öresund 0.0000 - - - -208.6 0.0000 - - - -204.2 Uppsala 18 May 2015

  18. Mann-Kendall tests for monotone trends: unadjusted and weather-normalized total N data Annual measured anomaly (Total N: m g/l) Annual regression residual (Total N: m g/l) p-value Significance Slope p-value Significance Slope Mean total N ( m g/l) River/Sea area (twosided) code (change/year) (twosided) code (change/year) Norrström, Centralbron 0.9605 -0.6 0.9605 0.2 672 Alsterån 0.3818 3.3 0.4210 3.5 700 Norrström, Norrström 0.0240 + 24.5 0.1857 13.6 726 Botorpström 0.0865 6.0 0.0230 + 7.7 794 Mörrumsån 0.0191 + 6.8 0.0230 + 6.6 835 Motala ström 0.9164 -0.6 0.8065 1.0 869 Emån 0.0461 + 7.4 0.1001 5.4 945 Lyckebyån 0.0637 7.0 0.1515 5.2 996 Nyköpingsån 0.3103 -4.3 0.4210 -2.5 1046 Helgeån 0.4625 -7.0 0.6492 -2.5 1663 Ljungbyån 0.0107 - -43.8 0.0230 - -43.2 1875 Gothemsån 0.1325 -39.4 0.0543 -45.7 3641 Skivarpsån 0.0037 - - -136.1 0.0005 - - - -126.2 5421 Baltic Proper 0.8746 0.6 0.9480 0.2 Uppsala 18 May 2015


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