adolescent health activities in state

Adolescent Health Activities in State Title V Programs: Data From - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Adolescent Health Activities in State Title V Programs: Data From an Environmental Scan Webinar April 14, 2014 | 3:00-4:00 PM, EST Dial for Audio: 1-888-394-8197 Passcode: 602459 Quick Overview How to Use Adobe Technology

  1. Adolescent Health Activities in State Title V Programs: Data From an Environmental Scan Webinar April 14, 2014 | 3:00-4:00 PM, EST Dial for Audio: 1-888-394-8197 Passcode: 602459

  2. Quick Overview How to Use Adobe Technology • Asking a Question – You can type your questions into the chat box (shown right) – You can chat with Everyone, select participants, Presenters or Hosts – You can use the signals and emoticons in this sidebar to communicate silently. • Active participation will make sure today’s webinar is a success!

  3. Housekeeping and General Guidance:  Audio is available through your computer or phone line. If you are having any technical difficulties please send an email to  You can download the presentation slides from the “Files” pod. Left click on the file and hit the “Download File(s)” button.  We’ve compiled links from today’s presentations in the “Links” box at the bottom of your screen.  All lines will be muted until the Q&A portion of the call. During the presentations you can use the chat boxes to share your questions and comments.  This webinar is being recorded and the recording will be available on the AMCHP website.

  4. Objectives By the end of the webinar participants will be able to: • Identify the most prevalent adolescent health activities currently performed by Title V staff and programs. • Analyze a diverse range of adolescent health activities conducted under Title V programs. • Identify common themes across Title V adolescent health programs. • Describe the three common issues Title V adolescent health programs are addressing via National Performance Measures: teen birth rates, transition for YSHCN, and youth suicide rates. • Interpret state case studies and perspectives from Title V staff doing the work in the states.

  5. Agenda I. Findings from AMCHP’s Environmental Scan of Adolescent Health Activities in Title V Purpose and Research Questions Background on Title V Reporting Data and Findings National Performance Measures State Performance Measures State Adolescent Health Coordinators Survey II. State Presentations Iowa Dept. of Public Health: Mary Greene, Gretchen Hageman, Addie Rasmusson Ohio Department of Health: Karen Hughes, Laura Rooney III. Q&A and Discussion

  6. Purpose of AH Environmental Scan To utilize the abundance of data in the Title V Information System (TVIS), as reported by states in annual block grant reports, in order to better understand state adolescent health programming under Title V.

  7. Strengths Most recent national analysis of Title V adolescent health activities Provides a snapshot of activities in the states Utilizes the abundance of information available in TVIS Categorized state activities for future reference and continued analysis

  8. Limitations Limitations of block grant narratives Language differences affect categorization and analysis Snapshot of activities from one point in time (Title V Block Grant reports, 2011-2012) Only one piece of the puzzle of adolescent health work

  9. Research Questions What Adolescent Health activities are Title V programs engaged in? What kinds of adolescent health issues are Title V programs addressing? What can we learn about adolescent health in the states from Title V Block Grant reports?

  10. Title V Reporting National Performance Measures: • All States must report on 18 national performance measures State Performance Measures: • Measures that each State has identified as additional priority areas • Selected by each state • Used to gauge progress towards achieving state-specific goals

  11. Methodology 1. Analyzed the narratives of 2011-2012 state Block Grant applications/reports to collect information about activities that address: • Select National Performance Measures • State Performance Measures • And any activities with keywords adolescent, youth, or teen 2. Analysis of adolescent-specific State Performance Measures 3. Analysis of data from March 2014 State Adolescent Health Coordinators’ survey

  12. Methodology: National Performance Measures Chose National Performance Measures strictly related to adolescents: NPM 6: The percentage of youth with special health care needs who received the services necessary to make transitions to all aspects of adult life, including adult health care, work, and independence NPM 8: The rate of birth (per 1,000) for teenagers aged 15 through 17 years NPM 16: The rate (per 100,000) of suicide deaths among youths aged 15 through 19

  13. Research Questions: National Performance Measures Analysis addressed the following questions: • How are states addressing successful transition into adulthood for youth with special health care needs, teen birth rates, and teen suicide rates? • How many states reported activities of the various activity types? • What activities under each NPM are most common in the states?

