adur worthing

Adur & Worthing Pathways to Carbon Neutrality Matt Rooney - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Adur & Worthing Pathways to Carbon Neutrality Matt Rooney Introduction 2 Introduction Who are Anthesis Measurement & modelling S trategy & engagement Action 3 What is S C A TTE R ? 4 S C A TTE R Overview S etting

  1. Adur & Worthing Pathways to Carbon Neutrality Matt Rooney

  2. Introduction 2

  3. Introduction Who are Anthesis Measurement & modelling S trategy & engagement Action 3

  4. What is S C A TTE R ? 4

  5. S C A TTE R Overview S etting C ity A rea T argets and T rajectories for E missions R eduction 5

  6. S C A TTE R Overview 3 2 1 GHG Inventory Future Pathways Carbon Budget 6

  7. S C A TTE R C urrent Emissions Profile Worthing Adur 1 (2019) Waste Waste 10% 13% Total Buildings Total Buildings Transport Transport 414 ktCO 2 e 67% 57% 23% 28% Transport 30% Total: 407 ktCO 2 e Total: 272 ktCO 2 e

  8. S C A TTE R Future Emissions Profile? Worthing Adur 1 (2030) Total Buildings Total Buildings Transport Transport 414 ktCO 2 e 67% 57% 23% 28% Transport 30% Total: 0 ktCO 2 e Total: 0 ktCO 2 e

  9. S C A TTE R Future Pathways 2 K ey modifications 1) Scaled down to subnational regions 2) Pushed ambition further 9

  10. S C A TTE R Future Pathways Illustrative SCATTER Pathways 2 Science Based Carbon Budget Pathway Interventions 1) Variety of measures 2) Focus on “What” not “How” 3) Variety of ambition Science Based Carbon Budget choices 10

  11. S C A TTE R C arbon Budget 3 Key findings Global emissions budget (IPC C ) • Cumulative impact of CO 2 is critical • Date of ‘neutrality’ less relevant • Speed of reductions is key C ity/LA budget

  12. S C A TTE R C arbon Budget Worthing Adur (2019) Waste Waste 10% 13% Total Buildings Total Buildings ~6 years of carbon budget at current emission Transport Transport 414 ktCO 2 e 67% 57% 23% 28% rates Transport 30% Total: 407 ktCO 2 e Total: 272 ktCO 2 e

  13. What are the measures? 13

  14. S C A TTE R S ectors covered • 4 key s ectors covered • Over 40 meas ures to cons ider Energy Supply Waste & Industry Building Efficiency Transport

  15. Domestic Buildings Energy demand Deep fabric Reduce average Retrofit of temperature existing stock across the home Increase lighting All new build to & appliance PassivHaus efficiency Standard

  16. Domestic Buildings Energy supply Replacement of gas Shift to away from boilers with low existing gas cooking carbon alternative to electric All new build off gas

  17. Non-Domestic Buildings Energy demand Reduce average Deep fabric temperature Retrofit existing across the building stock Increase lighting All new build to & appliance PassivHaus efficiency equivalent

  18. Non-Domestic Buildings Energy supply Replacement of gas Shift to away from boilers with low existing gas cooking carbon alternative to electric All new build off gas

  19. T ransport Distance reduction Zero carbon passenger transport Freight mode shift Less passenger More distance ULEV cars R eduction in diesel travelled & buses LGV & HGV R educing aviation emissions Modal shift Shift from Exceed DfT car to other mid-range modes reductions 19

  20. INSERT SLIDE TITLE HERE E nergy Generation <INSERT DESCRIPTION HERE IF NECESSARY> Onshore wind Solar PV Biomass Increase More PV on roofs and More current other land turbines capacity Offshore wind More turbines

  21. Waste Waste reduction R ecycling % increase R eduction Increase overall waste amount of volume recycling 21

  22. Natural Environment Tree planting Dietary change [Not modelled [Not modelled in SCATTER in SCATTER Pathways] Pathways] 22

  23. What next? 23

  24. What Next? Appreciate radical nature of shift required “Business as Usual” SCATTER Higher Ambition Tyndall-aligned Historic emissions carbon budget 24

  25. What Next? E ngage a wide range of stakeholders Local Council C itizens C ommunities C entral Businesses Government Health sector S chools T ransport 25

  26. What Next? Act now Quick wins Medium term plans E missions savings & better quality of life 26

  27. What Next? Finally… 27

  28. Thank you Matt Rooney Principal Consultant UK Cities & Regions Lead

  29. Disclaimer Anthesis (UK) Limited has prepared this report for the sole use of the client (Adur & Worthing Councils) and for the intended purposes as stated in the agreement between Anthesis and the client under which this report was completed. Anthesis has exercised due and customary care in preparing this report but has not, save as specifically stated, independently verified information provided by others. No other warranty, express or implied, is made in relation to the contents of this report. The use of this report, or reliance on its content, by unauthorised third parties without written permission from Anthesis shall be at their own risk, and Anthesis accepts no duty of care to such third parties. Any recommendations, opinions or findings stated in this report are based on facts and circumstances as they existed at the time the report was prepared. Any changes in such facts and circumstances may adversely affect the recommendations, opinions or findings contained in this report.


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