academic medical system to

Academic Medical System to Bridge Research and Care if You Could - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

How Would You Build an Academic Medical System to Bridge Research and Care if You Could Start from Scratch? Clay Johnston, MD, PhD Dell Medical School What proportion of the major clinical decisions are based on real evidence? A. <10%

  1. How Would You Build an Academic Medical System to Bridge Research and Care if You Could Start from Scratch? Clay Johnston, MD, PhD Dell Medical School

  2. What proportion of the major clinical decisions are based on real evidence? A. <10% B. 10-24% C. 25-49% D. 50-79% E. 80-90% F. >90%

  3. Improved Health

  4. Research Investment by Sector H. Moses et al , JAMA. 2015;313(2):174-189

  5. Health Services Research Funding

  6. Health Services Research Funding $0.2 billion from PCORI

  7. Health Services Research Funding $0.2 billion from PCORI $1.4 billion from NIH

  8. Health Services Research Funding $0.2 billion from PCORI $1.4 billion from NIH – 4% of NIH budget

  9. Health Services Research Funding $0.2 billion from PCORI $1.4 billion from NIH – 4% of NIH budget – Less than spent on stem-cell research

  10. 2016 $10,800 78.6 y

  11. Care Research

  12. Care Research

  13. Apply for grant

  14. Apply for grant Get grant

  15. Apply for grant Get grant Important results

  16. Apply for grant Get grant Change health Important results

  17. Broken research system

  18. Dell Medical School: Opportunity to start from scratch Photo: Christopher Sherman

  19. Rethink Research

  20. Care Research

  21. Care Research

  22. Care Research

  23. Care Research

  24. Care Research

  25. Example: Joint Pain Complete redesign of care Appropriate triage Counseling PT/training Risk factor management Constant measurement and adaptation

  26. Person Measurement of outcomes Payment for value Design Clinical Team care Technology expertise

  27. Innovating to improve the model Does an interview designed to enhance the patient-caregiver empathic bond improve patient satisfaction? Pseudo-randomized trial Found NO effect on satisfaction, pain, or outcomes

  28. Innovating to improve the model Does an initial telemedicine visit improve satisfaction and outcomes? True randomized trial, just beginning

  29. Innovating to improve the model Can we reduce physician distraction and improve the patient experience?

  30. Innovating to improve the model Can we reduce complications by replacing the saw?

  31. New approaches to education


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