an assessment palooza

An Assessment Palooza: Engaging Faculty in the Assessment Process - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

An Assessment Palooza: Engaging Faculty in the Assessment Process Presented by Susan C. Warner Taylor AAC&U 2018 General Education and Assessment February, 2018 Sponsored by: Baldwin Wallace University Who We Are Baldwin Wallace

  1. An Assessment Palooza: Engaging Faculty in the Assessment Process Presented by Susan C. Warner Taylor AAC&U 2018 General Education and Assessment February, 2018 Sponsored by:

  2. Baldwin Wallace University Who We Are Baldwin Wallace University is an academic community committed to the liberal arts and sciences as the foundation for lifelong learning.

  3. Baldwin Wallace University Who We Are Baldwin Wallace University is an academic community committed to the liberal arts and sciences as the foundation for lifelong learning.

  4. University Undergraduate Learning Outcomes Communication 1. Critical Thinking 2. Quantitative Literacy 3. Cultural Knowledge and Competence 4. Civic Engagement 5. Depth of knowledge in chosen discipline 6.

  5. COMMUNICATION  WRITTEN COMMUNICATION Written communication is the development and expression of ideas in writing. Written communication involves learning to work in many genres and styles. It can involve working with many different writing technologies, and mixing texts, data, and images. Written communication abilities develop through iterative experiences across the curriculum.  ORAL COMMUNICATION Oral communication is a prepared, purposeful presentation designed to increase knowledge, to foster understanding, or to promote change in the listeners’ attitudes, values, beliefs, or behaviors.

  6. . AAC&U Value Rubric: Communication Capstone 4 Milestones 3 2 Benchmark 1 Context of and Purpose for Demonstrates a thorough Demonstrates adequate Demonstrates awareness of context, Demonstrates minimal attention to understanding of context, audience, consideration of context, audience, audience, purpose, and to be Writing context, audience, purpose, and the and purpose that is responsive to the and purpose and a clear focus on the assigned task(s) (i.e. begins to show Includes considerations of audience, assigned task(s) (i.e. expectation of assigned task(s) and focuses all assigned task(s) (i.e. the task aligns awareness of audience’s perceptions purpose, and the circumstances instructor or self as audience). elements of the work. with audience, purpose, and context). and assumptions). surrounding the writing task(s). Uses appropriate, relevant, and Uses appropriate, relevant, and compelling content to illustrate Uses appropriate and relevant Uses appropriate and relevant compelling content to explore ideas Content Development mastery of the subject, conveying the content to develop and explore ideas content to develop simple ideas in within the context of the discipline writer’s understanding, and shaping through most of the work. some parts of the work. and shape the whole work. the whole work. Demonstrates detailed attention to Genre &Disciplinary Demonstrates consistent use of and successful execution of a wide Conventions important conventions particular to a Follows expectations appropriate to a range of conventions particular to a Attempts to use a consistent system specific discipline and/or writing specific discipline and/or writing Formal and informal rules inherent in specific discipline and/or writing for basic organization and task(s), including organizations, task(s) for basic organizations, the expectations for writing in task(s) including organization, presentation. content, presentation, and stylistic content, and presentation. particular forms and/or academic content, presentation, formatting, choices. fields (please see glossary). and stylistic choices. Demonstrates skillful use of high- Demonstrates consistent use of Demonstrates an attempt to use quality, credible, relevant sources to Demonstrates an attempt to use credible, relevant sources to support credible and/or relevant sources to Sources & Evidence develop ideas that are appropriate for sources to support ideas in the ideas that are situated within the support ideas that are appropriate for the discipline and genre of the writing. discipline and genre of the writing. the discipline and genre of writing. writing. Uses graceful language that skillfully Uses straightforward language that Uses language that generally conveys Uses language that sometimes Control of Syntax and communicates meaning to readers generally conveys meaning to meaning to readers with clarity, impedes meaning because of errors in Mechanics with clarity and fluency, and it readers. The language in the portfolio although writing may include some usage. virtually error- free. has few errors. errors.

  7. BW Revised Rubric: Communication Superior Effective Emerging Ineffective N/A Score/Level From Written Demonstrates a thorough Communication VALUE understanding of context, Demonstrates adequate Demonstrates rubric Demonstrates minimal (new to this draft) Context audience, and purpose that is consideration of context, awareness of context, attention to context, and Purpose responsive to the task and audience, and purpose and audience, purpose audience, and purpose. focuses on all elements of a clear focus on the task. related to task. the work. From Written Communication VALUE Uses appropriate, relevant, Uses appropriate, relevant, Uses appropriate and rubric Uses some appropriate (part of Fall draft) and compelling content to and compelling content to relevant content to Content and relevant content to illustrate command and explore ideas within the develop and explore Development develop simple ideas in understanding of the subject context of the subject and ideas through most of some parts of the work. and shape the whole work. shape the work. the work. From Written Communication VALUE Demonstrates an Demonstrates skillful use of Demonstrates consistent rubric (part of Fall attempt to use credible Demonstrates an attempt draft) Sources high-quality, credible, use of high-quality, credible, and/or relevant sources to use sources to support and Evidence relevant sources to develop relevant sources to develop to develop ideas in the ideas in the work. ideas in the work. ideas in the work. work. From Written Uses graceful language Uses straightforward Uses language that is Uses language that lacks Communication VALUE Use of appropriate to the context language appropriate to the usually appropriate to clarity and may not be rubric Language that skillfully communicates context that consistently the context and appropriate to the (leaves out criteria on meaning with clarity and conveys meaning with generally conveys context. mechanics) [Revision of Fall draft) fluency. clarity. meaning with clarity. Part of Fall draft Uses media in highly Uses media to contribute to Uses media in way that Uses media in way that Use of effective way, enhancing effective communication of is partially effective in does not effectively Media communication and ideas. communicating ideas. communicate ideas. understanding of ideas.

  8. Overview of course-embedded assessment  Faculty craft their own assignments for their courses  A random sample of core courses that emphasize the ULO for that year  Assignments specifically designed to address the ULO of interest will be uploaded to Blackboard and then entered into the assessment artifact database. (All assignments are rendered anonymous for assessment purposes.)  Collect student artifacts in FYE, writing extension courses and capstone courses  Ask instructors for the writing assignment  These assignment files are then transferred into Aqua for our year- end “ Assessment Palooza .”

  9. Preparing for a Palooza  Setting up project in Aqua (Following slides include screenshots from Aqua)


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