absorption and reflexive digraphs

Absorption and reflexive digraphs Alexandr Kazda, Libor Barto - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Introduction MZ1 MZ2 Putting pieces together Absorption and reflexive digraphs Alexandr Kazda, Libor Barto Department of Algebra Charles University, Prague June 2012 Alexandr Kazda, Libor Barto Absorption and reflexive digraphs

  1. Introduction MZ1 MZ2 Putting pieces together Absorption and reflexive digraphs Alexandr Kazda, Libor Barto Department of Algebra Charles University, Prague June 2012 Alexandr Kazda, Libor Barto Absorption and reflexive digraphs

  2. Introduction MZ1 MZ2 Putting pieces together Our goal M. Mar´ oti and L. Z´ adori: CM ⇒ NU for reflexive digraphs. We show an alternative proof using absorption. All our graphs will be reflexive. Alexandr Kazda, Libor Barto Absorption and reflexive digraphs

  3. Introduction MZ1 MZ2 Putting pieces together Our goal M. Mar´ oti and L. Z´ adori: CM ⇒ NU for reflexive digraphs. We show an alternative proof using absorption. All our graphs will be reflexive. Alexandr Kazda, Libor Barto Absorption and reflexive digraphs

  4. Introduction MZ1 MZ2 Putting pieces together Our goal M. Mar´ oti and L. Z´ adori: CM ⇒ NU for reflexive digraphs. We show an alternative proof using absorption. All our graphs will be reflexive. Alexandr Kazda, Libor Barto Absorption and reflexive digraphs

  5. Introduction MZ1 MZ2 Putting pieces together Our goal M. Mar´ oti and L. Z´ adori: CM ⇒ NU for reflexive digraphs. We show an alternative proof using absorption. All our graphs will be reflexive. Alexandr Kazda, Libor Barto Absorption and reflexive digraphs

  6. Introduction MZ1 MZ2 Putting pieces together CM ⇒ MZ1 + 2 Let G be a CM reflexive digraph. Then for any K reflexive digraph: MZ1 If H is a connected component of G , R ≤ G K and R ⊂ H K then R is connected. MZ2 If H is a strongly connected component of G , R ≤ G K and R ⊂ H K then R is extremely connected. Mar´ oti and Z´ adori have given a nice proof that MZ1 + 2 implies NU. Alexandr Kazda, Libor Barto Absorption and reflexive digraphs

  7. Introduction MZ1 MZ2 Putting pieces together CM ⇒ MZ1 + 2 Let G be a CM reflexive digraph. Then for any K reflexive digraph: MZ1 If H is a connected component of G , R ≤ G K and R ⊂ H K then R is connected. MZ2 If H is a strongly connected component of G , R ≤ G K and R ⊂ H K then R is extremely connected. Mar´ oti and Z´ adori have given a nice proof that MZ1 + 2 implies NU. Alexandr Kazda, Libor Barto Absorption and reflexive digraphs

  8. Introduction MZ1 MZ2 Putting pieces together CM ⇒ MZ1 + 2 Let G be a CM reflexive digraph. Then for any K reflexive digraph: MZ1 If H is a connected component of G , R ≤ G K and R ⊂ H K then R is connected. MZ2 If H is a strongly connected component of G , R ≤ G K and R ⊂ H K then R is extremely connected. Mar´ oti and Z´ adori have given a nice proof that MZ1 + 2 implies NU. Alexandr Kazda, Libor Barto Absorption and reflexive digraphs

  9. Introduction MZ1 MZ2 Putting pieces together CM ⇒ MZ1 + 2 Let G be a CM reflexive digraph. Then for any K reflexive digraph: MZ1 If H is a connected component of G , R ≤ G K and R ⊂ H K then R is connected. MZ2 If H is a strongly connected component of G , R ≤ G K and R ⊂ H K then R is extremely connected. Mar´ oti and Z´ adori have given a nice proof that MZ1 + 2 implies NU. Alexandr Kazda, Libor Barto Absorption and reflexive digraphs

  10. Introduction MZ1 MZ2 Putting pieces together G K The digraph G K has as vertices all the homomorphisms K → G . We have f → g if whenever u → v in K then f ( u ) → g ( v ) in G . In particular G K is itself a reflexive digraph. . . . . . that contains a copy of G on the “diagonal”. . . . . . and if G was CM then so is G K . Alexandr Kazda, Libor Barto Absorption and reflexive digraphs

  11. Introduction MZ1 MZ2 Putting pieces together G K The digraph G K has as vertices all the homomorphisms K → G . We have f → g if whenever u → v in K then f ( u ) → g ( v ) in G . In particular G K is itself a reflexive digraph. . . . . . that contains a copy of G on the “diagonal”. . . . . . and if G was CM then so is G K . Alexandr Kazda, Libor Barto Absorption and reflexive digraphs

  12. Introduction MZ1 MZ2 Putting pieces together G K The digraph G K has as vertices all the homomorphisms K → G . We have f → g if whenever u → v in K then f ( u ) → g ( v ) in G . In particular G K is itself a reflexive digraph. . . . . . that contains a copy of G on the “diagonal”. . . . . . and if G was CM then so is G K . Alexandr Kazda, Libor Barto Absorption and reflexive digraphs

