Market Place – a new garden by summer 2019 Aims Objectives • Deliver Fitzwest vision of a liveable neighbourhood by creating a new much needed green space in the neighbourhood. • Contribute to Deliver Wild West End shared vision to: improving local air • ➢ improve the wellbeing of residents, workers and visitors by increasing quality, and increasing connections to green space and nature and contributing to improvements in local biodiversity. air quality. Create a new public • ➢ enhance biodiversity and ecological connectivity. open space for greening, soft ➢ Raise awareness and promote the benefits of green infrastructure to inspire landscaping, and tree others to participate and create similar initiatives. planting alongside space for public • Achieve Great Portland Estate’s strategy of building strong relationships through seating, and informal ongoing positive engagement with local authorities, planning departments and the play. local communities. • Build the new garden • Create a high-quality greenspace in the West End that delivers NWEC’s core strategy within cost, time and of new green spaces in the West End by 2020. budget.
‘Do - minimum’ ‘Do maximum’ Fitzwest - Urban Movement Design Option** WCC Option (in Placeshaping consultation** ▪ Traffic free throughout, except southern part of Add greenery, lighting, public art, special paving, ▪ Market Place signage and wayfinding. ▪ Widen footways where possible. Introduce raised loading pads to enlarge footways. Create additional wayfinding along Oxford Street to ▪ draw people North to this quarter. *Fitzrovia West Public Realm Improvements Design Report- September 2018 **Oxford Street Place Shape Strategy and Delivery Plan 17.10.18 Draft
Further analysis • Traffic surveys Loading surveys • Site visits • •
Leading to options Option 2 Option 3 Option 1 Traffic free on Great Castle Planting and greening to all Close a section of Great part of Market Place area. the gateways into the Titchfield Street Market Place area to create a distinctive garden feel to Trial part of Urban Movement scheme to demonstrate it the area. can work and work towards more ambitious scheme as part of the Oxford Street Place-shaping strategy
Milestones ➢ Planning Garden Garden ➢ Secured ➢ Final Design Application design and opened to support approved Approved build public ➢ Internal ➢ Funding ➢ Traffic Order contractor funding notification approved appointed approved December February April June August January March May July Consultation ➢ Procurement Planning completed Garden build commenced. Application commenced Local ➢ Funding submitted Councillors Application are key.
High Level Cost Estimate Description Cost Concept designs, surveys and consents £35k Detailed design Costs £40k Consultation £10k Implementation Costs £80k Maintenance and Management £30k Total £195k Budget and funding • New West End Company has allocated up to £100k. Great Portland Estate has confirmed £25k. •
Funding Opportunities � NWEC funding secured – Circa £100K � Drinking Fountains for London: Applied � Veolia Environmental Fund application ready � Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) needs Fitzwest and local Councillor support � Pocket Parks Plus- Supporting Parks and Public Spaces ( Ministry of Housing Communities and Local Government)
So Far Next Steps � Governance: Project Steering Group � Partners to agree the preferred option with Fitzwest Neighbourhood Forum to be taken forward, with WCC support and other partners set-up. First � Funding applications: CIL, Pocket meeting 10 January 2019 Parks, Veolia Environmental Fund � Kerbside usage survey indicates that � A mini tender competition for the vehicle movement in the area generally garden design, construction, and up to very low with light goods vehicles a two-year maintenance contract with movements are the most prevalent Fitzwest on the selection panel � Funding applied: Drinking Fountains for � Secure Consents and Planning London � Monitoring and evaluation – WWE to � Engagement with Fitzrovia West and develop Westminster City Council (WCC): � Maintenance and management plan to present options, seek support and be developed establish WCC’s plan for the street on whether to build a temporary or permanent garden
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