air doctor

Air Doctor The new generation of Virus Preventionand deodorization - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Air Doctor The new generation of Virus Preventionand deodorization technique MADE IN JAPAN Distrebuter Petra co. Viruses & Bacteria 82 million persons are attacked by these Viruses & Bacterias worldwide 2 million persons are

  1. Air Doctor The new generation of Virus Preventionand deodorization technique MADE IN JAPAN Distrebuter Petra co.

  2. Viruses & Bacteria “ 82 million persons are attacked by these Viruses & Bacterias worldwide ” 2 million persons are dying worldwide yearly by this virus World health organization (WHO)

  3. coli protozoa norovirus ebola aeruginosa spores hepatitis fungi aureus More than 100 of viruses & bacteria exist in our world.

  4. Influenza virus One virus is more widespread, active and attacking than the others.

  5. We all hate it, but what if we can prevent it?!

  6. Injection or medicine? Too old... What if there is something out there do exist you can use it instead of swallowing medicines or using injections??

  7. Prevention Is Better Than Cure

  8. What is the Air Doctor? • The new generation of Virus Prevention and deodorization technique. • Air Doctor gives you a good hygiene life and comfortable feeling wherever you go, thanks to the power of solid chloride dioxide which provides a space that is microorganisms-free. • Air Doctor effectively kills pathogenic microorganisms such as fungi, bacteria and viruses.

  9. Air Doctor types Air Doctor mobile Air Doctor Fan Air Doctor mobile Portable type with Air Doctor Desktop standing Type, clip, Prevents Viruses and bad Odor Effect-up by new Manufacturing around you. method.

  10. How it works? 1m During the spread of the virus or bacteria in the air, the Air doctor launches a chlorine dioxide and effectively eliminates the virus or the bacteria. The Air Doctor effect cover 1 meter range.

  11. How to wear it? Air Doctor mobile portable type with clip Remove the product from the packaging and peel off the sticker. Use attached clip to hang from the chest pocket, bag, etc.

  12. Air Doctor usage Bed Room Living Rooms Hospital Rooms Closet Kitchen In a car Classrooms Restaurant Restrooms

  13. Air Doctor MADE IN JAPAN Chlorine dioxide approved By : WHO , UNFC , FDA , ADI , EPA USDA , FSIS. For more information about the Air Doctor, please check our site:


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