address marsh farm the marsh thrandeston diss suffolk

Address: Marsh Farm The Marsh Thrandeston Diss Suffolk IP21 4BZ - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Slide 1 DC/17/05507 and Application No: DC/17/05508 LBC Address: Marsh Farm The Marsh Thrandeston Diss Suffolk IP21 4BZ Slide 2 Site Location Plan Slide 3 Constraints Map Slide 4 Aerial Map Slide 5 Block Plan Slide 6 Block Plan as

  1. Slide 1 DC/17/05507 and Application No: DC/17/05508 LBC Address: Marsh Farm The Marsh Thrandeston Diss Suffolk IP21 4BZ

  2. Slide 2 Site Location Plan

  3. Slide 3 Constraints Map

  4. Slide 4 Aerial Map

  5. Slide 5 Block Plan

  6. Slide 6 Block Plan as existing

  7. Slide 7 Proposed Elevations

  8. Slide 8 Proposed Elevations

  9. Slide 9 Proposed Elevations

  10. Slide 10 Proposed Elevations and sections

  11. Slide 11 Proposed Elevations

  12. Slide 12 Proposed Sections

  13. Slide 13 Proposed Sections

  14. Slide 14 Existing Elevations

  15. Slide 15 Existing Elevations

  16. Slide 16 Existing Elevations

  17. Slide 17 Existing Elevations

  18. Slide 18 Existing Elevations

  19. Slide 19 Existing Elevations

  20. Slide 20 Ground Floor as proposed

  21. Slide 21 Ground Floor as existing

  22. Slide 22 Landscape plan

  23. Slide 23 Tree plan

  24. Slide 24 Plinth, Footing and Ground Floor observations

  25. Slide 25 Wall Plate Repairs

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