aggregate indicators of economic development

Aggregate Indicators of Economic Development "Not everything - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Aggregate Indicators of Economic Development "Not everything that counts is countable and not everything that is countable counts." Albert Einstein Fall 2010 Huw Lloyd-Ellis () Aggregate Indicators Fall 2010 1 / 22 Meaning and

  1. Aggregate Indicators of Economic Development "Not everything that counts is countable and not everything that is countable counts." Albert Einstein Fall 2010 Huw Lloyd-Ellis () Aggregate Indicators Fall 2010 1 / 22

  2. Meaning and Measurement What do we mean by economic development? Why do we need indicators? Does it matter how we measure it? Huw Lloyd-Ellis () Aggregate Indicators Fall 2010 2 / 22

  3. Real Per Capita GNP (=GNI) What is real per capita GNP ? GNP versus GDP ? How do we compute growth rates? How can we decompose growth rates? How should we make comparisons across countries? Huw Lloyd-Ellis () Aggregate Indicators Fall 2010 3 / 22

  4. PPP Example 1 Two countries and two goods Computers Ice Cream Price of Price of Country Produced Produced Computers Ice Cream per Capita per Capita Local Units Local Units Canada 12 4 2 4 Mexico 3 1 1 1 Huw Lloyd-Ellis () Aggregate Indicators Fall 2010 4 / 22

  5. PPP Example 2 What if consumption baskets are not proportional? DVDs Hair Cuts Price of Price of Country Produced Produced DVDs in Hair Cuts in per Capita per Capita Local Currency Local Currency USA 9 4 2 4 China 3 4 10 10 Huw Lloyd-Ellis () Aggregate Indicators Fall 2010 5 / 22

  6. 1997 Asian Financial Crisis Figure: GNP in US$Billions before and after the Asian Finanical Crisis Huw Lloyd-Ellis () Aggregate Indicators Fall 2010 6 / 22

  7. Figure: Parade of World Income (Weil, 2009) Huw Lloyd-Ellis () Aggregate Indicators Fall 2010 7 / 22

  8. Figure: Distribution of Growth Rates, 1970-2005 (Weil 2009) Huw Lloyd-Ellis () Aggregate Indicators Fall 2010 8 / 22

  9. Figure: Twin-peaks distribution dynamics Huw Lloyd-Ellis () Aggregate Indicators Fall 2010 9 / 22

  10. Dangers of looking only at per capita GNP Paraguay South Africa Per capita GNP 4,642 11,110 Education enrollment 69.1% 77.0% No Access to Safe Water 14% 12% Share below $2 per day 29.8% 34.1% Life Expectancy 71.3 50.8 Fraction of not reaching 40 9.7% 31.7% Adult literacy 93.5% 82.4% % under 5 who are underweight 5% 12% Huw Lloyd-Ellis () Aggregate Indicators Fall 2010 10 / 22

  11. The Human Development Index An attempt to take account of other factors: HDI = 1 3 ( longevity ) + 1 3 ( knowledge ) + 1 3 ( standard of living ) where for country A life expectancy in A � 25 longevity = max. life expectancy � 25 3 ( adult literacy index) + 1 2 knowledge = 3(enrollment rate) log (per capita GNP of A) � log ( 100 ) = standard of living log (max per capita GNP) � log ( 100 ) Huw Lloyd-Ellis () Aggregate Indicators Fall 2010 11 / 22

  12. Figure: Life Expectancy vs. GDP per capita (Weil 2009) Huw Lloyd-Ellis () Aggregate Indicators Fall 2010 12 / 22

  13. Figure: Average years of schooling vs. GDP per capita (Weil 2009) Huw Lloyd-Ellis () Aggregate Indicators Fall 2010 13 / 22

  14. Measures of Inequality The Kuznets ratio The Lorenz curve The Gini coe¢cient Huw Lloyd-Ellis () Aggregate Indicators Fall 2010 14 / 22

  15. Huw Lloyd-Ellis () Aggregate Indicators Fall 2010 15 / 22

  16. Figure: The Lorenz Curve Huw Lloyd-Ellis () Aggregate Indicators Fall 2010 16 / 22

  17. Figure: The Gini Coe¢cient Huw Lloyd-Ellis () Aggregate Indicators Fall 2010 17 / 22

  18. The Kuznets Curve Figure: Inequality in the UK: 1820-1915 Huw Lloyd-Ellis () Aggregate Indicators Fall 2010 18 / 22

  19. Figure: Inequality vs. per capita income across countries Huw Lloyd-Ellis () Aggregate Indicators Fall 2010 19 / 22

  20. Measures of Poverty The Headcount index The Poverty Gap The Human Poverty Index Huw Lloyd-Ellis () Aggregate Indicators Fall 2010 20 / 22

  21. Poverty vs. Growth Figure: Relationship between poverty and growth (Weil, 2009) Huw Lloyd-Ellis () Aggregate Indicators Fall 2010 21 / 22

  22. Ten Common Characteristics of Developing Nations Low levels of human capital – education and health 1 Adverse geography 2 Poor institutions 3 High dependence on agriculture 4 Underdeveloped land markets 5 Underdeveloped …nancial markets 6 High rates of unemployment 7 Large rural populations, but rapid rural-urban migration 8 High rates of fertility 9 10 Low levels of industrialization and manufactured exports Huw Lloyd-Ellis () Aggregate Indicators Fall 2010 22 / 22

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