analog power inc analog power target markets

Analog Power Inc. Analog Power Target Markets & Applications - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Analog Power Inc. Analog Power Target Markets & Applications Consumer Electronics Communication, PoE Notebook Computers Mobile Phone Handset Desktop/Servers HDDs, Data Storage Battery Packs & Chargers LCD

  1. Analog Power Inc.

  2. Analog Power Target Markets & Applications  Consumer Electronics  Communication, PoE  Notebook Computers  Mobile Phone Handset  Desktop/Servers  HDDs, Data Storage  Battery Packs & Chargers  LCD Monitors & TV  Industrial & Motor Control  LED lighting Analog Power Confidential

  3. Analog Power Advantages • Worldwide presence, strong sales support especially in Asia • Packaging – industry standard AND new packages e.g. DFN1.6x1.6 - small & cost effective – • Cost effective silicon manufacturing – multiple foundries • Multi-sourced manufacturing to reduce risk, provide flexibility for upsides, and to remain competitive, customer gets good supply • Exciting product line with good fit for high growth markets Analog Power Confidential

  4. Application: Power Bank • MOSFETs used to make 5V from Li Ion cells – DC DC Boost converter – Needs small low RDS 30V FETs with RDS ratings at 2.5V • Also use MOSFETs for cell protection like battery packs • Examples of suitable MOSFETs: RDS(on) m Ohm @ VGS = V DS Max V GS Max Part Configuration V V 4.5V 2.5V I D Max A Package AM7306NA Single N 30 8 5 6.9 22 DFN3X3 AM7408NA Single N 30 8 5 6.9 26 SOIC-8PP AM7336N Single N 30 8 9 11 16.2 DFN3X3 AM4430N Single N 30 12 13.5 20 13 SO-8 AM2338NE Single N 30 8 31 36 5.2 SOT-23 • VDS rating = 20/30V, RDS rating at 2.5V+, low on resistance Analog Power Confidential

  5. Application: Battery Powered Electronics Examples: wireless barcode scanner, portable DVD/media player, high end camera, medical instruments e.g. portable ultrasound, blood pressure • Battery powered means three things: – Power management (battery life) is important: Loadswitches – Battery voltages need to be converted into say 3.3V : DC/DC Conversion – Battery charging needs to be controlled: Power routing • All of these use MOSFETs Analog Power Confidential

  6. DC/DC Conversion • Electronics today use many Synchronous Buck different voltages, 1.2V, 1.8V, Converter also used for battery charging 3.3V, 5V – All voltages must be made from battery voltage using DC/DC conversion – Most common circuit is synchronous buck (step down) – Synchronous buck circuit as shown uses two MOSFETs and is Boost converter as used for driving very common circuit and the same white LEDs topology is used for controlling the charging of batteries – Step up or boost converters also used and are common for driving white LEDs or to make say 12V from a single Li Ion cell (as also used in Power bank) Analog Power Confidential

  7. MOSFETs for 6 - 20V Buck Converters Convert battery voltage to the CPU (etc) voltage 6 -20V In V IN typically 6V to 20V, (2 to 4 Li Ion cells) • Board space is often critical Q1 1 to 3.3V Out • Efficiency important, low Qg is important • If V IN > 2 X V OUT Q2 should be lower RDS than Q1 • Q1 MOSFET rated current = ~I OUT Q2 • Q2 rated current = ~2 x I OUT • For Low V IN , V GSmax = 12V FETs may be best choice Examples Load R DS(on) m Ohm @ V GS = Current IOUT (A) MOSFET Part Type V DS Max V V GS Max V 10V 4.5V Package Q1 AM1430N Single N 30 20 58 82 SC-70-6 Q1 AMB430N Single N 30 20 24 37 DFN1.6X1.6-6PP <2A Q2 AM7330N Single N 30 20 22 30 DFN3X3 Q1 & Q2 AMS932N Dual N 30 20 9 15 DFN3X3 Q1 AM7330N Single N 30 20 22 30 DFN3X3 2<I OUT <5A Q2 AM7308NA Single N 30 20 9 15 DFN3x3 Analog Power Confidential

  8. MOSFETs for Boost Converters Convert battery voltage to a higher voltage for 6 -20V In circuit needs or White LED • MOSFET VDS rating > ~1.5 x V OUT 12 – 80V Out • 100V MOSFETs most common • Switching losses tend to be high due to higher voltage • Input current > output current, high ripple current • RDS and QG both very important Examples Load R DS(on) m Ohm @ V GS = Current IOUT (A) Part Type V DS Max V V GS Max V 10V 4.5V Package VOUT V <40 AMA460N Single N 60 20 27 33 DFN2x2 60 AMA410N Single N 100 20 92 99 DFN2x2 <0.5A 60 AM3470N Single N 100 20 170 185 TSOP-6 <40 AMA460N Single N 60 20 27 33 DFN2x2 0.5<I OUT <2 60 AM7102NA Single N 100 20 22 30 DFN3X3 A 60 AM7410N Single N 100 20 15 19 DFN5X6 Analog Power Confidential

