1 NAMIBIA Your r In Investm tment, t, Tra rade and Tourism Partn tner Presented by : Bonaventura Hinda Commercial Counsellor Embassy of the Republic of Namibia France, Italy, Portugal, Spain 29 June 2018, Lisbon, Portugal
2 Countr try pro rofile FINANCE STRATEGIC LOCATION Well Developed Financial Atlantic Ocean (1500km) System & Institutions Angola, Botswana, South Africa INFRASTRUCTURE LAND SIZE Globally Competitive 824, 292 km 2 2017/18 WEF COMPETITIVENESS REPORT POPULATION 5th in Sub-Saharan Africa 2,3 million $98.5M BUSINESS LANGUAGE GOVERNMENT English Democratic Politically Stable Rule of Law CURRENCY ECONOMY N$ 1 = ZAR 1 Macroeconomic Stability € 1 ≈ N$ 15 Growth Potential (2018-19: 1,4% - 2,1%) Primary, Secondary, Tertiary Industries Namibia, your Investment, Trade and Tourism Partner
3 Visi ision & Str trategy Priority sectors Pr Propell llin ing Gr Growth thro rough Divers rsif ific icatio ion Agriculture 1 Manufacturing 2 (value addition of resources - natural/ recyclables) 3 Transport and Logistics 4 Tourism Mining & Mineral Beneficiation 5 Ocean Economy 6 Ena nable lers rs Namibia Indu dustrial Gro Growth at Home Education, skills development and training • Policy 2012 2012 Stra rategy 2014 2014 • Health • Infrastructure ( Energy, Water, Roads, Rail etc) • ICT and Innovation Financial Infrastructure • Ha Hara rambee Pro rosperity Export capacity and greater regional integration • Plan 2016 2016 • Research and Innovation Namibia, your Investment, Trade and Tourism Partner
Trade 4 Nam amibia gate ateway to to SADC Regio ion (M (Market t Access) Stra rategic Ge Geographic Location (road, rail, sea, air) r) Transport Corridor Network Angola (3-5 days) Botswana (2 days) DRC (5-6 days) Malawi (5-6 days) South Africa (2 days) Zambia (3-4 days) Direct shipping lines Europe, East Asia, North America, • Middle East • MACS, Maersk, Ocean Africa Containers Dry Port facilities • Botswana • Zambia Zimbabwe • • DRC - Congo Namibia, your Investment, Trade and Tourism Partner
Trade 5 Mar arket t Access Namibia : a small market (2,4 million people) but… Main exports from Namibia Meat & Meat Products Fish & Marine Products Minerals Dimension Stones Beverages Live Animals Vegetables & Fruits Metal Ores USA : AGOA South Africa : SACU, Europe : EPA Diamonds America : SADC Tripartite Agreement Mercosur (SADC ECA, COMESA) Namibia, your Investment, Trade and Tourism Partner
Trade 6 Top 10 Tra rade Dest stinati tions - 2017 2017 Exports Imports Both Top 10 Exports Top 10 Imports South Africa (23,6%) South Africa (55,7%) Spain (4,9%) India (2,2%) USA (2%) Botswana (13,2%) United Arab Emirates (4,3%) Bulgaria (6,6%) Peru (1,8%) Switzerland (10,3%) Italy (4,2%) Botswana (6,2%) China (5,2%) United Arab Emirates (1,5%) China (5,3%) Zambia (3,9%) Zambia (4,8%) Germany (1,5%) Belgium (5,1%) France (3,6%) Rest of the world (21,5%) Rest of the world (12,7%) Namibia, your Investment, Trade and Tourism Partner
Trade 7 Tar arget t Mar arket FRANCE Exp Exports ts : fish, plants & parts of plants used in perfumery Imports : swine, chocolates, wine, alcohol/spirits, engine parts, machinery for liquid gas ITALY Exports : bovine, fish, table grapes, marble/granite, zinc, raw hides, wet blue, copper Imports : olive oil, veneered wood, ceramic tiles, fork lifts/handling equipment, industrial machinery e.g food and beverages and leather processing PORTUGAL Exports : fish, grapes, charcoal Imports : olive oil, cereal, wine, chocolates, textile, iron/steel structures, machinery, petroleum oils, motor vehicles for goods transport, fishing nets SPAIN Exports : fish, crustaceans mollusc, table grapes, marble/granite Imports : swine, fish, olive oil, rubber tyres, carton/boxes, footwear, iron/steel, engine parts, refrigerators, mobile cranes, industrial equipment Namibia, your Investment, Trade and Tourism Partner
Investment Opportunities 9 Agri ricultu ture an and Agro ro-Processing PPP Opportunities - Agribusdev KATIMA FARM ZONE Size of the land : 300 ha Size of the land : 2000 ha Suitable cultivar : Suitable cultivar : Maize, Wheat and Vegetables Maize, Wheat and Vegetables Distance from water source : 12km Distance from water source : 12km Water source : Zambezi river Water source : Kavango river LISELO TANDJESKOPPE Size of the land : : 4000 ha Size of the land : 1700 ha Suitable cultivar : Suitable cultivar : Maize, Wheat and Vegetables Maize, Wheat and Vegetables Distance from water source : 12km Distance from water source : 12km Water source : Orange river Water source : Zambezi river NN=Neckartal Dam Namibia, your Investment, Trade and Tourism Partner
