a unified display proof theory for bunched logic

A unified display proof theory for bunched logic James Brotherston - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

A unified display proof theory for bunched logic James Brotherston Imperial College London MFPS 2010 University of Ottawa, 9 May 2010 Substructural logics: an overview Substructural logics restrict the structural principles of ordinary

  1. A unified display proof theory for bunched logic James Brotherston Imperial College London MFPS 2010 University of Ottawa, 9 May 2010

  2. Substructural logics: an overview Substructural logics restrict the structural principles of ordinary classical logic (weakening, contraction, associativity, exchange. . . ) . Examples:

  3. Substructural logics: an overview Substructural logics restrict the structural principles of ordinary classical logic (weakening, contraction, associativity, exchange. . . ) . Examples: • Lambek calculus totally rejects weakening and contraction (commutativity and associativity are optional too);

  4. Substructural logics: an overview Substructural logics restrict the structural principles of ordinary classical logic (weakening, contraction, associativity, exchange. . . ) . Examples: • Lambek calculus totally rejects weakening and contraction (commutativity and associativity are optional too); • Linear logic permits weakening and contraction only for formulas prefixed with “exponential” modalities;

  5. Substructural logics: an overview Substructural logics restrict the structural principles of ordinary classical logic (weakening, contraction, associativity, exchange. . . ) . Examples: • Lambek calculus totally rejects weakening and contraction (commutativity and associativity are optional too); • Linear logic permits weakening and contraction only for formulas prefixed with “exponential” modalities; • Relevant logic replaces some of the standard ‘additive’ connectives, which obey weakening and contraction, with ‘multiplicative’ variants which do not;

  6. Substructural logics: an overview Substructural logics restrict the structural principles of ordinary classical logic (weakening, contraction, associativity, exchange. . . ) . Examples: • Lambek calculus totally rejects weakening and contraction (commutativity and associativity are optional too); • Linear logic permits weakening and contraction only for formulas prefixed with “exponential” modalities; • Relevant logic replaces some of the standard ‘additive’ connectives, which obey weakening and contraction, with ‘multiplicative’ variants which do not; • Bunched logic is like relevant logic, but retains the additive connectives which relevant logic throws away on philosophical grounds (e.g. → ).

  7. Motivation for bunched logic • So, bunched logics are essentially obtained by “splicing” an additive propositional logic with a multiplicative one.

  8. Motivation for bunched logic • So, bunched logics are essentially obtained by “splicing” an additive propositional logic with a multiplicative one. • This gives a nice Kripke-style resource semantics: Additive connectives have their usual meaning, and multiplicatives denote resource composition properties: r | = F 1 ∧ F 2 ⇔ r | = F 1 and r | = F 2 r | = F 1 ∗ F 2 ⇔ r = r 1 ◦ r 2 and r 1 | = F 1 and r 2 | = F 2 (where ◦ is a binary monoid operation).

  9. Motivation for bunched logic • So, bunched logics are essentially obtained by “splicing” an additive propositional logic with a multiplicative one. • This gives a nice Kripke-style resource semantics: Additive connectives have their usual meaning, and multiplicatives denote resource composition properties: r | = F 1 ∧ F 2 ⇔ r | = F 1 and r | = F 2 r | = F 1 ∗ F 2 ⇔ r = r 1 ◦ r 2 and r 1 | = F 1 and r 2 | = F 2 (where ◦ is a binary monoid operation). • Taking particular models gives us separation logic and other spatial logics (used in program verification).

  10. The bunched logic family Additives / multiplicatives can be classical or intuitionistic: CBI (Boolean, de Morgan) ¬ ∼ dMBI BBI (Heyting, de Morgan) (Boolean, Lambek) ∼ ¬ BI (Heyting, Lambek) • Subtitles (X,Y) indicate the underlying algebras. • Arrows denote addition of classical negations ¬ or ∼ .

