topics in combinatorial optimization

Topics in Combinatorial Optimization Orlando Lee Unicamp 15 de - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Topics in Combinatorial Optimization Orlando Lee Unicamp 15 de abril de 2014 Orlando Lee Unicamp Topics in Combinatorial Optimization Agradecimentos Este conjunto de slides foram preparados originalmente para o curso T opicos de

  1. Topics in Combinatorial Optimization Orlando Lee – Unicamp 15 de abril de 2014 Orlando Lee – Unicamp Topics in Combinatorial Optimization

  2. Agradecimentos Este conjunto de slides foram preparados originalmente para o curso T´ opicos de Otimiza¸ c˜ ao Combinat´ oria no primeiro semestre de 2014 no Instituto de Computa¸ c˜ ao da Unicamp. Preparei os slides em inglˆ es simplesmente porque me deu vontade, mas as aulas ser˜ ao em portuguˆ es (do Brasil)! Agradecimentos especiais ao Prof. M´ ario Leston Rey. Sem sua ajuda, certamente estes slides nunca ficariam prontos a tempo. Qualquer erro encontrado nestes slide ´ e de minha inteira responsabilidade (Orlando Lee, 2014). Orlando Lee – Unicamp Topics in Combinatorial Optimization

  3. Arborescences Let D = ( V , A ) be a digraph and let r ∈ V be a designated root. An r -arborescence of D is a connected subdigraph B of D such that: (a) r has indegree zero in B , and (b) v has indegree one in B for every v ∈ V − { r } . Equivalently, an r -arborescence is a directed spanning tree rooted at r (Exercise). We say that a nonempty set X is an ¯ r -set if X ⊆ V − { r } . In this case we say that δ in ( X ) is an r -cut. Orlando Lee – Unicamp Topics in Combinatorial Optimization

  4. Arborescences Equivalently, an r -arborescence of D is a minimal subdigraph B of D such that | δ in B ( X ) | ≥ 1 for every ¯ r -set X . Equivalently, an r -arborescence is a minimal subdigraph of D that intersects every r -cut. Lemma. A digraph D contains an r -arborescence if and only if there exists an rv -path in D for every v ∈ X − { r } . Orlando Lee – Unicamp Topics in Combinatorial Optimization

  5. MInimum cost arborescences We usually make no distinction between an r -arborescence B and its arc set A ( B ). Suppose we are given a cost function c : A �→ R + . We define the cost of B as c ( B ) = � a ∈ B c ( a ). We are interested in the following problem. MinCost Arborescence Problem. Given a digraph D = ( V , A ) be in which every vertex is reachable from a designated root r ∈ V and a cost function c : A �→ R + , find a minimum cost r -arborescence B in ( D , c ). Why can we always assume that c � 0 ? Orlando Lee – Unicamp Topics in Combinatorial Optimization

  6. Minimum cost arborescence MinCost Arborescence Problem. Given a digraph D = ( V , A ) in which every vertex is reachable from a designated root r ∈ V and a cost function c : A �→ R + , find a minimum cost r -arborescence B in ( D , c ). This problem generalizes the following problems: (a) Shortest st -path problem (add an arc ( t , v ) of cost zero for each vertex v ) and (b) Minimum spanning tree problem (replace each edge e by two oppositely directed arcs, each with cost equal to the cost of e ). Orlando Lee – Unicamp Topics in Combinatorial Optimization

  7. Chu and Liu’s algorithm We begin presenting Chu and Liu’s algorithm (1965). First note that we can assume that there exists no arc entering r in D . Consider the following operation: DecreaseArcs ( c , v ) 1. Let α ← min { c ( a ) : a ∈ δ in ( v ) } 2. Let c ′ ← c − αχ δ in ( v ) 3. return c ′ Namely, it decreases the cost of each arc entering v by α units while mantaining the costs non-negative and zeroing at least one arc. Note that this decreases the cost of any r -arborescence by α units. Orlando Lee – Unicamp Topics in Combinatorial Optimization

  8. Chu and Liu’s algorithm Lemma. Let ( D , c ′ ) be the result of an application of DecreaseArcs to some vertex of ( D , c ). Then B is a minimum cost r -arborescence of ( D , c ) if and only B is a minimum cost r -arborescence of ( D , c ′ ). So we can apply DecreaseArcs ( c , v ) to each vertex v . In the resulting digraph ( D , c ), there exists at least an arc of zero cost entering each vertex distinct from r . Call such arcs 0-arcs. Let A 0 be the set of 0-arcs. If the subdigraph D 0 := ( V , A 0 ) contains an r -arborescence B , then B is a minimum cost r -arborescence of the original digraph ( c � 0 ). Orlando Lee – Unicamp Topics in Combinatorial Optimization

  9. Chu and Liu’s algorithm Suppose then that D 0 contains no r -arborescence. Then there must be some vertex v which is not reachable from r in D 0 . Claim. D 0 contains a (directed) cycle. Proof. Let S the set of vertices reachable from r in D 0 . So V − S is nonempty and no 0-arcs leaves S in D . Since there exists a 0-arc entering each vertex distinct from r , then the subdigraph induced by V − S must contain a cycle. Let C be a cycle of D 0 . Let D C be the digraph obtained from D by contracting C to a single vertex v C and let c C the resulting cost function on D C . Orlando Lee – Unicamp Topics in Combinatorial Optimization