Investment Opportunities 10 Min ining & Min ineral Benefi ficiati tion Significant reserves co copp pper, r, 6th largest ur uraniu ium producer zinc, zi , lead ad, co cobalt lt, , lithiu ium in the world 12th largest di diamond Other: go gold, , si silve ver, r, se semi-pre reci cious ston stones, s, producer in the world ind ndustri rial l min inera rals ls, , salt salt, , fl fluors rspar, , manganese, , gra granit ite, , marb rble le etc. Off-shore gas gas field Oi Oil Exploration (1,4 trillion cubic feet) Namibia, your Investment, Trade and Tourism Partner
Investment Opportunities 11 Man anufactu turing Mineral Beneficiation: Lithium, 1 Sea salt, marble/granite, Agri-processing: Canning of fruit & Veg 2 (Tomato paste for fishing industry) Mariculture & Aquaculture: sardines, 3 horse mackerel, hake, tuna, shell fish 4 Pharmaceuticals: Indigenous plants & conventional medicine Animal feed production for cattle 5 feedlots Steel and glassware manufacturing 3 Hardwood processing into wood 4 chips, charcoal, electricity leather products (footwear, clothing, 5 upholstery, etc.) Namibia, your Investment, Trade and Tourism Partner
Investment Opportunities 12 Infr In frastructu ture: : Lo Logistics & Tra Transport, , Energy, Water WB Port New Terminal New SADC Gateway Port INVESTMENT OPPORTUNIT ITIE IES Upgrade & expansion of railroad Specialized terminals Ship repair Cold storage facilities Customized logistics solutions exporting & importing Truck ports/Service stations industries (mining, agriculture, petroleum etc ) Logistic hubs and innovative freight solution Industrial Parks Namibia, your Investment, Trade and Tourism Partner
Investment Opportunities 13 Se Servic ice In Industry: : To Touris ism, , IC ICT, Sk Skills Development Hospitality, Gastronomy 1 & Culinary Training C’est Si Bon Hotel Booming 2 High Value Expansion Tourism Industry Destination Olufuko Tourism 3 Resort/Cultural Centre Diyondo Mukwe 4 Tourism Lodge Northern Star Luxury 5 Lodge/Camp Namibia, your Investment, Trade and Tourism Partner
14 Inv Investm tment t Clim limate - Le Legal al Fra ramework Export Processing Zone Regime Investment Act 3 1 Corporate Tax and Duty Free (must export 70-100% of produce) Foreign Investment Act 2 Can locate anywhere in Namibia 18 operational (mineral beneficiation, Protection of Investments automotive, household plastics) Liberal Investment Regime Independent Judicial System Repatriation of Profits and access to 4 Foreign Exchange and Strong Institutions Provision for International Arbitration of Legal Disputes Incentives for Manufacturers and 5 Exporters of Manufactured Goods Namibia, your Investment, Trade and Tourism Partner
15 Summarized in investor In Incentiv ives Exporters of Export Registered Manufacturers Manufactured Processing Zone Goods Corporate Tax 18% for 10 years 32% Exempt VAT Exemption on imported Equipment/ Not eligible Exempt Material Establishment Tax Negotiable Not eligible Not eligible Package Incentive for 25-75% deduction from taxable Not eligible Not eligible Training income Industrial Studies 50% of cost Not eligible Not eligible Namibia, your Investment, Trade and Tourism Partner
16 FDI I flo flows in into to Namibia Company Investment Commencement Date 1 Industrials Almentaries de Navara (Spain) Asparagus Processing Plant 2017 2 Namibia Italy Gems Cut (Italy) Gemstone Processing Plant 2013 3 Innosun (France) Solar Power Plant 2016 4 Banco Atlantico (Portugal) Financial Services 2015 5 Eurobic (Banco BIC) (Portugal) Financial Services 2016 6 Safari Investments (South Africa) Retail (Waterfront/Mall) 2016 7 Atterbury Group (South Africa) Retail (First Mall in WB) 2017 8 Ohorongo Cement (Germany) Cement Factory 2011 9 Rolls Royce (United Kingdom) Marine Service/Shipyard Repair Centre 2011 10 Al Dahra Agriculture (United Arab Emirates) Date & Grape Plantations 2011 Namibia, your Investment, Trade and Tourism Partner
17 Inv Investm tment t su success sto stories in in Nam amibia Namibia, your Investment, Trade and Tourism Partner
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