  9. Application: Network Switches & Communications Equipment End products include – Switches, Enterprise WiFi access points Applications: • Point of Load DC/DC conversion – Power is often routed on a board as 12V and converted down to the right voltage at the load, this is called Point of Load, or PoL • 48V to 12V or 3.3V conversion – PoE : Power is sent via networking cables and must be converted from 48V to 12V (and then to 3.3V at PoL) or 3.3V – Central office telecom equipment, line cards: Power is routed at 48V and must be converted locally Analog Power Confidential

  10. MOSFETs for PoL Convert 12V to the right voltage for the CPU etc locally Allows more precise control of voltage at CPU and lower losses in the PC board due to lower current 12V In • Board space is often critical • Efficiency moderately important 1 to 3.3V Out Q1 • Q2 should be lower RDS than Q1 • Q1 MOSFET rated current = ~I OUT • Q2 rated current = ~2 x I OUT Q2 Examples Load R DS(on) m Ohm @ V GS = Current IOUT (A) MOSFET Part Type V DS Max V V GS Max V 10V 4.5V Package Q1 AM1430N Single N 30 20 58 82 SC-70-6 Q1 AMB430N Single N 30 20 24 37 DFN1.6X1.6-6PP <5A Q2 AMA430N Single N 30 10.5 18 30 DFN2X2 Q1 & Q2 AMS932N Dual N 30 20 9 15 DFN3X3 Q1 AMA430N Single N 30 10.5 18 30 DFN2X2 5<I OUT <15A Q2 AM7302N Single N 30 20 4 6 DFN3X3 Analog Power Confidential

  11. PoE Applications TI Reference Schematic for PoE PD power supply: Active Clamp Synchronous Rectifier PWM Analog Power Confidential

  12. MOSFETs for PoE PWM Applications 15W and 25W PD R DS(on) m Ohm @ V GS = I D Max Part V DS Max V 10V 4.5V A Package AM4390N 1 150 625 900 1.9 SO-8 AM3490N 1 150 700 1200 1.1 TSOP-6 AMR490N 2 150 240 260 3.8 SOIC-8PP AM7498N 150 360 370 3.1 SOIC-8PP AM7150N 150 255 290 3.6 DFN3X3 AM4392N 150 255 290 2.9 SO-8 AM20N15-250D 150 280 355 11 TO-252 AM4470N 200 3 295 335 2.7 SO-8 AM7200N 200 3 400 450 3 SOIC-8PP Notes: 1 AM4390N and AM3490N are best suited for 15W applications only 2 AMR490N is a new product with high efficiency and is a great product to suggest as the best choice 3 AM4392N is a good choice to replace Si4848DY and FDS2672 and a good cost effective choice 4 Most designs use 150-V MOSFETs but occasionally 200V FETs are preferred Analog Power Confidential

  13. PoE Active Clamp MOSFET • VDS should be the same as the main PWM FET – typically 150V, clamp FET is usually a P-Channel, but can be N-Channel • Because the average current is much lower, a higher on-resistance and smaller package is usually used, e.g. SOT-23 or DFN3x3 • Analog Power has the best range of small package 150V/200V P/N for this application in the industry R DS(on) m Ohm @ V GS = Part V DS Max V N / P 10V 4.5V I D Max A Package AM7001P -200 P 1050 1100* 1.6 DFN3x3 AM2391P -150 P 1200 1300 0.9 SOT-23 AM7151P -150 P 500 530 3 DFN3x3 AM2390N 150 N 700 1200 1.1 SOT-23 AM3490N 150 N 700 1200 1.1 TSOP-6 AM5350N 150 N 700 1200 1.3 DFN2x3 AM7000N 200 N 295 340 3 DFN3x3 Analog Power Confidential

  14. Synchronous Rectification PoE and Other Transformer Based Circuits Diode Version Synchronous Rectification Version When transformer supplies power When transformer supplies power Current flows through Q1 Current flows through D1 MOSFETs can Q2 conduct using built-in diode, but are turned on as Q1 MOSFETs and give much lower voltage drop and therefore higher efficiency When primary MOSFET is off When primary MOSFET is off (no power from transformer) (no power from transformer) current flows through Q2 Current flows through D2 The simple gate drive circuit shown here is usually replaced with a more complicated circuit that includes clamps and delays Analog Power Confidential

  15. Synchronous Rectification MOSFETs • Voltage rating depends on the output voltage of the power supply and should be about 8x the output voltage, some designs use ~6x – 3.3V output needs 30V MOSFET, 5V output 50V, 12V output 80/100V • Low RDS needed to give low voltage drop Examples of Analog Power MOSFETs for this application: R DS(on) m Ohm @ V GS = Part V DS Max V V GS Max V 10V 4.5V I D Max A Package AM4362N 30 20 6 8 19 SO-8 AM7302N 30 20 4 6 24.2 DFN3x3 AM7466N 60 20 6 7 20 SOIC-8PP AM7468N 60 20 17 21 15 SOIC-8PP AM4462N 60 20 22 26 9.7 SO-8 AM7462N 60 20 22 26 13 SOIC-8PP AM7380N 80 20 35 40 12 DFN3x3 AM7482N 80 20 11 13 18 SOIC-8PP AM7480N 80 20 26 36 15 SOIC-8PP AM7414NA 100 20 12 14 17 SOIC-8PP Analog Power Confidential


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