accelerating trade in west africa atwa

Accelerating Trade in West Africa (ATWA) Borderless Alliance annual - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Accelerating Trade in West Africa (ATWA) Borderless Alliance annual conference, Abidjan - May 2015 Accelerating Trade in West Africa Objectives: Establishing a multi donor vehicle dedicated to enhancing Trade & Regional Integration in

  1. Accelerating Trade in West Africa (ATWA) Borderless Alliance annual conference, Abidjan - May 2015

  2. Accelerating Trade in West Africa Objectives: • Establishing a multi donor vehicle dedicated to enhancing Trade & Regional Integration in West Africa. • Working with regional commissions (ECOWAS & UEMOA), national governments and agencies, the private sector and civil society • Addressing both “soft issues” - policies, regulations & Facilitation; and “hard issues” – Infrastructure & equipment • Inspired by TradeMark East Africa

  3. TradeMark East Africa (TMEA) TradeMark stands for Trade & Markets. • • TMEA was established in 2008/2009 as a non-profit organization in the East African Community • TMEA has its head office in Nairobi, Kenya and national offices in the five East African Community (EAC) member countries – Burundi, Kenya, Rwanda, Tanzania & Uganda – and in South Sudan.

  4. TMEA’s 3 pillars

  5. Increased Market Access Increased market access logic - approximate budget allocation (44%)

  6. Enhance Trade Environment Logic & budget allocation (39%)

  7. Improved Business Competitiveness Logic & budget allocation (17%)

  8. TMEA Investors

  9. TMEA – Projects Facilitation & Infrastructure More than 250 projects – annual budget USD 85 Million TradeMark East Africa (TMEA) is funding 13 OSBPs in East Africa,

  10. TMEA Initiatives to promote agricultural value-chains Coffee export - Rwanda : Testing equipment for the Rwanda Bureau of Standards to test minerals and myco-toxins in coffee and essential oils. This has reduced the time for testing from 45 days to 7 days! Horticulture export – Tanzania & Uganda : Grants from the first phase of the challenge fund. Increased annual export volumes and income. Avocado export – Tanzania : Grant for project to pack on-site avocados grown in the Kilimanjaro region and export them directly to the EU and the Middle East. 2,000 smallholder farmers are gaining, in that they buy the seedlings cheaply and learn how to tend them through Africado’s expertise. New million dollar study Identify the top 50 trade routes of more than 40 km in East Africa by (a) weight and (b) value.

  11. EAC versus ECOWAS ECOWAS EAC Surface area (incl. 5,1 million 1.82 million water) km2: Member states 15 5 Population 340 million 143.5 million Languages EN/FR/PT English/Kiswahili GDP per capita USD 1,985 USD 769

  12. Logistic challenges in EAC

  13. Accelerating Trade in West Africa - ATWA Status • Current phase – a feasibility study & proposal – is funded by DANIDA, the Danish International Development Agency and executed by Saana Consulting from February 2015 to October 2016. • Other donors are encouraged to support and co- fund the project.

  14. Vision & Background 2. Building on the 2. Building on the 1. A more integrated approach 1. A more integrated approach momentum created by momentum created by to donor support to West to donor support to West ECOWAS through regional ECOWAS through regional African Trade and Integration. African Trade and Integration. developments. developments. ATWA ATWA 3. Taking advantage of further 3. Taking advantage of further 4. Takes inspiration from 4. Takes inspiration from momentum generated by the momentum generated by the TradeMark East Africa TradeMark East Africa “Abuja Process” on Cross “Abuja Process” on Cross (TMEA). (TMEA). Border Trade Facilitation. Border Trade Facilitation.

  15. Strategic Approach • Initial round of consultations with ECOWAS and UEMOA STAGE 1 • Desk study of available information on WA corridors and facilitation issue • Diagnostic phase including consultations with national STAGE 2 stakeholders to identify priorities and bottle necks which ATWA could initially address. A high-level cross visit to East Africa. • • Development of a costed programme document. STAGE 3 • Preparing a roadmap for an implementation Phase.

  16. Stakeholder input & Ideas You are invited to support this innovative initiative! Your support, inputs and comments will be much appreciated

  17. Key Contacts � Dr. Sola Afolabi ( Team Leader � Mr. Niels Rasmussen ( Technical Lead � Quentin de Roquefeuil ( Project Manager Saana Consulting

  18. Thank you


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