all isabella armon arveen una hannah intro movie intro of

ALL Isabella Armon Arveen Una Hannah INTRO- MOVIE Intro of Ourselves: - PDF document

ALL Isabella Armon Arveen Una Hannah INTRO- MOVIE Intro of Ourselves: What is YOUR perspective on Animal Testing? Well Hannah! I think a better question would be What do you feel is beneficial & detrimental about animal testing? Arveen,

  1. ALL Isabella Armon Arveen Una Hannah INTRO- MOVIE Intro of Ourselves: What is YOUR perspective on Animal Testing? Well Hannah! I think a better question would be What do you feel is beneficial & detrimental about animal testing?” Arveen, Shouldn't you be asking why do cosmetic companies have to keep testing their products on animals? Una maybe another good question would be why are products that aren’t tested on animals are uncommonly found in ones household products? I think the best question would be what is the animals perspective Isabella? ACTUALLY ARMON IT WOULD BE WHAT IS EVERY ONES PERSPECTIVE? “We are animals for a cure and welcome to our exhibition. L.O.I.1: Our first line of inquiry is an inquiry into the different perspectives on animal testing. Whether or not your opinion on animal testing is good, bad, beneficial or you feel its atrocious we have inquired on it. As the audience of our presentation we would like to know your perspective on animal testing is? { Hannah asks four people questions } (Audience answers questions) Thank you for sharing your opinion! We used three questions that helped us research about this inquiry. Our first question was why there is opposition to animal testing? I think it’s because there are many beneficial points to animal testing, but one huge problem is the animals are always harmed in the process of finding cures to diseases and treatments to them. Did you know that 50 to 100 million animals are used in experimentation per year and almost all of them die or get put down? It’s also the fact that some species they use in experimentation are on the endangered list and are already at risk in the wild of going extinct, and now they are taking them from the wild and using them to test mascara, hairspray and other cliché products! For example frogs, turtles and cobra. But for important things like medication animal testing is very beneficial! So for our second question we researched what the impacts of animal testing are? Medical Testing is beneficial, there are so many dangerous diseases in the past that wiped out

  2. millions, and now we have cures for them and they’re even uncommon! Imagine if polio and small pox were still around. Also people now have medication that they use daily such as vitamins that enhance the consumer’s health. We have useful products for everyday life.Tylenol and Advil wouldn’t be around! We would have to live with those foul migraines and headaches! Even if it existed it would be unsafe and unreliable for us to use! But animal testing causes pain,distress and death to millions of animals! In fact, most animal experiments are done on animals that are nothing like humans| beings - rats and mice - which undermines the argument that these experiments are a reliable guide to human reactions. Well why do companies in comparison to individuals have different perspectives on animal testing? Everyone thinks of animal testing differently. Some people think it is bad, and some people think it is good. There are two sides to animal testing because it can be beneficial and harmful. Animal testing helps human’s health and it also harms many animals. The reason for this is because companies rely on animal testing to make sure their products will sell and be safe for the consumer, therefor not caring how many animals die in the process of making their products safe.Where as the individual either cares about it being safe for them to use or not wanting the animals to die. (Graphs) It was not surprising that many people strongly disagreed with animal testing. Many people considered the harmful parts not the benefits. A lot of people were not aware if there products are tested on animals or not. I was surprised that 31 people were not sure if they would by a product that was tested on animals. We will now be presenting a short skit: ( Una has rabbit ears on and looks sad, Isabella’s on the phone, Hannah is put ting on mascara while on the phone, Armon is looking at medical things ) “Could you imagine being in a cage your whole life, wearing mascara when your eyelashes are barely there? Having shaving cream tested on you when their fur is there to keep you warm? I don’t know If I can.” “My eyes hurt, shampoo was just rubbed in them, mascara got in my eyes and it burns. We are living too, I don’t understand why we are treated like this.” “Come here little bunny, I promise it won’t hurt this time!” “MONEY,MONEY, MONEY. We are almost at the top, soon enough we can create one more product and fool our consumers into buying it. yes more money for me .” OMG ANOTHER COVER GIRL MASCARA IS COMING I HAVE TO HAVE IT. I’m sure its allot better than the one I already have.

  3. “Meanwhile in the lab.” “ Now hold her down! We just have to finish this one more procedure Soon enough Covergirl will have one more mascara! “Why do they do this to me, don’t they have enough products?” “Well other than cosmetic testing, medical testing is beneficial to all humans, and creates a cure for multiple illnesses and diseases for generations to come.” L.O.I 2 Our second line of inquiry was an inquiry into the impact of animal testing in different industries and individuals. We were wondering which products in our daily lives are tested on animals? Here some products that may be tested on animals. Can you guess which ones are tested on animals and which ones aren't tested on animals. (audiences answers) (shows the list of products) We were also wondering why companies rely on animal testing to sell their products? Hannah contacted many different companies and asked them about there perspective on animal testing. Maybelline was one of the companies I contacted. What we found interesting was that Maybelline had a different perspective on their products being tested on animals than an animal testing educated website called PETA (People for the ethical treatment of Animals) (Hannah explains and shows email.) Another question we we asked ourselves was why Animal Testing has become an immediate choice for experimentation? According to many sources companies test on animals because it is cheap and an easy way to experiment their products. Where as alternatives are much more expensive. The reason why it is cheaper is because when companies test on animals they have a feeling of security because they know they wont be sued if one of their products impacts its consumers. Sadly companies also don’t consider the other alternatives for product experimentation, they just consider animal testing. L.O.I 3 Our third line of inquiry is an inquiry into the new alternatives of animal testing We researched into the the benefits of alternatives to animal testing and we know that some benefits are: No animals are forced through the pain of experimentation. More accurate results. More reliable results.

  4. No living things harmed through process of the experimentation. We inquired into the perspectives on new alternatives to animal testing? Some say that the two alternatives computer Simulation & invitro tests cannot replace animals testing as these alternatives are unlikely to ever provide enough information about the complicated interactions of living systems. I emailed the company Lush asking them if they use animal testing and if they don't what alternatives do they use. (sections of the email appear) I went to Lush in Metro Town and I got some samples and brochures. Please feel free to check them out once we are finished our presentation. To take action our group decided to try and live 2 days without 1 product that is tested on animals. (Now we say what we gave up and how it went) I gave up my hair product because I knew it was an important part of my morning routine. I sort of had a hard time doing this in all honesty because I knew that I wanted to use it. But I had to think about the animals. But in the end I lived and I felt better knowing that I did what was right I also gave up my hair product and also all my cover girl products. We showed you the perspectives The impacts And the alternatives to Animal Testing. But now we will have to close the lab doors to this presentation, thank you for your attention and we hoped you enjoyed our presentation? Any questions?


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