ACCAN 2015 CONFERENCE Michelle Rowland MP Shadow Assistant Minister for Communications
No choice
Broadband ratings
Mortgage stress and affordability Source: AFR, 19 August 2015
What’s working Wi-Fi hotspots How do we compare? According to ACMA: • In the 12 months to June 2014, the use of Wi-Fi hotspots grew 21 per cent and there are now over three million Australian internet users (aged 18 years and over) using Wi-Fi-hotspots to supplement their internet access services. In the five years to June 2014, use of Wi- Fi hotspots increased six- fold — in 2009, there were only 495,000 people going online via a Wi-Fi hotspot.
Affordability and the NBN LABOR’S NBN IN 2013 COALITION’S NBN Universal. Location-based. The best access technology (fibre) to Quality of broadband will depend on all homes and businesses in fixed location line footprint NBN Co to charge minimum $900 for No NBN Co charge to connect new new homes ($700 for apartments), plus homes or apartments backhaul charge About a third (~30%) of homes to get FTTN (copper). Coalition will charge Fibre to all homes and businesses in families and businesses in these areas fixed line footprint up to “tens of thousands of dollars” to upgrade to fibre Universal wholesale pricing to be axed . Same wholesale price, whether you People in the bush may pay more than live in the city or the bush people in our cities Fibre to 93% of homes and People will pay the same wholesale price as for fibre, but for inferior, “up businesses at the same wholesale to” technologies (e.g. FTTN) price per month NBN Co to charge for professional install (required to optimise speed and No NBN Co charge to install quality) . Self-install option for those customer premises equipment who can’t afford this (lower speed and quality)
ACCAN 2015 CONFERENCE Michelle Rowland MP Shadow Assistant Minister for Communications
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