  14. Findings: National Performance Measures How are states addressing successful transition into adulthood for youth with special health care needs? • Systemic approaches: coalitions, statewide coordination, tools and resources, youth leadership How are states addressing teen birth rates? • Personal Responsibility Education Program (PREP) and Abstinence Education programs • Evidence-based interventions • Trainings, Surveillance, Family Planning, Reproductive Health, Outreach, Education How are states addressing teen suicide prevention? • Both systemic and intervention approaches: statewide coordination, trainings and interventions, surveillance, mental health services

  15. National Performance Measure 6: NPM 6: The percentage of youth with special health care needs who received the services necessary to make transitions to all aspects of adult life, including adult health care, work, and independence. The most common ways states are addressing NPM 6 are: 1. Participation in Statewide Collaborations & Coalitions 2. Development of Trainings & Curricula 3. Practical Transition Tools (checklists, etc.) 4. Creation and Dissemination of Online Resources & Websites 5. Implementation of or Participation in Conferences, Fairs, Seminars, & Summits

  16. National Performance Measure 6 % of states reporting Top 10 Types of Activities Under NPM6 at least 1 activity in this area (N=59) Participation in Statewide Collaborations & Coalitions 68 Development of Trainings & Curricula 46 Practical Transition Tools (checklists, etc.) 31 Creation & Dissemination of Online Resources & Websites 31 Implementation of or Participation in Conferences, Fairs, 39 Seminars, & Summits Development & Creation of Resources 39 Distribution of Resources 44 Development/Implementation of Consultation & Referral 20 System Collaboration with Medical Providers (including 25 pediatrician and adult health care provider relations) Support Youth Advisory & Youth Leadership Programs 20 Care Coordination Programs 17 Direct Services: Transition Planning & Specialists 27

  17. National Performance Measure 8: NPM 8: The rate of birth (per 1,000) for teenagers aged 15 through 17 years. The most common ways states are addressing NPM 8 are: 1. Personal Responsibility Education Program (PREP) 2. Abstinence Education/Abstinence Programs 3. Implementation of Evidence-Based Models/Programs 4. Family Planning Programs 5. Skills Training, Peer Leadership Training, and other types of Training

  18. National Performance Measure 8 % of states reporting at least 1 Top 10 Types of Activities Under NPM8 activity in this area (N=59) Personal Responsibility Education Program (PREP) 36 Abstinence Education/Abstinence Programs 27 Implementation of Evidence-Based Models/Programs 25 Family Planning Programs 25 Skills Training, Peer Leadership Training, and other types 19 of Training Implementation of or Participation in Conferences, 17 Summits, and other Events Community and Youth Outreach 17 Data Collection and Analysis 15 Educational Programs 15 Reproductive Health Information and/or Services 15

  19. National Performance Measure 16: NPM 16: The rate (per 100,000) of suicide deaths among youths aged 15 through 19. The most common ways states are addressing NPM 16 are: 1. Suicide Prevention Trainings 2. Collaboration with Statewide Partners/Coalition 3. Outreach To/Collaboration With Schools 4. Data Collection and Analysis 5. Development or Implementation of a Statewide Plan to Address Suicide Among Youth

  20. National Performance Measure 16 % of states reporting Top 10 Types of Activities Under NPM8 at least 1 activity in this area (N=58) Suicide Prevention Trainings 36 Issue-Specific Collaboration with Statewide 36 Partners/Coalition Outreach To/Collaboration With Schools 32 Data Collection and Analysis 27 Development of Implementation of a Statewide Plan to 27 Address Suicide Among Youths Development and/or Distribution of Prevention Materials 22 Mental Health Services 22 Technical Assistance to LHDs, Community Organizations, 15 Grantees, or Coalitions Collaboration with State Fatality Review Committee 15 Local Suicide Prevention Coalitions 15

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