AACT E ’s Bor tner Data Initiatives Data System I ntegr ation and Stakeholder E ngagement: Documenting E ffective P r actice and P er sistent Challenges Mar ch 2, 2017 AACT E Annual Meet i ng T ampa, F l or i da
NW NWMSU: : Assess ssme ment t System S Status us Prio rior to Nov ov. 16 16 AAC AACTE Visit it • Chal hallenge enges i in n Qual uality A Assuran ance – Integrating data from campus, program, state, testing systems into one quality control system – Engaging internal and external stakeholders in review, analysis and use of data for improvement www.aacte.org
Data S System I Integration a n and Stakehol older Engagem emen ent • Look Looking ng t to o the he fiel eld f for or s sol olut utions ns and and innov nnovation – Peer-directed case-studies will yield reports – Collective reflection will yield a framework – Participants from nine institutions/entities • Brigham Young University • Northern Michigan University • Northwest Missouri State University • The Ohio State University • University of Delaware • University of Louisville • University of Texas Rio Grande Valley • SUNY System Administration • Michigan Department of Education www.aacte.org
Doc ocum umen enting ng Effec ective P Prac actice and and Per ersisten ent Chal halleng enges es • Report on Site Visit to Northwest Missouri State University – Erica Brownstein, The Ohio State University – Christine Gorowara, University of Delaware; – Sungti Hsu, AACTE – Mark LaCelle-Peterson, AACTE – Joseph Lubig, Northern Michigan University; – Michael McBride, Northwest Missouri University; – Manish Sharma, University of Louisville; – Tim Wall, Northwest Missouri University; – Catherine Wigent, Michigan State Department of Education; www.aacte.org
Data S System I Integration a n and Stakehol older Engagem emen ent • Agenda f genda for or t the he se sess ssion – Overview of the NWMU Data System since 2002 – Highlights of Topics Explored • Preprogram RTI System • Proactive Advisement – Impact for Host Institution – Reflection from the visitors www.aacte.org
Overview Northwest Data Systems Overview
Northwest Missouri State University School of Education
2002: 2002: Tim Wal Wall, A Asse ssessment nt C Coor oordina nator or • Revamping the Praxis Score Record Keeping System: Automatic Updating in three ways: – 1. Student by student 2. Program by program 3. Across the Unit • Teacher Work Sample – Low scores on student teacher ability to use assessment – Focused on improving this www.aacte.org
The Begi he Beginning of of D Dat ata Sy Systems at at N NW- 1999 1999-200 004 • The Northwest Education Programs began to systematically use data and information proactively to support student learning and retention. • Data use to solve challenges. EX: too many credit hours, too low GPA; test score gaps by grouping; lack of information for advisors; need for a system. • Example: • Solution: development of Teacher Education Appeals committee – Recruitment, retention, support, application of remediation before… www.aacte.org
Development nt o of a a System t throug ugh I h Iteration on, Pr Professiona nal Lear Learning, and and Har ard Wor ork 1999 – “state of the art” www.aacte.org
Development nt o of a a System t throug ugh I h Iteration on, Pr Professiona nal Lear Learning, and and Har ard Wor ork 2002 version of a dataset report www.aacte.org
Development nt o of a a System t throug ugh I h Iteration on, Pr Professiona nal Lear Learning, and and Har ard Wor ork 2003 version of an advising report www.aacte.org
Development nt o of a a System t throug ugh I h Iteration on, Professiona Pr nal Lear Learning, and and Har ard Wor ork 2003 –unpacking the national standards and implementing a system www.aacte.org
Emphas asis o on stud udent nt s suppor ort. - 2002 2002 “Qua Quant w with a a hear heart” www.aacte.org
Un Unit a t asse sessm ssment s t syst stem- a step f p forward ben benchmarks and gat and gates- 2001 2001-200 004 www.aacte.org
Systems thinking (from 2002-2004)
Avo voiding ng t the he teacher eacher educat education of n off-ramp mp www.aacte.org
