about us

About Us Establ blishe hed d in 19 Februar uary 2003 As I Inve - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

About Us Establ blishe hed d in 19 Februar uary 2003 As I Inve vest stment nt H Holdi ding ng Company any Activ tiviti ties: Ge General t trad ading Securi rity s serv rvice ces Advertis isin ing

  1. About Us  Establ blishe hed d in 19 Februar uary 2003  As I Inve vest stment nt H Holdi ding ng Company any  Activ tiviti ties: Ge General t trad ading • Securi rity s serv rvice ces • Advertis isin ing • Food & & Beverag ages • Defen ense Equ quipmts •  Agenc ncy & & dist stribut butors f for i internat nationa nal b brand n nd name  Regis iste tered S Suppli lier: Ministry o of Fina nanc nce • Minis istr try o of Defense • Tenaga ga Malaysi sia a Berha had • Telekom M Malay aysi sia a Berha had • Internati tional I Isla lamic ic U University ty • Unive versity P Putra M Malaysi sia a • Celcom com •

  2. Board of Directors Dato’ Mohd Azmi B. Abd Kadir Mohd Firdaus B. Dato’ Mohd Executive Chairman Azmi Asst Dir of Cardigan Media

  3. . Our Mission Delivering exceptional and professional service to our international and domestic customers.

  4. Malaysian Agent for Langa Industrial • Sphinx System Ltd • Earthwin Corporation Sdn Bhd •

  5. Products • Hydraulic Jacks for Aircraft and Helicopter • Tactical Loader • Electro hydraulic Power Packs for Hydraulic Jacks • Nitrogen and Oxygen Supply Carts • Multiservice Carts • Towable Maintenance Platforms • Mobile Maintenance Cranes • Towing Tractor TR-60 • Lower Aircraft Engine • Truck Mounted Maintenance Platforms • Engine Transport and Maintenance Carts • Ground Hand Wheels • Heater Trolley • System to Transport Helicopters • Aircraft Positioner • Hydraulic Jacks for APC and Tanks • Hydraulic Platforms For APC and Tanks • Mobile Lighting Tower • Sphinx 3000 Standard Pistol

  6. CARDIGAN QUEST SDN BHD 80-1, Jalan Wangsa Delima 6, Pusat Bandar Wangsa Maju (KLSC) 53300 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia Tel : + 6(03) 4142 2554 Fax : + 6(03) 4149 5409 Website: ……………………………………. Email : …………………………. (please check….)


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