a vertex and tracking detector system for clic

A vertex and tracking detector system for CLIC Andreas Nrnberg - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

A vertex and tracking detector system for CLIC Andreas Nrnberg (CERN) on behalf of the CLICdp collaboration International Conference on Technology and Instrumentation in Particle Physics 2017 (TIPP2017) Beijing, China, 22. 26. May 2017

  1. A vertex and tracking detector system for CLIC Andreas Nürnberg (CERN) on behalf of the CLICdp collaboration International Conference on Technology and Instrumentation in Particle Physics 2017 (TIPP2017) Beijing, China, 22. – 26. May 2017

  2. CLIC ◮ CLIC (Compact Linear Collider): linear e + e − collider proposed for the post HL-LHC phase ◮ Energy range from a few hundred GeV up to 3 TeV, staged construction ◮ Physics goals: ◮ Precision measurements of SM processes (Higgs, top) ◮ Precision measurements of new physics potentially discovered at 14 TeV LHC ◮ Search for new physics: unique sensitivity to particles with electroweak charge Possible layout near Geneva CLIC accelerating structure Legend Lake Geneva CERN existing LHC Potential underground siting: CLIC 380 GeV CLIC 1.5 TeV CLIC 3 TeV Jura Mountains IP Geneva 100 MV m − 1 50 km tunnel (3 TeV stage) A. Nürnberg: A vertex and tracking detector system for CLIC 24. 05. 2017 1

  3. CLIC detector model Silicon tracker 11 . 4 m Vertex detector Forward detectors Fine grained calorimeters Superconducting 12 . 8 m solenoid, 4 T Return Yoke + Muon ID End coils A. Nürnberg: A vertex and tracking detector system for CLIC 24. 05. 2017 2

  4. Detector requirements and experimental conditions ◮ Impact parameter resolution, 3 TeV CLIC 3 6 × 10 34 cm − 2 s − 1 2 θ )µm σ r ϕ = 5 ⊕ 15 / ( p [GeV] sin Luminosity Bunch separation 0 . 5 ns ◮ Momentum resolution, Buches / train 312 T = 2 × 10 − 5 GeV − 1 σ p T / p 2 Train duration 156 ns Repetition rate 50 Hz ∼ 10 − 5 ◮ Jet-energy resolution σ E E ∼ 3 . 5 % − 5 % Duty cycle Beam size σ x / σ y 45 nm × 1 nm ◮ No trigger, full readout of 156 ns bunch Beam size σ z 44 µm train ◮ Beam induced backgrounds: ◮ High rate: 3 γγ → hadron events per bunch crossing at 3 TeV More information on ◮ Requires high readout granularity experimental conditions and ◮ Requires precise timing ≤ 10 ns detector challenges → Talk by ◮ Moderate radiation environment: E. Sicking on Monday ◮ 10 − 4 LHC levels A. Nürnberg: A vertex and tracking detector system for CLIC 24. 05. 2017 3

  5. Vertex and Tracking region A. Nürnberg: A vertex and tracking detector system for CLIC 24. 05. 2017 4

  6. Vertex detector Goal: efficient tagging of heavy quarks through a precise determination of displaced vertices ◮ 3 µm single point resolution ◮ Material budget < 0 . 2 % X 0 per 560 mm layer (50 µm silicon sensor + 50 µm ROC) Multi-layer barrel and endcap pixel ◮ No liquid cooling, use forced air detectors flow cooling ◮ 560 mm in length ◮ Limit the power dissipation to ◮ Barrel radius from 50 mW cm − 2 , pulsed power 30 mm − 70 mm operation ◮ Spiral endcap geometry ◮ Hit time slicing of 10 ns A. Nürnberg: A vertex and tracking detector system for CLIC 24. 05. 2017 5

  7. Vertex detector optimization - flavour tagging ◮ Use b- and c-tagging performance as benchmark for detector design ◮ Full simulation study (multivariate analysis), implementations following engineering studies: ◮ Geometry with x2 in material budget → 5 %-35 % degradation ◮ Spiral endcap geometry → Few regions with reduced coverage, otherwise similar performance ◮ 3 double layers vs. 5 single layers → small improvement for low-energy jets (less material per layer) Dijets at 200 GeV Dijets at 91 GeV Dijets at 91 GeV 1 Misidentification eff. Beauty Background 1.3 1.4 Misidentification Ratio Misidentification Ratio double_spirals_v2 spirals/CDR double_spirals/spirals double_spirals 1.2 -1 10 1.2 single layers 0 . 2 %X0 discs better 1.1 0 . 1 %X0 better per layer 1 1 LF Background 10 -2 double_spirals_v2 double_spirals 0.9 LF Background Charm Background θ ° =10 θ ° 0.8 =20 spirals better θ =10 ° θ =30 ° double layers double_spirals_v2/double_spirals θ ° θ ° =40 Beauty Background 0.8 =20 θ ° 1.4 =50 θ ° LF Background θ ° =60 =30 better θ ° =70 θ ° θ ° =80 =40 θ ° 1.2 =90 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 1 Beauty eff. Charm eff. 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 Charm eff. A. Nürnberg: A vertex and tracking detector system for CLIC 24. 05. 2017 6

