administration and finance division request

Administration and Finance Division Request Evaluation Team Scott - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

SBPC Review and Summary Administration and Finance Division Request Evaluation Team Scott Martin Graduate Student Association President Ron Jordan Dean, College of Pharmacy Bob Beagle Vice President, Advancement (Excused

  1. SBPC Review and Summary Administration and Finance Division Request

  2. Evaluation Team  Scott Martin  Graduate Student Association President  Ron Jordan  Dean, College of Pharmacy  Bob Beagle  Vice President, Advancement (Excused from participation. Supportive of Requests.)

  3. Division Process and Prioritization Method  Inclusive staff up to management requests  Leadership review & priority assignment  Priorities based “Academic Plan” Fit:  Priority 1: Ensure that Faculty, Staff, Students have a SAFE and LOW RISK Environment for their work, study and research.  Priority 2: Provide enhancements to the environment beyond safety that optimize delivery of education and the conduct of research.  Priority 3: Optimize process and procedures for efficiency which delivers savings to reinvest in other priorities.  Priority 4: Facility and campus improvements for better student/parent impressions as admission and retention is the financial gateway to URI success.

  4. Process and Prioritization Continued  Division spent 8K in staff time for preparation!  SBPC Review Team met with VP  Team and VP slim down request items REVIEW TEAM ADJSTMENTS 6/10 COMMENTS  Request = $1,709,525.  (Permanent Funding $717,350., ONE TIME $992,175.)  CHANGES  ADDED new detailed data on police force comparisons  Signage ONE TIME $220,000 ALL AT ONCE vs. over 4 Years  Noted ONE TIME money requests.  NOTED NEW CHANGES AND ONE TIME MONEY REQUEST IN BRIGHT YELLOW.

  5. Public Safety and Risk Management First Priority 1.1 One Internal Auditor with legal expertise $ 110,000 (Safe & Risk Free Bio-Safety Officer 20% (80% remaining to be paid delete - match funding Environment) 1.2 by Research Office) eliminated Fire Escape load testing inspections: Cited by Fire Marshall - International House & Anticipated - SUMMARY 1.3 East Hall & Washburn (Both currently unfunded) $ 15,000 • 4 positions (1.1, 2@ 1.7, 1.9) Various compliance deficiencies as identified by • 90K permanent capital (1.11) 1.4 State Fire Marshall (Currently unfunded) $ 25,000 Kingston Fire District PO est. increase (3 year delete - funding • 31K recurring lic. trans. (1.10) 1.5 contract expires FY13) identified by BFPO Removed by BFPO - will automatically be delete - funding included in request identified by BFPO TOP PRIORITIES delete - other funding 1.1 Auditor – will make 3.5 1.6 Security Cameras upgrade and maintenance option identified .5 RIBGHE, 1 new FY12, 1 Orig. 1.7 Two Campus Police Officers $ 132,800 Protective, Oversee Fraud Line Train staff to recognize fraud 1.8 Four Clerk Dispatcher Upgrades $ 19,400 #3 Status/Position URI in Market 1.9 Clerk Dispatcher Position $ 64,100 #5 URI 2.5, UVM 5, UDel 5, UNH 6 Emergency Phone (Blue Lights) annual line fees 1.7 2 Police Officers 1.10 (Expense transferred from ITS) $ 31,600 Life Safety Phone System - Replacement of Blue 26 current sworn officer Light equipment not included in annual line fee positions. 1 vacant 1.11 (Expense transferred from ITS) $ 90,000 2008 Natl Data 2.1/1000 students. $ 487,900 URI would need 33.6 for that ratio

  6. 1.7 Police Officer/1000 student Ratio  Peer Land Grants # Students # Police Ratio URI 16,000 26 1.6 still coming Brown 8,000 46 5.75 Bridge 10,000 21 2.1 H20 Salem St 12,000 30 2.5 Cent Ct 16,000 26 1.6 U New 6,000 20 3.3 Haven Umass 10,000 23 2.3 Dt UCONN 20,000 75 3.75

  7. POLICE COMPARISONS NEW (ALL STAFF) Total Sworn Institution Police Chief D.Chief Lt. Sgt. Det. Security Disp.(FT) Disp.(PT) Total Staff Officers 30 Central CT 21 1 0 2 0 0 24 0 6 0 21 Eastern CT 9 1 1 1 3 1 16 0 3 2 35 Southern CT 23 1 1 1 4 0 30 0 5 0 22 Western CT 10 1 0 1 4 0 16 0 6 0 28 UMaine 9 1 0 2 3 2 17 5 5 1 Umass 74 Amherst 45 1 1 5 9 2 63 0 11 0 39 UNH 12 1 1 1 3 3 21 10 6 2 34 UVM 13 1 1 1 6 2 24 4 6 0 UConn 78 1 0 6 11 2 98 0 10 1 109 37 U.R.I. 19 1 1 4 1 0 26 6 5 0

