amfirst reit

AmFIRST REIT Financial Results For Fourth Quarter Ended 31 March - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

AmFIRST REIT Financial Results For Fourth Quarter Ended 31 March 2013 29 April 2013 1 Contents Overview Slide 3 Statement of Comprehensive Income for the Financial Year Ended Slide 4 31 March 2013 Statement of Financial

  1. AmFIRST REIT Financial Results For Fourth Quarter Ended 31 March 2013 29 April 2013 1

  2. Contents • Overview Slide 3 • Statement of Comprehensive Income for the Financial Year Ended Slide 4 31 March 2013 • Statement of Financial Position as at 31 March 2013 Slide 5 • • Debt and Interest Management Debt and Interest Management Slide 6 Slide 6 • Strategically Located Portfolio of Buildings Slide 7 • Overview of Occupancy Rate during the Financial Year Ended Slide 8 31 March 2013 • Unit Price Performance during 1 April 2012 to 31 March 2013 Slide 9 2

  3. Overview Item Description Manager Am ARA REIT Managers Sdn Bhd Listing Date 21 December 2006 Approved Fund Size 686,401,600 units Unit Price RM 1.08 (as at 31 March 2013) Market Capitalization RM 741.3 million (as at 31 March 2013) Borrowings/Gearing Borrowings/Gearing RM 426.4 million / 32.9% (as at 31 March 2013) RM 426.4 million / 32.9% (as at 31 March 2013) No. of Investment Properties 9 (as at 31 March 2013) Sector / Type of Properties Commercial office & retail Asset Under Management RM 1,277.2 million (as at 31 March 2013) Total Assets RM 1,297.6 million (as at 31 March 2013) Net Asset Value RM 836.9 (as at 31 March 2013) Net Asset Value Per Unit 1.2193 (as at 31 March 2013) 3 No. of Unitholders 12,981 (as at 31 March 2013)

  4. Statement of Comprehensive Income For The Financial Year Ended 31 March 2013 Current Preceding RM ‘000 YTD Ended YTD Ended % Change 31 March 2013 31 March 2012 Gross Revenue ^ 109,784 97,980 +12.0% Property Expenses (35,616) (32,100) +11.0% Net Property Income ^ 74,168 65,880 +12.6% Interest and other Income 318 211 +50.4% Total Income 74,486 66,091 +12.7% Non-Property Expenses (7,705) (6,378) +20.8% Interest Expense Interest Expense (19,861) (19,861) (19,720) (19,720) +0.7% +0.7% Net Income 46,920 39,993 +17.3% Change in fair value of investment properties 5,053 12,241 -58.7% Loss arising from measuring non-current financial liabilities at amortized (176) (42) >100.0% cost Total Comprehensive Income for the year 51,797 52,192 -0.8% Total Comprehensive Income for the year is made up as follows: - Realized 46,920 39,993 +17.3% - Unrealized 4,877 12,199 -60.0% 51,797 52,192 -0.8% ^ The gross revenue and net propety income were higher as compared to preceding corresponding year mainly due to the full year contribution from Prima 9 and Prima 10 which were acquired on 30 November 2011 as well as the additional contribution from the newly acquired Kompleks Tun Sri Lanang (also known as Jaya 99) which the acquisition was completed on 1 November 2012. 4

  5. Statements of Financial Position As at 31 March 2013 RM ‘000 As at As at 31 March 2013 31 March 2012 (Unaudited) (Audited) % Change No. of Properties 9 * 8 +12.5% Investment Properties 1,277,226 1,179,844 +8.3% Other Assets 20,363 18,698 +8.9% Total Assets 1,297,589 1,198,542 +8.3% Borrowings (426,400) (550,000) -22.5% Other Liabilities Other Liabilities (34,286) (34,286) (30,777) (30,777) +11.4% +11.4% Net Asset Value (NAV) 836,903 617,765 +35.5% Unit in Circulation (‘000) (unit) 686,402 429,001 +60.0% Unit Price 1.08 1.19 -9.2% Market Capitalization 741,314 510,511 +45.2% NAV Per Unit (RM) - before income distribution 1.2193 # 1.4400 -15.3% - after income distribution 1.1828 # 1.3917 -15.0% * Addition of Kompleks Tun Sri Lanang (also known as Jaya 99) which was completed on 1 November 2012. # The NAV per Unit as at 31 March 2013 was lower as compared to preceding year ended 31 March 2012 mainly due to the issuance of 257,400,600 units of rights units at the unit price of RM0.83 per unit on 7 August 2012. 5