  13. Introduction MZ1 MZ2 Putting pieces together G K The digraph G K has as vertices all the homomorphisms K → G . We have f → g if whenever u → v in K then f ( u ) → g ( v ) in G . In particular G K is itself a reflexive digraph. . . . . . that contains a copy of G on the “diagonal”. . . . . . and if G was CM then so is G K . Alexandr Kazda, Libor Barto Absorption and reflexive digraphs

  14. Introduction MZ1 MZ2 Putting pieces together G K The digraph G K has as vertices all the homomorphisms K → G . We have f → g if whenever u → v in K then f ( u ) → g ( v ) in G . In particular G K is itself a reflexive digraph. . . . . . that contains a copy of G on the “diagonal”. . . . . . and if G was CM then so is G K . Alexandr Kazda, Libor Barto Absorption and reflexive digraphs

  15. Introduction MZ1 MZ2 Putting pieces together G K The digraph G K has as vertices all the homomorphisms K → G . We have f → g if whenever u → v in K then f ( u ) → g ( v ) in G . In particular G K is itself a reflexive digraph. . . . . . that contains a copy of G on the “diagonal”. . . . . . and if G was CM then so is G K . Alexandr Kazda, Libor Barto Absorption and reflexive digraphs

  16. Introduction MZ1 MZ2 Putting pieces together Absorption Let ( V , E ) be reflexive, U ⊂ V . Assume we have Gumm terms and U � g V . Then: If ( V , E ) is connected then so is ( U , E ). If ( V , E ) is strongly connected then so is ( U , E ). Note: Mar´ oti and Z´ adori actually prove both claims in their paper (without mentioning absorption). Alexandr Kazda, Libor Barto Absorption and reflexive digraphs

  17. Introduction MZ1 MZ2 Putting pieces together Absorption Let ( V , E ) be reflexive, U ⊂ V . Assume we have Gumm terms and U � g V . Then: If ( V , E ) is connected then so is ( U , E ). If ( V , E ) is strongly connected then so is ( U , E ). Note: Mar´ oti and Z´ adori actually prove both claims in their paper (without mentioning absorption). Alexandr Kazda, Libor Barto Absorption and reflexive digraphs

  18. Introduction MZ1 MZ2 Putting pieces together Absorption Let ( V , E ) be reflexive, U ⊂ V . Assume we have Gumm terms and U � g V . Then: If ( V , E ) is connected then so is ( U , E ). If ( V , E ) is strongly connected then so is ( U , E ). Note: Mar´ oti and Z´ adori actually prove both claims in their paper (without mentioning absorption). Alexandr Kazda, Libor Barto Absorption and reflexive digraphs

  19. Introduction MZ1 MZ2 Putting pieces together Absorption Let ( V , E ) be reflexive, U ⊂ V . Assume we have Gumm terms and U � g V . Then: If ( V , E ) is connected then so is ( U , E ). If ( V , E ) is strongly connected then so is ( U , E ). Note: Mar´ oti and Z´ adori actually prove both claims in their paper (without mentioning absorption). Alexandr Kazda, Libor Barto Absorption and reflexive digraphs

  20. Introduction MZ1 MZ2 Putting pieces together Proving MZ1 Goal: If H is a connected component of G , R ≤ G K and R ⊂ H K then R is connected. We show by induction that R is connected if it contains the diagonal. In the general case, we have some pp definition D of R . If we remove all constant constraints in D we get a pp definition of some S ⊃ R . Now S contains the diagonal and R � g S . Therefore, R must be connected. Alexandr Kazda, Libor Barto Absorption and reflexive digraphs

  21. Introduction MZ1 MZ2 Putting pieces together Proving MZ1 Goal: If H is a connected component of G , R ≤ G K and R ⊂ H K then R is connected. We show by induction that R is connected if it contains the diagonal. In the general case, we have some pp definition D of R . If we remove all constant constraints in D we get a pp definition of some S ⊃ R . Now S contains the diagonal and R � g S . Therefore, R must be connected. Alexandr Kazda, Libor Barto Absorption and reflexive digraphs

  22. Introduction MZ1 MZ2 Putting pieces together Proving MZ1 Goal: If H is a connected component of G , R ≤ G K and R ⊂ H K then R is connected. We show by induction that R is connected if it contains the diagonal. In the general case, we have some pp definition D of R . If we remove all constant constraints in D we get a pp definition of some S ⊃ R . Now S contains the diagonal and R � g S . Therefore, R must be connected. Alexandr Kazda, Libor Barto Absorption and reflexive digraphs

  23. Introduction MZ1 MZ2 Putting pieces together Proving MZ1 Goal: If H is a connected component of G , R ≤ G K and R ⊂ H K then R is connected. We show by induction that R is connected if it contains the diagonal. In the general case, we have some pp definition D of R . If we remove all constant constraints in D we get a pp definition of some S ⊃ R . Now S contains the diagonal and R � g S . Therefore, R must be connected. Alexandr Kazda, Libor Barto Absorption and reflexive digraphs

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