analysis of the morphological variation using diatech tool

Analysis of the morphological variation using Diatech tool Gotzon - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

W orkshop Maps and Gram m ar, Meertens Institute Septem ber 17-18, 2014 Analysis of the morphological variation using Diatech tool Gotzon Aurrekoetxea University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU) This work has been made in the research

  1. W orkshop Maps and Gram m ar, Meertens Institute Septem ber 17-18, 2014 Analysis of the morphological variation using ‘Diatech’ tool Gotzon Aurrekoetxea University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU) This work has been made in the research project awarded by the University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU) for 2012-2015.

  2. W orkshop Maps and Gram m ar, Meertens Institute Septem ber 17-18, 2014 1. Basque Dialectology: some works Alvarez, J. L. & Aurrekoetxea, G., 1987, Euskal dialektologiaren  hastapenak [Handbook of the Basque dialectology], Bilbao: UEU. Martínez-Areta, M., 2013, “Basque dialects”, in M. Martínez-Areta  (ed.), Basque and proto-Basque. Language-Internal and Typological Approaches to Linguistic Recostruction, Frankfurt and Main: Peter Lang, 31-87. Euskaltzaindia, 2010-2013, Euskararen Herri Hizkeren Atlasa  [Linguistic atlas of the Basque Language](EHHA), I-IV vol, Bilbao.

  3. W orkshop Maps and Gram m ar, Meertens Institute Septem ber 17-18, 2014 2. The Basque: an agglutinative language [zazpi leiho]tatik [seven windows] from ‘from seven windows’

  4. W orkshop Maps and Gram m ar, Meertens Institute Septem ber 17-18, 2014 3. The inflexion of the Basque • Postpositions Grammatical cases:  • Locative cases: Absolutive (-Ø)  • locative (-n) ‘in’ Ergative (-k)  • Ablative (-tik) ‘from’ Dative (-i)  • Allative (-ra) ‘to’ Partitive (-ik)  • Directional (-rantz) ‘towards’ • Terminate (-raino) ’up to’ • Non locative cases: Genitives  • Commitative (-ekin) (‘with’) genitive (-en)  • Benefactive (–rentzat) (‘for’) relational (-ko)  • Instrumental (-z) • prolative (–tzat) • Cause (-gatik) (Euskaltzaindia, 2003, Euskal gramatika laburra: perpaus bakuna [Brief Grammar of the Basque], Bilbao: Euskaltzaindia. For the names of the cases see Hualde & Ortiz de Urbina 2003)

  5. W orkshop Maps and Gram m ar, Meertens Institute Septem ber 17-18, 2014 4. The inflexion in the dialects  Different suffices for the same inflexion case: -areki(n)/-arekila(n) vs. –agaz (‘with’)  Different phonological rules (PhRs): Dissimilation, assimilation, deletion, addition… -o + -ak: -oak, -ook, -ok, -uak, -uek…

  6. W orkshop Maps and Gram m ar, Meertens Institute Septem ber 17-18, 2014 5. The inflexion in the EHHA project  All inflexion cases  Each case with words finished with different vowels and consonants  Each word in indefinite, singular and plural forms  188 questions

  7. W orkshop Maps and Gram m ar, Meertens Institute Septem ber 17-18, 2014 6. The data of the contribution  Data from the EHHA-V  51 questions about the inflexion of the words finished by “–o” vowel  Direct questions vs. Proposals astuak vs. *astuek  Empty answers and multiple responses (MR)  Responses and underlying representation

  8. W orkshop Maps and Gram m ar, Meertens Institute Septem ber 17-18, 2014 7. Empty answers 14 12 12 10 8 6 6 5 5 6 3 3 3 3 3 4 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 0 - 7.250 items oekin otako oetara oraino ora arte orengan oengan orengana oarengana oengana oak oek oentzat oez otzat otatik orengandik oarenganantz - 64 empty answers - 0.88% - From 51 cases in 18 empty answers Fig. 1: Empty answers

