Fog of Terror or Chaos os Fear
Our goal is to share e informati tion on with those that could find themsel elves ves in one of these e critical cal event nts s and provide de traini ning ng for an “active shooter” incident and a frame of refer eren ence. e.
Prese senta ntati tion on Outli line ne Case Studi dies es Situation tional al Aware reness ess Mind-set et of an Active e Shooter Run, Hide e & Fight Law Enforcem cemen ent t Respo pons nse
Columbine mbine High School ol 1 T Teache cher r Murdered ed 12 Studen ents s Murdered ed 20 Studen ents ts Injured red Charac acte teri ristic tics s of Shoot ooter ers s During g Inciden ent Deliberat erate Robot otic ic No Fear
Jared Cano Friend tippe ped police ce active e shoo oote ter r plan n Cano o expel elled led Fanta tasized ed killing more e than n Virgina Tech/Co /Colu lumb mbine/No ne/Norw rway y Summer mer Camp mp 2011 Planned ned to commi mmit t suicide Cano o video eo tape ped his plans ns prior or to his arres est
Newt wtow own, n, CT Decem ember ber 14, 2012 12 Sandy dy Hook k Elementary mentary School ool Adam Lanza – 20 years s old Killed Mother er Semi-au auto to AR-15 Assault t Rifle 2 h hand guns 28 dead including g 20 children ren Suicide • Loner er • Asperge ger r Syndrom rome • Spent most of time on a c compute ter r playing ing violent t video o games • Quiet t to a d depth which could not be penetrate trated
Waseca a Junior/ or/Se Senior ior High Schoo ool Minnes esota ota 2013 The Plan • Kill ll famil ily • Divers ersio ionary ary fire e in rural al area a to distra tract ct firs rst t responders ers • Viole lent t plans in 180 page notebo tebook fill lled ed with notes tes on school shootin tings and massacres acres • Critiq tiqued ed other er school l events ts Promis ised ed a bigger er shootin ting even ent • Practic cticed ed settin ting off bombs bs at a n near arby by playg aygro round • Neighbo bor r tipped ed poli lice ce after er seein ing Ladue due enterin ering storag rage e unit t fille led d with supplie ies The Goal “Take out as many students he could”
The Clock is Ticking…. 5 Year Study dy of 65 Even ents ts: Someon meone e dies every ery 15 secon conds Typical cal even ent t is over er in 3 to 4 minutes tes Police ce respo ponse e is 5 to 7 minutes tes
FRAME AME OF REFERENCE ERENCE You have e a frame e of referenc ence e when; You have e Thoughts ghts, , Feelings gs abou out t an issue ue You have e a stron ong g frame e of referen rence ce when: You have e personal onal exper erienc ences es with an issue It is difficul ult t to have e a Frame e of Referenc ence e about ut an issue ue if : • Have e no feelings gs abou out t it • You have e no persona onal experi erien ence ce (behaviora oral) ) with it • You have e never er though ught t about ut it • DO NOT BELIEV IEVE E IT COULD EVER HAPPEN EN TO YOU
GENER ERAL CHARA RACT CTERIST RISTICS CS OF AN ACTIVE TIVE SHOOTER TER They “told” some one Shooting is planned Motive is revenge- “make it fair” History of depression 78% suicidal at time of shooting Student was “different” Acting out their emotional needs
LIFE FE EXPER ERIENCE ENCES S OF AN ACTIVE TIVE SHOOTER TER (CASE SE STUDIES) DIES) • Abused ed and or felt abused ed • Socially y isolated ted • Socially y anxiou ous • Aggres essive e as children en • Chroni nica cally y depress pressed ed • “Odd kids” have few friends if any • “Odd kids” are teased • “Odd kids” try their parents’ patience and love
LIFE FE EXPER ERIENCE ENCES S OF AN ACTIVE TIVE SHOOTER TER (CASE SE STUDIES DIES) CONT.. • Threats ts • Allusions ons to violen ence ce • Exces essive e or intimida datin ting g referenc ence e to mass murder er or shoot oting g sprees ees, , real or fiction on • Intimi mida dati ting g weapon pon commen ments ts • Depres ession on or suicida dal though ughts ts • Paranoia oia • Repeatedly accusing other people of causing one’s problems ems • Unreasonable e compl mplaints ts
