
NAMIBIA Your r In Investm tment, t, Tra rade and Tourism Partn - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

1 NAMIBIA Your r In Investm tment, t, Tra rade and Tourism Partn tner Presented by : Bonaventura Hinda Commercial Counsellor Embassy of the Republic of Namibia France, Italy, Portugal, Spain 29 June 2018, Lisbon, Portugal 2 Countr

  1. 1 NAMIBIA Your r In Investm tment, t, Tra rade and Tourism Partn tner Presented by : Bonaventura Hinda Commercial Counsellor Embassy of the Republic of Namibia France, Italy, Portugal, Spain 29 June 2018, Lisbon, Portugal

  2. 2 Countr try pro rofile FINANCE STRATEGIC LOCATION Well Developed Financial Atlantic Ocean (1500km) System & Institutions Angola, Botswana, South Africa INFRASTRUCTURE LAND SIZE Globally Competitive 824, 292 km 2 2017/18 WEF COMPETITIVENESS REPORT POPULATION 5th in Sub-Saharan Africa 2,3 million $98.5M BUSINESS LANGUAGE GOVERNMENT English Democratic Politically Stable Rule of Law CURRENCY ECONOMY N$ 1 = ZAR 1 Macroeconomic Stability € 1 ≈ N$ 15 Growth Potential (2018-19: 1,4% - 2,1%) Primary, Secondary, Tertiary Industries Namibia, your Investment, Trade and Tourism Partner

  3. 3 Visi ision & Str trategy Priority sectors Pr Propell llin ing Gr Growth thro rough Divers rsif ific icatio ion Agriculture 1 Manufacturing 2 (value addition of resources - natural/ recyclables) 3 Transport and Logistics 4 Tourism Mining & Mineral Beneficiation 5 Ocean Economy 6 Ena nable lers rs Namibia Indu dustrial Gro Growth at Home Education, skills development and training • Policy 2012 2012 Stra rategy 2014 2014 • Health • Infrastructure ( Energy, Water, Roads, Rail etc) • ICT and Innovation Financial Infrastructure • Ha Hara rambee Pro rosperity Export capacity and greater regional integration • Plan 2016 2016 • Research and Innovation Namibia, your Investment, Trade and Tourism Partner

  4. Trade 4 Nam amibia gate ateway to to SADC Regio ion (M (Market t Access) Stra rategic Ge Geographic Location (road, rail, sea, air) r) Transport Corridor Network Angola (3-5 days) Botswana (2 days) DRC (5-6 days) Malawi (5-6 days) South Africa (2 days) Zambia (3-4 days) Direct shipping lines Europe, East Asia, North America, • Middle East • MACS, Maersk, Ocean Africa Containers Dry Port facilities • Botswana • Zambia Zimbabwe • • DRC - Congo Namibia, your Investment, Trade and Tourism Partner

  5. Trade 5 Mar arket t Access Namibia : a small market (2,4 million people) but… Main exports from Namibia Meat & Meat Products Fish & Marine Products Minerals Dimension Stones Beverages Live Animals Vegetables & Fruits Metal Ores USA : AGOA South Africa : SACU, Europe : EPA Diamonds America : SADC Tripartite Agreement Mercosur (SADC ECA, COMESA) Namibia, your Investment, Trade and Tourism Partner

  6. Trade 6 Top 10 Tra rade Dest stinati tions - 2017 2017 Exports Imports Both Top 10 Exports Top 10 Imports South Africa (23,6%) South Africa (55,7%) Spain (4,9%) India (2,2%) USA (2%) Botswana (13,2%) United Arab Emirates (4,3%) Bulgaria (6,6%) Peru (1,8%) Switzerland (10,3%) Italy (4,2%) Botswana (6,2%) China (5,2%) United Arab Emirates (1,5%) China (5,3%) Zambia (3,9%) Zambia (4,8%) Germany (1,5%) Belgium (5,1%) France (3,6%) Rest of the world (21,5%) Rest of the world (12,7%) Namibia, your Investment, Trade and Tourism Partner

  7. Trade 7 Tar arget t Mar arket FRANCE Exp Exports ts : fish, plants & parts of plants used in perfumery Imports : swine, chocolates, wine, alcohol/spirits, engine parts, machinery for liquid gas ITALY Exports : bovine, fish, table grapes, marble/granite, zinc, raw hides, wet blue, copper Imports : olive oil, veneered wood, ceramic tiles, fork lifts/handling equipment, industrial machinery e.g food and beverages and leather processing PORTUGAL Exports : fish, grapes, charcoal Imports : olive oil, cereal, wine, chocolates, textile, iron/steel structures, machinery, petroleum oils, motor vehicles for goods transport, fishing nets SPAIN Exports : fish, crustaceans mollusc, table grapes, marble/granite Imports : swine, fish, olive oil, rubber tyres, carton/boxes, footwear, iron/steel, engine parts, refrigerators, mobile cranes, industrial equipment Namibia, your Investment, Trade and Tourism Partner


