achieving shared biodiversity outcomes through sub

Achieving Shared Biodiversity Outcomes through Sub-national and - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Achieving Shared Biodiversity Outcomes through Sub-national and Local Implementation Presentation to Working Group on Review of Implementation of the CBD Paris - July 11, 2007 Since Release of the Strategy many sub-national plans and

  1. Achieving Shared Biodiversity Outcomes through Sub-national and Local Implementation Presentation to Working Group on Review of Implementation of the CBD Paris - July 11, 2007

  2. Since Release of the Strategy many sub-national plans and strategies have been developed

  3. Biodiversity Outcomes Framework provides a means to connect plans and strategies to shared outcomes, assess progress & set priorities.

  4. “How” – ecosystem approach & adaptive management used to achieve shared outcomes Assess: value and status of biodiversity assessed as basis for priority setting & improved decision-making Plan: biodiversity objectives & outcomes integrated into land, water & resource management plans Do: Users of land, water & resources encouraged, enabled or required to maintain natural assets Track: Progress in achieving outcomes is monitored & evaluated

  5. Improved Monitoring, Assessment & Reporting Needed to Support Outcomes Framework Ecosystem Status and Trends Next in the Series

  6. Ecological Classification – Canadian Arctic Archipelago Ecozones Plus 15 Terrestrial Ecozones 9 marine a e S 2 Large Lake Systems t r o f u a e B Taiga Cordillera Boreal Cordillera Arctic Taiga Plain Newfoundland and Labrador Shelves Taiga Shield Hudson & James North Coast & Hecate Bay & Foxe Basin Strait / Haida Quiannis Newfoundland Montane Boreal Plain Boreal Hudson Plain Cordillera Gulf of St Lawrence Pacific and St. Lawrence Maritime Estuary d n Vancouver Island Atlantic a f e l Prairie West Coast e n Maritime Boreal Shield h i a S M n Strait of Georgia Western Interior a f o i t Basin o f Lake Winnipeg & l c u S G Lake Manitoba Mixed Wood Plains Great Lakes


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