Alterazioni del gut microbiota e “inflammaging” Paolo Orlandoni Responsabile UOSD Nutrizione Clinica Centro Regionale di Riferimento per la Nutrizione Artificiale Domiciliare - I.N.R.C.A. - I.R.C.C.S.- Ancona
Ad oggi, la maggiore sfda è rappresentata dal comprendere i meccanismi che sono alla base del decadimento associato all’età per cercare di intervenire tempestvamente e ridurne gli efeet
The immune system is the most important protectve physiological system of the organismt It has many connectons with other systems and is, in fact, ofen considered as part of the larger neuro–endocrine–immune axist
Queste cellule producono citochine pro- infammatorie come IFN- e TNF-α-, contribuendo al background pro- infammatorio che si osserva negli anzianit Questo aumento dei livelli basali di infammazione è defnito Infamm-ageing (Franceschi et alt, 2000)t
An increasing number of immunegerontologists have challenged the negatve interpretaton of immunosenescence with respect to its signifcance in aging related alteratons of the immune system. If one considers these changes from an evolutonary perspectve, they can be viewed preferably as adaptve or remodeling rather than solely detrimental. Whereas it is conceivable that global immune changes may lead to various diseases, it is also obvious that these changes may be needed for extended survival/longevity.
Gut microbiota and infammaton
A heightened infamm-aging state is produced as a consequence of: (1) dysfunctonal mitochondria, (2) defectve autophagy/mitophagy (disposal of dysfunctonal organelles), (3) endoplasmic retculum stress, (4) actvaton of infammasome by cell debris and misplaced self molecules, (5)defectve ubiquitn/proteasome system (misfolded/oxidized proteins), (6)actvaton of DNA damage response, (7)senescent T cells and their senescence-associated secretory phenotype (SASP), and (8) age-related changes in the compositon of gut microbiota (dysbiosis)
T h e p ro p o r ti o n o f c e n te n a r i a n s s h o w i n g a h i g h i n f a m m a ti o n s c o re w a s s i In g n i c o n c l f c a n tl u s i y o n , h i g h e r th e th a n i n th e o th e r d i ffe re n c e s i n th e g u t a g e g ro u p s , m i c ro b i o ta th a t w e c o n f r m i n g th e d e te c te d b e tw e e n i n f a m m a g e i n g c e n te n a r i a n s a n d th e h y p o th e s i s o th e r a d u l ts c o u l d s u p p o r t th e p o s s i b i l i ty th a t, to a tta i n l o n g e v i ty , a c o m p l e x a n d p e r v a s i v e re m o d e l l i n g ,
Sul microbiota andato storto entra in gioco il conceto di probiotcit Probiotci sono microrganismi vivi, che, quando somministrat in quanttà adeguate, conferiscono un benefcio per la salute all'ospite I probiotci agiscono atraverso diversi meccanismi che infuenzano il microbiotat
AZIONI PROBIOTICI Power SE et al, Brit J Nutr, 2014
Lactobacillus plantarum LP 01 si è dimostrato in grado di modulare il sistema immunitariot
In conclusion, there is no doubt that immunosenescence and infamm-aging contribute to the increased incidence of age- related diseasest However, their exact role is not yet well defned, and in some case, it may be even doubtult There has been litle exploraton of the possibility that there are optmum levels of immunosenescence and infamm-aging and that too much or too litle could exacerbate the risks of various diseases in the elderlyt
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