  9. Investment Opportunities 9 Agri ricultu ture an and Agro ro-Processing PPP Opportunities - Agribusdev KATIMA FARM ZONE Size of the land : 300 ha Size of the land : 2000 ha Suitable cultivar : Suitable cultivar : Maize, Wheat and Vegetables Maize, Wheat and Vegetables Distance from water source : 12km Distance from water source : 12km Water source : Zambezi river Water source : Kavango river LISELO TANDJESKOPPE Size of the land : : 4000 ha Size of the land : 1700 ha Suitable cultivar : Suitable cultivar : Maize, Wheat and Vegetables Maize, Wheat and Vegetables Distance from water source : 12km Distance from water source : 12km Water source : Orange river Water source : Zambezi river NN=Neckartal Dam Namibia, your Investment, Trade and Tourism Partner

  10. Investment Opportunities 10 Min ining & Min ineral Benefi ficiati tion Significant reserves co copp pper, r, 6th largest ur uraniu ium producer zinc, zi , lead ad, co cobalt lt, , lithiu ium in the world 12th largest di diamond Other: go gold, , si silve ver, r, se semi-pre reci cious ston stones, s, producer in the world ind ndustri rial l min inera rals ls, , salt salt, , fl fluors rspar, , manganese, , gra granit ite, , marb rble le etc. Off-shore gas gas field Oi Oil Exploration (1,4 trillion cubic feet) Namibia, your Investment, Trade and Tourism Partner

  11. Investment Opportunities 11 Man anufactu turing Mineral Beneficiation: Lithium, 1 Sea salt, marble/granite, Agri-processing: Canning of fruit & Veg 2 (Tomato paste for fishing industry) Mariculture & Aquaculture: sardines, 3 horse mackerel, hake, tuna, shell fish 4 Pharmaceuticals: Indigenous plants & conventional medicine Animal feed production for cattle 5 feedlots Steel and glassware manufacturing 3 Hardwood processing into wood 4 chips, charcoal, electricity leather products (footwear, clothing, 5 upholstery, etc.) Namibia, your Investment, Trade and Tourism Partner

  12. Investment Opportunities 12 Infr In frastructu ture: : Lo Logistics & Tra Transport, , Energy, Water WB Port New Terminal New SADC Gateway Port INVESTMENT OPPORTUNIT ITIE IES Upgrade & expansion of railroad Specialized terminals Ship repair Cold storage facilities Customized logistics solutions exporting & importing Truck ports/Service stations industries (mining, agriculture, petroleum etc ) Logistic hubs and innovative freight solution Industrial Parks Namibia, your Investment, Trade and Tourism Partner

  13. Investment Opportunities 13 Se Servic ice In Industry: : To Touris ism, , IC ICT, Sk Skills Development Hospitality, Gastronomy 1 & Culinary Training C’est Si Bon Hotel Booming 2 High Value Expansion Tourism Industry Destination Olufuko Tourism 3 Resort/Cultural Centre Diyondo Mukwe 4 Tourism Lodge Northern Star Luxury 5 Lodge/Camp Namibia, your Investment, Trade and Tourism Partner

  14. 14 Inv Investm tment t Clim limate - Le Legal al Fra ramework Export Processing Zone Regime Investment Act 3 1 Corporate Tax and Duty Free (must export 70-100% of produce) Foreign Investment Act 2 Can locate anywhere in Namibia 18 operational (mineral beneficiation, Protection of Investments automotive, household plastics) Liberal Investment Regime Independent Judicial System Repatriation of Profits and access to 4 Foreign Exchange and Strong Institutions Provision for International Arbitration of Legal Disputes Incentives for Manufacturers and 5 Exporters of Manufactured Goods Namibia, your Investment, Trade and Tourism Partner

  15. 15 Summarized in investor In Incentiv ives Exporters of Export Registered Manufacturers Manufactured Processing Zone Goods Corporate Tax 18% for 10 years 32% Exempt VAT Exemption on imported Equipment/ Not eligible Exempt Material Establishment Tax Negotiable Not eligible Not eligible Package Incentive for 25-75% deduction from taxable Not eligible Not eligible Training income Industrial Studies 50% of cost Not eligible Not eligible Namibia, your Investment, Trade and Tourism Partner

  16. 16 FDI I flo flows in into to Namibia Company Investment Commencement Date 1 Industrials Almentaries de Navara (Spain) Asparagus Processing Plant 2017 2 Namibia Italy Gems Cut (Italy) Gemstone Processing Plant 2013 3 Innosun (France) Solar Power Plant 2016 4 Banco Atlantico (Portugal) Financial Services 2015 5 Eurobic (Banco BIC) (Portugal) Financial Services 2016 6 Safari Investments (South Africa) Retail (Waterfront/Mall) 2016 7 Atterbury Group (South Africa) Retail (First Mall in WB) 2017 8 Ohorongo Cement (Germany) Cement Factory 2011 9 Rolls Royce (United Kingdom) Marine Service/Shipyard Repair Centre 2011 10 Al Dahra Agriculture (United Arab Emirates) Date & Grape Plantations 2011 Namibia, your Investment, Trade and Tourism Partner

  17. 17 Inv Investm tment t su success sto stories in in Nam amibia Namibia, your Investment, Trade and Tourism Partner


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