  6. Debt and Interest Management As at Term Loan Term Loan Revolving Total Credit 31 March 2013 (Fixed Rate) (Variable rates) Debt (RM’000) 117,000 41,000 268,400 426,400 % of Total Debt 27.4% 9.6 % 63.0% 100.0 % Average 4.37% Cost of Debt Interest Cover 3.36X (Net Income Before Interest / Interest Expenses) Gearing (%) 32.9% 6

  7. Strategically Located Portfolio of Buildings Bangunan AmBank Menara Menara Wisma The Prima 9 Prima 10 Kompleks AmBank Group AmBank AmFIRST AmFIRST Summit Tun Sri Cyberjaya Cyberjaya Group Leadership (Formerly Subang Lanang (formerly Centre known as USJ known as (also known “Menara “Kelana as “Jaya Merais”) Brem 99”) Towers” ) Kuala Kuala Kuala Lumpur Lumpur Lumpur Petaling Kelana Subang Location Location Cyberjaya Cyberjaya Cyberjaya Cyberjaya Melaka Melaka Total Total City City City City City City Jaya Jaya Jaya Jaya Jaya Jaya Centre Centre Centre NLA 360,166 57,801 458,187 159,001 285,461 1,024,549 111,224 100,272 227,432 2,784,093 (sq. ft.) Tenure 99-year Freehold Freehold Freehold 99- year Freehold Freehold Freehold Freehold Car Park 522 57 776 324 645 1,966 414 322 551 5,577 Lots Valuation (as at 31 RM238m RM22m RM310m RM68m RM110m RM305m RM75m RM62m RM87.2m RM1,277.2m Mar 2013) 7

  8. Overview of Occupancy Rate For The Financial Year Ended 31 March 2013 FYE 2012/13 FYE 2012/13 FYE 2012/13 FYE 2012/13 Occupancy Rate (Ended 30 Jun 2012) (Ended 30 Sep 2012) (Ended 31 Dec 2012) (Ended 31 Mar 2013) 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% Bangunan AmBank Group 97.1% 96.5% 97.3% 97.1% Menara AmBank 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% AGLC Menara AmFIRST 65.7% 71.3% 73.3% 72.5% Wisma AmFIRST Wisma AmFIRST 70.6% 70.6% 71.0% 71.0% 71.0% 71.0% 69.7% 69.7% The Summit USJ – Office 62.4% 72.8% 72.0% 71.8% 93.7% 93.8% 94.5% 91.2% The Summit USJ – Retail 100.0% 100.0% 80.4% 80.4% Prima 9 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% Prima 10 Kompleks Tun Sri Lanang N/A N/A 88.5% 88.6% (also known as Jaya 99) 89.3% 90.3% 89.7% 88.6% Overall Portfolio 8

  9. Unit Price Performance 1 April 2012 to 31 March 2013 Volume ('000) Closing Price 1.30 3,500 Unit Price Rights Unit 3,000 as at Ex-Date 1.25 31 Mar 13 6 July 12 2,500 1.20 2,000 1.15 1,500 1.10 1,000 1.05 500 162 1.00 - 02/4 06/4 12/4 18/4 24/4 30/4 07/5 11/5 17/5 23/5 29/5 04/6 08/6 14/6 20/6 26/6 02/7 06/7 12/7 18/7 24/7 30/7 03/8 09/8 15/8 23/8 29/8 05/9 11/9 18/9 24/9 28/9 04/10 10/10 16/10 22/10 29/10 02/11 08/11 16/11 22/11 28/11 04/12 10/12 14/12 20/12 27/12 03/1 09/1 15/1 21/1 29/1 05/2 13/2 19/2 25/2 01/3 07/3 13/3 19/3 25/3 29/3 Closing Price (RM) Volumn Traded ('000) Closing Price @ 29 March 2013 RM1.08 Highest Price during the year RM1.23 Lowest Price during the year RM1.02 Average Volume per day during the year 412,449 unit 9

  10. Disclaimer � The information contained herein does not carry any right of publication or disclosure to any other party. Neither this proposal nor its content may be used for any other purpose without prior written consent of Am ARA REIT Managers Sdn Bhd. � The information may contain forward-looking statements that involves risks and uncertainties. Prospective investors are cautioned that actual results may differ materially from those set forth in any forward-looking statements herein as a result of a number of risks, uncertainties and assumptions. � The information does not constitute an offer or invitation to purchase or subscribe for any shares in the REIT. Any decision to purchase shares in the offering should be made shares in the REIT. Any decision to purchase shares in the offering should be made solely on the basis of the information contained in the prospectus to be published in due course in conjunction with the listing exercise. � Am ARA REIT Managers Sdn Bhd expressly disclaims any and all liabilities to any parties or representations, expressed or implied, contained in or omissions from the documents or any other written or oral communications transmitted as a result of the circulation, publication, reproduction or use of this document. 10 10

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