  9. W orkshop Maps and Gram m ar, Meertens Institute Septem ber 17-18, 2014 8. Multiple Responses (MR)

  10. W orkshop Maps and Gram m ar, Meertens Institute Septem ber 17-18, 2014 9. MR (questions/localities) 60 56 53 52 50 47 41 41 38 38 40 37 30 30 31 29 30 27 26 25 25 25 24 23 23 21 20 20 19 19 20 18 17 17 16 16 15 14 14 14 13 13 13 12 11 11 11 11 107 10 10 7 7 6 3 3 0 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 31 33 35 37 39 41 43 45 47 49 51 Fig. 2: Quantifications of MR in each question

  11. W orkshop Maps and Gram m ar, Meertens Institute Septem ber 17-18, 2014 10. The analysis of the data a) Orthographic answers astoak > -o + ak > -oak ‘donkey’ + det + abs. mark astok > -o + ak > -ok astoog > -o + ak > -oog astuak > -o + ak > -uak … b) Underlying representations -oak c) Phonological rules

  12. W orkshop Maps and Gram m ar, Meertens Institute Septem ber 17-18, 2014 11. Hierarchical structure of PhR of “–o+ak” case A: Dissimilation rule B: Assimilation rule C: Assimilation rule D: Voiceless rule E: monoptongation rule Fig 3: Hierarchical structure of the PhR

  13. W orkshop Maps and Gram m ar, Meertens Institute Septem ber 17-18, 2014 12. Linguistic distances in Diatech

  14. W orkshop Maps and Gram m ar, Meertens Institute Septem ber 17-18, 2014 13. Analysis of the data: linguistic distance-1 a) Phonetic distance (Levenshtein unit) (Heeringa 2004, Spruit, Heeringa & Nerbonne 2008...) b) Phonological distance (RIV unit) (Goebl 1981,1992...)

  15. W orkshop Maps and Gram m ar, Meertens Institute Septem ber 17-18, 2014 14. Analysis of the data: linguistic distance using PhRs –o+ak > –oag distance: 1 (D level)  (one PhR needed to pass form –oak to –oag) –o+ak > -ook distance: 2 (B and C)  (two PhRs needed to pass from –oak to –ook) –o+ak > –ok distance: 3 (B, C and E)  (three PhRs needed to pass from –oak to -ok) –o+ak > –uk distance: 4 (A, B, C and E)  (four PhRs needed to pass from –oak to –uk)

  16. 15. Phonetic distance W orkshop Maps and Gram m ar, Meertens Institute Septem ber 17-18, 2014 1 map: EHHA-morphology -51 questions (phonetic distance) Orthographic answers Levenshtein distance Cluster analysis Ward method-7

  17. W orkshop Maps and Gram m ar, Meertens Institute Septem ber 17-18, 2014 16. Phonetic distance: comparison Map 2: Cluster (Levenshtein dist., ortog., Ward-7) L.L. Bonaparte (1868) Map 3: Cluster (Levenshtein dist., ortog., Ward-5) Zuazo (1998)

  18. 17. Phonological distance Map 7 Map 8 Map 9

  19. 18. Phonetic vs. Phonological distance Map 4 Map 7 Map 5 Map 8 Map 6 Map 9

  20. W orkshop Maps and Gram m ar, Meertens Institute Septem ber 17-18, 2014 19. Discussion Which is the best cluster partition?  Dialectologists have made great progress quantifying linguistic  distances and drawing dialectal areas Have we make similar efforts in the theoretical aspects of  linguistic variation? The comparability of the outcomes… 

  21. 20. What is the best cluster partition? Map 4 Map 5 Map 6

  22. W orkshop Maps and Gram m ar, Meertens Institute Septem ber 17-18, 2014 21. Discussion  Dialectologists have made great progress quantifying linguistic  distances and drawing dialectal areas Have we make similar efforts in the theoretical aspects of  linguistic variation? The comparability of the outcomes… 

  23. W orkshop Maps and Gram m ar, Meertens Institute Septem ber 17-18, 2014 22. Conclusions The first time we use data from the Linguistic Atlas of the Basque  (EHHA) project; I have shown the hierarchical classification of the Basque dialects  using two data types (phonetic and phonological) and two linguistic distances (Levenshtein and RIV distances); I have shown the contrast between two distances. 


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