  10. Chu and Liu’s algorithm Claim. The cost of a minimum r -arborescece of ( D , c ) is equal to the cost of a minimum r -arborescence of ( D C , c C ). Moreover, if B ′ is a minimum cost r -arborescence of ( D C , c C ) then B ′ can be extended to a minimum cost r -arborescence of ( D , c ). Proof. By contracting the arcs of C that lie in an optimum solution of ( D , c ), we have that the minimum in ( D C , c C ) cannot larger than the minimum in ( D , c ). Let us show the converse. Let B ′ be a minimum cost r -arborescence of ( D C , c C ). Let ( u , v C ) the unique arc of B ′ entering v C and let a = ( u , v ) be the corresponding original arc in D (so v ∈ V ( C )). Let F be the subset of A corresponding to the arcs of B ′ . Let P be the subpath of C starting at v . Since all arcs of P are 0-arcs, B := B ′ ∪ P is an r -arborescence of ( D , c ) with the same cost of B ′ . Orlando Lee – Unicamp Topics in Combinatorial Optimization

  11. Chu and Liu’s algorithm ChuLiuMinArb ( D , c , r ) ⊲ No arc enters r 1. for each v ∈ V − { r } do 2. c ← DecreaseArcs ( c , v ) 3. if D 0 contains an r -arborescence B 4. then return B 5. else 6. let C be a cycle of D 0 B ′ ← ChuLiuMinArb ( D C , c C , r ) 7. extend B ′ to an r -arborescence B of D (see proof) 8. 9. return B Theorem. Given a digraph D = ( V , A ) in which every vertex is reachable from r ∈ V and a cost function c : A �→ R + , Algorithm ChuLiuMinArb returns a minimum cost r -arborescence in polynomial time. Orlando Lee – Unicamp Topics in Combinatorial Optimization

  12. Chu and Liu’s algorithm Consult Frank’s book (p. 108–109) to see a nonrecursive version of Chu and Liu’s algorithm. Now we are going to describe another algorithm for solving the MinCost Arborescence problem. It is a slight modification of Chu and Liu’s algorithm and also avoids contraction of cycles. As a byproduct we will obtain a complete description of the dominant of the polytope generated by all the (incidence vectors of) r -arborescences of a digraph. (We will show that the system describing it is TDI.) Orlando Lee – Unicamp Topics in Combinatorial Optimization

  13. Rooted connector Let D = ( V , A ) be a digraph in which every vertex is reachable from r ∈ V . Let P r -arb ( D ) := conv { χ B : B is an r -arborescence } . Let P ↑ r -arb ( D ) := P r -arb ( D ) + R A + . An r -connector is a subdigraph B of D in which every vertex is reachable from r . Therefore, P r -arb ( D ) = conv { χ B : B is an r -connector } . Orlando Lee – Unicamp Topics in Combinatorial Optimization

  14. Primal-dual formulation Consider the following LP problem: min � a ∈ A c ( a ) x ( a ) s.a x ( δ ( X )) � 1 for every ¯ r -set X , x ( a ) � 0 for every a ∈ A . and its dual: max � r -set y X X : X is an ¯ � for every a ∈ A , s.a X : a ∈ δ in ( X ) y X � c ( a ) y X � 0 for every ¯ r -set X . Every { 0 , 1 } -solution x of the LP corresponds to an r -connector. In particular, if c � 0 , then an optimum { 0 , 1 } -solution corresponds to an r -arborescence. Orlando Lee – Unicamp Topics in Combinatorial Optimization

  15. Primal-dual formulation Consider the following LP problem: min � a ∈ A c ( a ) x ( a ) s.a x ( δ ( X )) � 1 for every ¯ r -set X , x ( a ) � 0 for every a ∈ A . and its dual: max � r -set y X X : X is an ¯ � for every a ∈ A , s.a X : a ∈ δ in ( X ) y X � c ( a ) y X � 0 for every ¯ r -set X . Every integral dual solution y of the dual LP corresponds to a collection of r -cuts C such that each r -cut δ in ( X ) appears in C with multiplicity y X and each arc a belongs to at most c ( a ) r -cuts in C . Orlando Lee – Unicamp Topics in Combinatorial Optimization

  16. Weak duality theorem For shortness, we call a dual solution y a c -packing. Lemma. Let B an r -arborescence and y a c -packing. Then c ( B ) � � r -set y X . X is an ¯ Proof. � c ( B ) = c ( a ) a ∈ B � � [ y X ] � a ∈ B X : a ∈ δ in ( X ) � | B ∩ δ in ( X ) | y X = X � y X � X is an ¯ r -set Orlando Lee – Unicamp Topics in Combinatorial Optimization

  17. Complementary slackness We have the following optimality criteria (complementary slackness): (CS1) a ∈ B ⇒ c ( a ) = � X : a ∈ δ in ( X ) y X , | B ∩ δ in ( X ) | = 1. ⇒ (CS2) y X > 0 If B is an r -arborescence and y is a c -packing that satisfy (CS1) and (CS2) then B is a minimum cost r -arborescence and y is an optimum c -packing. Orlando Lee – Unicamp Topics in Combinatorial Optimization

  18. Fulkerson-Frank algorithm The algorithm consists of two phases. Phase 1. the algorithm constructs y in a greedy manner. (due to Fulkerson) Phase 2. the algorithm constructs B in a greedy manner. (due to Frank) Orlando Lee – Unicamp Topics in Combinatorial Optimization


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