Passing Score= 164 Color Key t o Underst and t his report : 1st t ime t est t aker Not a first time test-taker Passed on 2nd attempt Took Praxis test not in their field so they were not entered into database Yellow is passed but below National average Green is at or above National Average RED = Failed Sep-04 Nov-04 # # # Mar-05 Apr-05 Jun-05 Student Score # Student Scor # Studen Score # Student Score # Student Score # Student Score 127 Student 1 1 172 Student 2 1 182 Student 3 1 total # of students this administration total # of students this administrationtotal # of students this administration total # of students this administration total # of students this ad Student 4 169 1 total passed total passed total passed total passed total passed Student 5 177 1 total pass % total pass % total pass % total pass % total pass % Student 6 164 4 1st time students 1st time students 1st time students 1st time students 1st time students Student 7 160 1 1st time passed 1st time passed 1st time passed 1st time passed 1st time passed 1st-time pass rate 1st-time pass rate 1st-time pass rate 1st-time pass rate 1st-time pass rate total # of students this a 6 1st time above 50th % 1st time above 50th % 1st time above 50th % 1st time above 50th % 1st time above 50th % 5 total passed total % above 50th % total % above 50th % total % above 50th % total % above 50th % total % above 50th % 83% # Avg Score 1st time # REF! Avg Score 1st time test ta # REF! Avg Score 1st time test ta # REF! total pass % Avg Score 1st time test taken Avg Score 1st time test t 5 # Avg Score all stude # DIV/0! # REF! # REF! 1st time students Avg Score all students Avg Score all students Avg Score all students Avg Score all students 4 1st time passed 80% 1st-time pass rate 1st time above 50th % 2 40% total % above 50th % 165 Avg Score 1st time test taken 165 Avg Score all students 2004-2005 El. Ed. Totals 6 total # of students 6 total attempts 5 total passed 83% total pass % 5 1st time students 4 1st time passed 80% 1st-time pass rate 1st time above 50th % 2 40% total % above 50th % 165 Avg Score 1st time test 165 Avg Score all attempts 18
Dr. Wall’s Work at Missouri Western
New ew C Cha halleng nges es • Missouri Educator Gateway Assessments (MEGA) • Annual Performance Report (APR) www.aacte.org
MEGA ( (Missouri Educator G Gatew eway ay A Assessment nts) Teacher Required Required Prior to Completed Candidate for Student Teaching During Student Admittance Teaching MEGA MEP X MoGEA X Missouri Content X Assessments MoPTA X MEES X www.aacte.org
Annua nnual P Per erfor ormanc nce R Repor eport ( (APR) • Accountability report, state level, on completers • Currently, four indicators – Certification assessment (MoCA, from MEGA) – Content course GPA – Survey results, first year teachers (self and principal responses) • Tiered-reporting structure, 1-4 • Results shared with media • Tiers 3 and 4: – Considerations for remediation – Potential closure www.aacte.org
Our ur Asses ssessmen ent G Goal oals Regular and Courses Programs Clinical Systematic Use of Experiences Data Data Sharing Coursework revised in Analyzed during ASET Methods courses, Fall 2012 to align with meeting, also sent to cooperating teachers, MoSPE coordinators ST data Analysis Standards and Analysis during or Analyzed in ASET, assessments reviewed following ASET shared with Field during program meeting set by Experience Director meetings calendar and coordinators Results Curriculum and Discussed if necessary, Director makes staff campus assessments and changes made decisions, modified (Praxis, Advanced, coordinators review (TWS/MoPTA) Dispositions, TK20) courses (BTAP %) www.aacte.org
Steps eps Taken t aken to o Impact pact S Shor hortcom oming ngs • Tk20, purchased in Fall 2011, piloted in Spring 2012, fully implemented in Fall 2012 – Student, program and unit data is analyzed…. • Assessment System Evaluation Team (ASET) – April 2012, 1 st meeting – Calendar developed to analyze assessment data and review and modify assessment processes www.aacte.org
Asses essmen ent S Systems and and Ev Evalu luatio ion Team Team ( (ASET) Rev eview ew C Cycle e Cal alenda endar for or A Asses essment D Dat ata Fall Spring Annual Report, MoPTA, MEES & 1 st Advanced Program Artifacts & Other Student Teaching data Meeting Field Experience Data MoGEA & GPA & build up use of grades into Diversity Hours, Diverse 2 nd teacher ed, w/ new competencies Experiences & Meeting and phases Dispositions (MO Educator Profile) ACT, student demographics & MO Content Assessment (major 3 rd Retention (& MCA, major and and minor areas and testing areas) Meeting minor areas and testing areas) & Faculty Periodic Involvement www.aacte.org
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