With their guns s they are acting ng out EMOTION TIONAL AL NEEDS To be heard/s d/see een To be recogni gnized zed To be seen n as powerful rful To have their unbel eliev evabl able e pain and rage e acknowled edged ged
BIOLOGY LOGY NORMAL AL BRAIN N ACTI TIVIT VITY- Proactive tive Killers rs-kill ill to achieve ve a thought t out goal – ie ie robber ery ABNORMA RMAL L BRAIN N ACTIVIT IVITY- React ctive e Killers rs-kill ill in respo pons nse e to real or imagined ed- insults ts-ie ie school shooter ers
BIOLOGY REACT CTIV IVE ..\..\All Users\Documents\My KILLERS RS Pictures\Kodak Pictures\2006-11- 08\102_0446.jpg Low prefron onta tal activity ty High limbic activity ty High cingulate te gyrus activity ty Aggress ressiv ive- Obsess essive ive- No empathy thy-
MI MIDDLE DLE SCHOO HOOL L vs vs HIGH GH SCHOO HOOL Middle e School shooters rs: : are usually y alive when first respo ponde nders rs arrive High School/Co College ege shooter ers: : are usual ally y not alive when first respo ponde nders rs arrive ve
What t you can expect t of yourse self lf 1. Hyperv rven entil tilation tion 2. Accel eler erat ated ed Heart Rate 3. Adren enalin aline e Rus ush 4. Loss of Pe Perip iphera heral l Vision ion 5. Diminishe inished d hearin ing
This Can’t Be Happe pening Thre ree e Phases ses of Our ur Mental ntal Disast saster er Response onse Deni nial al Deliber erat ation on Decisi cisive e Mom oment nt
Denial al …Underestimating the severit rity Denial al is delay aying g action Delayi ying ng action costs s time Delayi ying ng action can cost lives
Denial al and Social Proof Diffusi sion on of Respon onsibility ty In ambiguous ous situati tion ons s we l look k at other ers s for cues on how to act • If If they do noth thing, ng, you will do nothing ng • If they act, you will act •
Delibe bera ration tion We made e it past st Deni nial al Now w decide cide what at to do…. Fear ar enters ers the equat uation on Brai ain n not t worki king ng well
Delibe bera ration tion Stress ss Side Effect cts Ability ty to think is seriousl usly y impaire red Visi sion on narro rows Time me dist stor ortion tion Audi dito tory exclu clusi sion on Fine ne moto tor skills s deteriorat eriorate
Program amming g Respons nses es Think nk through h event nts s before e a disast saster er Plan an your ur response onse Pract ctice ce your ur resp spon onse se “The best way to get the brain to perform under extreme stress is to repeatedly run it through rehearsals beforehand…”
Decisive sive Moment nt Denied ed Delibe iberate rated Time e to ACT! Be Prepare red “The one thing you don’t ever want to do is have to think in a disaster”….9/11 Survivor
RUN! Alway ways s Be Aware Know ow Escape cape Rout utes es Exits Windo ndows Decid cide e to Leav ave e at Firs rst Opport rtuni nity y and Repor ort Go into nto Lockdow kdown Mode de
LOCK! K! Lock k Doors Barr rricade cade access ess points nts Door stop ops Furnitu niture Rope doors s closed sed Cover er window ndows Dark rken en room om Go into nto Run mode e agai ain
Lockd kdow own Consider iderat atio ions Barricadi cading ng doors: s: Outw twar ard d openi ning ng Eye e bolts ts Rope Inwar ward d openi ening Furn rnitu ture Kick ck bars Door r stop ops
FIGHT! T! ! Have a survivor’s (not a victim’s) mindset Decide e right now that t your are going g to do whatever tever it takes es to survive Gett tting ng shot t does es not mean that t you are dead You can and must t keep p going! g!
Law Enforc rcem ement nt The older r tactics cs used d were to contain n the suspect ect and wait for tactical cal teams to arrive ve to make entry ry. Today ay, , rapid d deploy oyment ent by all law enforce cement ent perso sonn nnel el should d be used d to minimize harm to innocen ent t perso sons. ns.
Law Enforc rcem ement nt Asse sess ssme ment nt Activity vity On On-goi oing ng viol olence ence (active tive shoot oter) er) Placi acing ng or deton onat ating ng explos osives es designe ned d to cause se inju jury Number ber of Susp spect ects s involved ed Increa eased ed potenti tential for mass casua ualti ties es
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