  8. Second Priority Enhance and Optimize Environment beyond safety for Education/Research SUMMARY Environment Enhancements Education & • 2.3 PT or OT for existing staff Research 1/2 Position to provide visa assistance for to reduce OT and Student Pay International staff & faculty shared with delete - match funding • $220K One Time Capital 2.1 International Student Office eliminated (BRANDED SIGNAGE) 2.2 Campus Signage - phase in over four years $ 220,000 total cost all at once Janitorial and Maintenance Staff for new buildings: LGBTQ, Wellness Center & Student TOP PRIORITIES 2.3 Athletic Development Center $ 36,450 2.1 AA support not requested Homeland Security Mandates HR Currently not backlogged in International office but ? future 2.2 220K total (New approved approach to signage) (BRANDING) (Will use projects, but many signs are way finding $ 91,450 not really projects like resident halls) 2.3 PT and OT extension

  9. Third Priority Operational Efficiency Improve process and procedures. Invest ROI in higher priorities. SUMMARY • 2 Positions Capital Projects Operational Efficiencies Two positions - Mech. Engineer and Construction • 137K Capital 3.1 Project Manager $ 193,000 TOP PRIORITIES delete -comparative 3.2 Two Budget Specialists II, Financial Analysts data 3.1 Engineer due to complex PeopleSoft Billing & Receivable Module buildings coming of age. Implementation (Request represents Fund 100 delete - match funding 3.3 portion w/$600,000 from SPA) eliminated Internal project manager for URI Electronic Performance Appraisal & Job small projects not capable of 3.4 Description Module $ 50,000 supporting PM in budget. Upgrade computers for OCP staff, Staff 3.2 2 analysts for Budget Office education, Computer Center data storage and 3.5 RIGIS base mapping project equipment $ 27,400 5 Positions lost (transferred Pallet Truck, Pick-up Truck, Forklift & Hydraulic mainly to new areas) 3.6 Door Leveler $ 58,775 More Requests SPBC & RIBGHE $ 329,175 Spreadsheet Use ? 3.3 New Use of existing owned PS modules (not Comparison Count: URI 10, implemented) Inter Divisional – No R&ED Request UMASS Amherst 6, UNH 5, Antiquated inefficient system in place now. UVM 6, UCONN 8, RIC 2, CCRI 3 3.4 New Module/System reduce paper and waste Connect to and update JD’s

  10. Third Priority - CONTINUED Operational Efficiency Improve process and procedures. Invest ROI in higher priorities. 3.5 One Time Capital request to upgrade Computers, Electronic Operational Efficiencies Document storage, GIS mapping. Two positions - Mech. Engineer and Construction 3.1 Project Manager $ 193,000 Training for staff on new delete -comparative technologies. 3.2 Two Budget Specialists II, Financial Analysts data PeopleSoft Billing & Receivable Module 3.6 One Time Capital request to Implementation (Request represents Fund 100 delete - match funding replace old essential equipment 3.3 portion w/$600,000 from SPA) eliminated necessary to service entire URI Electronic Performance Appraisal & Job campus. Property & Support. 3.4 Description Module $ 50,000 ONE TIME MONEY Upgrade computers for OCP staff, Staff education, Computer Center data storage and 3.5 RIGIS base mapping project equipment $ 27,400 ONE TIME MONEY Pallet Truck, Pick-up Truck, Forklift & Hydraulic 3.6 Door Leveler $ 58,775 ONE TIME MONEY $ 329,175

  11. Fourth Priority Improve Facilities and Campus for Admission & Retention. SUMMARY Facility Improvements • 2 Positions Fiscal Clerks for delete - other funding Capital Projects 4.1 Emergency generator for the Sycamore Lodge option identified • 606K Capital (long depreciation) Building and attic insulation, attic exhaust fans delete - other funding • ALL ONE TIME MONEY 4.2 and related improvements at Whispering Pines option identified Three Trucks w/ Plow, Two Vans to replace TOP PRIORITIES Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) vehicles, and 4.3 three mowers $ 507,000 ONE TIME MONEY 4.1 Essential but other funds OK Two Police Vehicles & upgrade to 4.2 Same as 4.1 4.4 technology/bar-coding $ 99,000 ONE TIME MONEY 4.3 Major new trucks for snow Interconnect the water lines at Whispering Pines and replace essential old vans 4.5 and improve the well servicing Sycamore Lodge $ 30,000 ONE TIME MONEY Two Permanent Part-Time Fiscal Clerk Positions delete -comparative and mowers. CMMS upgrade. 4.6 (under 19 hours) data Cutbacks have prevented usual $ fleet management practices. 636,000 4.4 Aging fleet of Police, use new technology to speed response and efficiency 4.5 ensure water 4.6 reduce OT and student help

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