adapted and constrained dijkstra for elastic optical

Adapted and Constrained Dijkstra for Elastic Optical Networks - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Adapted and Constrained Dijkstra for Elastic Optical Networks Ireneusz Szczeniak Department of Communications AGH University of Science and Technology Poland Boena Wona-Szczeniak Institute of Mathematics and Computer Science Jan

  1. Adapted and Constrained Dijkstra for Elastic Optical Networks Ireneusz Szcześniak Department of Communications AGH University of Science and Technology Poland Bożena Woźna-Szcześniak Institute of Mathematics and Computer Science Jan Długosz University Poland ONDM 2016 Grant number DEC-2013/08/S/ST7/00576 from the Polish National Science Centre

  2. Introduction Contribution Algorithm Evaluation Conclusions Appendix Introduction • WDM networks evolving into elastic optical networks (EONs). • Fundamental problem: routing of a single demand. • Routing and wavelength assignment (RWA) is NP-complete. • RWA has the spectrum continuity constraint. • Routing and spectrum assignment (RSA) is NP-complete. • RSA has the spectrum continuity and contiguity constraints. • Existing solutions: • heuristic algorithms: practical but suboptimal, • ILP formulations: optimal but impractical. slide 1

  3. Introduction Contribution Algorithm Evaluation Conclusions Appendix Contribution Novel algorithm: adapted and constrained Dijkstra. Our algorithm solves optimally and practically: • the constrained RSA problem in the EONs, • the constrained RWA problem in WDM networks. Performance comparison with two heuristics: • routing with the edge-disjoint shortest paths, • routing with the Yen K-shortest paths. The high-quality code using the Boost Graph Library (BGL) is freely-available under the General Public License (GPL). slide 2

  4. Introduction Contribution Algorithm Evaluation Conclusions Appendix Optimally and practically? Really? • Yes, but we are constraining the RSA and RWA problems. • Constriction: the limit on the path length. • Our algorithm solves the constrained RSA and RWA problems: • OPTIMALLY: based on the optimal Dijkstra algorithm, • PRACTICALLY: returns results for large problems. • However, we offer no proof. slide 3

  5. Introduction Contribution Algorithm Evaluation Conclusions Appendix Problem statement Given: • directed multigraph G , • the cost e . c of edge e , • slices available e . SSC on edge e , • maximal path cost (length) m , • demand d with n slices. Sought: • shortest path p for demand d , • largest set of slices for demand d . slide 4

  6. Introduction Contribution Algorithm Evaluation Conclusions Appendix Algorithm adaptation and constriction Adaptation was shaped by the need to: • revisit nodes, but avoid loops, • purge worse labels. Constriction limits the path length. It’s a typical Dijkstra constriction, during edge relaxation. slide 5

  7. Introduction Contribution Algorithm Evaluation Conclusions Appendix Revisit nodes, but avoid loops Find a shortest path from node s to node t with 2 slices. Edge label: (cost, {set of available slices}) (1, {1, 2}) e 1 (10, {2, 3}) e 3 s i t e 2 (2, {2, 3}) slide 6

  8. Introduction Contribution Algorithm Evaluation Conclusions Appendix Purge worse labels Find a shortest path from node s to node t with 2 slices. Edge label: (cost, {set of available slices}) (1, {1, 2}) e 1 (1, {1, 2, 3}) e 3 s i t e 2 (1, {1, 2, 3}) slide 7

  9. Introduction Contribution Algorithm Evaluation Conclusions Appendix What specifically we adapted Dijkstra our algorithm cost, preceding edge, label cost, preceding node maximal set of slices node has a single label a set of labels label comparison cost only cost and slices Label l 1 is better than or equal to label l 2 , denoted by l 1 ≤ l 2 , if cost ( l 1 ) ≤ cost ( l 2 ) and SSC ( l 1 ) ⊇ SSC ( l 2 ) . A node has a set of labels, where no label is better or equal to some other label. slide 8

  10. Introduction Contribution Algorithm Evaluation Conclusions Appendix Evaluation setting • We compared the performance of our algorithm to two heuristics: • routing along the edge-disjoint paths, • routing along the Yen K = 10 shortest paths. • 50 Gabriel graphs model simulation topologies. • Each graph has 100 nodes and 400 slices per edge. • Spectrum selection: first or fittest. • Connection arrivals: Poisson with mean 10 ≤ λ ≤ 1000 / day. • Connection holding time: Poisson with mean 10 days. • The requested number of slices: Poisson with mean 10. • A simulation run lasts 100 simulated days. • 8100 simulation runs, 1% relative standard error. slide 9

  11. Introduction Contribution Algorithm Evaluation Conclusions Appendix The probability of establishing a connection 1 0 . 8 probability 0 . 6 0 . 4 0 . 2 0 . 1 0 . 2 0 . 3 0 . 4 0 . 5 0 . 6 network utilization proposed, fittest edksp, fittest yenksp, fittest proposed, first edksp, first yenksp, first slide 10

  12. Introduction Contribution Algorithm Evaluation Conclusions Appendix The time of shortest path search 0 . 4 time [s] 0 . 2 0 0 . 1 0 . 2 0 . 3 0 . 4 0 . 5 0 . 6 network utilization proposed, fittest edksp, fittest yenksp, fittest proposed, first edksp, first yenksp, first slide 11

  13. Introduction Contribution Algorithm Evaluation Conclusions Appendix The length of an established connection 600 length [km] 400 0 . 1 0 . 2 0 . 3 0 . 4 0 . 5 0 . 6 network utilization proposed, fittest edksp, fittest yenksp, fittest proposed, first edksp, first yenksp, first slide 12

  14. Introduction Contribution Algorithm Evaluation Conclusions Appendix Conclusions • The RSA and RWA problems tamed: constrained and solved. • We reckon the constrained RSA and RWA problems tractable. • The simulations show the algorithm is doing quite well. • But we offer no proof. slide 13

  15. Introduction Contribution Algorithm Evaluation Conclusions Appendix The algorithm In: G = ( V = { v i } , E = { e i } ) , W ( e i ) , S ( e i ) , m , d = ( s , t , n ) Out: p = ( e 1 , ..., e i , ..., e l ) , Σ = { σ i } L s = { ( 0 , e ∅ , Ω) } push ( 0 , e ∅ ) to Q while Q is not empty do q = ( c , e ) = pop ( Q ) v = e . target if v == t then break the while loop end if SSSC = { l . SSC : l ∈ L v and l . c == c and l . e == e } for all S ∈ SSSC do for all e ′ ∈ outgoing edges of v do S ′ = S ∩ S ( e ′ ) c ′ = c + W ( e ′ ) if c ′ ≤ m and S ′ can support d then v ′ = e ′ . target l ′ = ( c ′ , e ′ , S ′ ) if ∄ l ∈ L v ′ : l ≤ l ′ then L v ′ = L v ′ \ { l : l ∈ L v ′ and l ′ ≤ l } L v ′ = L v ′ ∪ { l ′ } push ( c ′ , e ′ ) to Q end if end if end for end for end while return ( p , Σ) = trace ( L , s , t ) slide 14

  16. Introduction Contribution Algorithm Evaluation Conclusions Appendix The number of slices of an established connection 10 number of slices 9 . 5 9 8 . 5 0 . 1 0 . 2 0 . 3 0 . 4 0 . 5 0 . 6 network utilization proposed, fittest edksp, fittest yenksp, fittest proposed, first edksp, first yenksp, first slide 15


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