  8. Silicon tracker 4 . 6 m ◮ Radius ∼ 1 . 5 m, half-length ∼ 2 . 3 m ◮ 6 barrel layers, 7 inner + 4 outer endcap discs ◮ Radius of beam-pipe 3 m support tube increased to maximize forward acceptance ◮ 7 µm single point resolution ◮ 10 ns timestamping Material (vertex+tracker) ◮ Very light, 1 %X 0 − 1 . 5 %X 0 per layer ◮ Liquid cooling foreseen ◮ Good coverage, at least 8 3 m hits for tracks above θ = 8 ◦ A. Nürnberg: A vertex and tracking detector system for CLIC 24. 05. 2017 7

  9. Tracker optimization ◮ Tracker design is outcome of optimization ] -1 µ 3 m studies in fast and full detector simulations ) [GeV Single µ µ 5 m − 3 10 µ θ = 90 ◦ 7 m ◮ Requirement on momentum resolution for µ 10 m µ T,true 15 m µ 20 m high momentum tracks lead to B = 4 T, 2 /p − 4 10 R = 1 . 5 m and single point resolution T p ∆ ( σ r ϕ = 7 µm σ Performance goal ◮ Good agreement between fast and full − 5 10 simulation 2 3 1 10 10 10 p [GeV] × -6 10 40 ] 10 0 -1 µ Single - B = 3.5 T T,true ) / GeV − 1 ) [GeV Fast simulation θ ° B = 4.0 T p = 500 GeV, = 90 Full simulation 35 10 − 1 B = 4.5 T θ = 90 ◦ B = 5.0 T θ = 40 ◦ 30 2 T B = 5.5 T /p 10 − 2 θ = 30 ◦ T θ = 20 ◦ p 25 σ (∆ p T / p 2 θ = 10 ◦ ∆ 10 − 3 RMS( 20 Performance goal 10 − 4 15 10 − 5 10 10 0 10 1 10 2 10 3 1200 1300 1400 1500 p / GeV R [mm] max A. Nürnberg: A vertex and tracking detector system for CLIC 24. 05. 2017 8

  10. Beam induced backgrounds Occupancy / train ◮ Granularity of the tracker driven by 1 Inner Barrel 1 Barrel Inner Barrel 2 Inner Barrel 3 background occupancy Outer Barrel 1 − 1 10 Outer Barrel 2 ◮ Aim is to limit the occupancy to 3 % over 3 % limit Outer Barrel 3 the bunch train, need short strips/long − 2 10 pixels − ◮ Full simulation study: strip length for 3 10 50 µm r ϕ -pitch is limited to 1 mm–10 mm − 1000 0 1000 z / mm ◮ Actual granularity will depend on the chosen technology Occupancy / train 1 Inner Endcap 1 Inner Endcap 2 Endcaps Inner Endcap 3 Inner Endcap 4 Strixel Inner Endcap 5 Detector layers − 1 Inner Endcap 6 10 length / mm width / mm Inner Endcap 7 3 % limit Outer Endcap 1 Outer Endcap 2 Inner barrel 1–2 1 0 . 05 Outer Endcap 3 Outer Endcap 4 − 10 2 Inner barrel 3 5 0 . 05 Outer barrel 1–3 10 0 . 05 − 3 Inner disc 1 0 . 025 0 . 025 10 Inner discs 2–7 1 0 . 05 0 500 1000 1500 Outer discs 1–4 10 0 . 05 r / mm A. Nürnberg: A vertex and tracking detector system for CLIC 24. 05. 2017 9

  11. Technology R&D programme Simulations Readout ASICs Sensors Interconnects/TSV Powering Cooling Light-weight supports Beam tests Detector integration → Integrated R&D effort addressing CLIC vertex and tracker detector A. Nürnberg: A vertex and tracking detector system for CLIC 24. 05. 2017 10

  12. Silicon pixel detector R&D ◮ Different technology options to match the 50 µm planar sensor on CLICpix ASIC 1 . 6 mm different detector requirements ◮ Characterization of prototypes in lab and testbeam studies ◮ Vertex detector, difficult to achieve very good single-point resolution with very thin Capacitively coupled detector detection layers ◮ Planar hybrid pixel detectors ◮ Capacitively coupled pixel detector CLICpix CCPDv3 with active HV-CMOS sensor ( → Talk by M. Buckland on Thursday) ◮ Tracking detector, avoid costly bump SOI test chip HR-CMOS test chip bonding for large surface detector ◮ Integrated high-resistivity CMOS ( → Talk by M. Münker on Thursday) ◮ Silicon-on-insulator A. Nürnberg: A vertex and tracking detector system for CLIC 24. 05. 2017 11

  13. Testbeam: active edge sensors ◮ To minimize material budget, minimize overlap of sensor tiles ◮ Active edge processing of planar sensor allows for seamless tiling without large impact on coverage ◮ Study feasibility of thin sensors with active edge using Timepix3 readout ASICs in testbeam ◮ In this example: grounded guard ring collects charge ⇒ lower efficiency understood using T-CAD simulations ◮ Other geometries, e.g. without guard ring are fully efficient to the edge 50 µm thick, GND guard ring 50 µm thick, GND guard ring T-CAD simulation of electric field in the edge region 2 1 90 TOT Row % 2 CLICdp Efficiency CLICdp Entries Grounded guard-ring 0.9 80 Work in Progress Work in Progress 0.8 60 70 1.5 0.7 60 Silicon 0.6 50 Air 40 1 0.5 40 0.4 30 0.3 20 0.5 20 0.2 0.1 10 0 0 0 0 -0.04-0.02 0 0.02 0.04 -0.04-0.02 0 0.02 0.04 Pos. rel. to last pixel [mm] Pos. rel. to last pixel [mm] A. Nürnberg: A vertex and tracking detector system for CLIC 24. 05. 2017 12


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