  11. Bunched logics via elementary logics ⊤ ⊥ ¬ ∨ ∧ → Additives: ∗ ⊤ ∗ ∗ Multiplicatives: ⊥ ∼ ∨ ∗ — ∗ • IL and CL are standard intuitionistic / classical logic over the additives;

  12. Bunched logics via elementary logics ⊤ ⊥ ¬ ∨ ∧ → Additives: ∗ ⊤ ∗ ∗ Multiplicatives: ⊥ ∼ ∨ ∗ — ∗ • IL and CL are standard intuitionistic / classical logic over the additives; • LM and dMM are (commutative and associative) Lambek / de Morgan logic over the multiplicatives;

  13. Bunched logics via elementary logics ⊤ ⊥ ¬ ∨ ∧ → Additives: ∗ ⊤ ∗ ∗ Multiplicatives: ⊥ ∼ ∨ ∗ — ∗ • IL and CL are standard intuitionistic / classical logic over the additives; • LM and dMM are (commutative and associative) Lambek / de Morgan logic over the multiplicatives; • Define: BI = IL + LM BBI = CL + LM dMBI = IL + dMM CBI = CL + dMM where + is union of minimal proof systems for the logics.

  14. LBI : the BI sequent calculus • Sequents are Γ ⊢ F where F a formula and Γ a bunch: Γ ::= F | ∅ | ∅ | Γ ; Γ | Γ , Γ

  15. LBI : the BI sequent calculus • Sequents are Γ ⊢ F where F a formula and Γ a bunch: Γ ::= F | ∅ | ∅ | Γ ; Γ | Γ , Γ • Rules for — ∗ are: ∆ ⊢ F 1 Γ( F 2 ) ⊢ F Γ , F ⊢ G (— ∗ L) (— ∗ R) Γ(∆ , F 1 — ∗ F 2 ) ⊢ F Γ ⊢ F — ∗ G where Γ(∆) is bunch Γ with sub-bunch ∆;

  16. LBI : the BI sequent calculus • Sequents are Γ ⊢ F where F a formula and Γ a bunch: Γ ::= F | ∅ | ∅ | Γ ; Γ | Γ , Γ • Rules for — ∗ are: ∆ ⊢ F 1 Γ( F 2 ) ⊢ F Γ , F ⊢ G (— ∗ L) (— ∗ R) Γ(∆ , F 1 — ∗ F 2 ) ⊢ F Γ ⊢ F — ∗ G where Γ(∆) is bunch Γ with sub-bunch ∆; • LBI satisfies cut-elimination (Pym ’02). • Unfortunately cut-elimination breaks if we try to extend LBI to BBI, dMBI, CBI in the obvious way.

  17. Display calculus: an overview • Display calculi manipulate consecutions X ⊢ Y , with left- and right-introduction rules for each logical connective.

  18. Display calculus: an overview • Display calculi manipulate consecutions X ⊢ Y , with left- and right-introduction rules for each logical connective. • Structures X and Y are built from formulas and structural connectives. Substructures of X ⊢ Y are classified as antecedent or consequent parts.

  19. Display calculus: an overview • Display calculi manipulate consecutions X ⊢ Y , with left- and right-introduction rules for each logical connective. • Structures X and Y are built from formulas and structural connectives. Substructures of X ⊢ Y are classified as antecedent or consequent parts. • In display calculi, one can rearrange consecutions: Definition ≡ D is a display-equivalence if for any antecedent (consequent) part Z of X ⊢ Y we have X ⊢ Y ≡ D Z ⊢ W ( W ⊢ Z ).

  20. Display calculus: an overview • Display calculi manipulate consecutions X ⊢ Y , with left- and right-introduction rules for each logical connective. • Structures X and Y are built from formulas and structural connectives. Substructures of X ⊢ Y are classified as antecedent or consequent parts. • In display calculi, one can rearrange consecutions: Definition ≡ D is a display-equivalence if for any antecedent (consequent) part Z of X ⊢ Y we have X ⊢ Y ≡ D Z ⊢ W ( W ⊢ Z ). • Belnap ’82 gives a set of syntactic conditions for display calculi which guarantee cut-elimination.

  21. Display calculus: syntax • Structures are constructed from formulas and structural connectives: Additive Multiplicative Arity Antecedent Consequent ∅ 0 truth falsity ∅ ♯ ♭ 1 negation negation ; , 2 conjunction disjunction ⇒ ⊸ 2 − implication • Antecedent / consequent parts of consecutions X ⊢ Y are similar to positive / negative occurrences in formulas.

  22. Display calculus: syntax • Structures are constructed from formulas and structural connectives: Additive Multiplicative Arity Antecedent Consequent ∅ 0 truth falsity ∅ ♯ ♭ 1 negation negation ; , 2 conjunction disjunction ⇒ ⊸ 2 − implication • Antecedent / consequent parts of consecutions X ⊢ Y are similar to positive / negative occurrences in formulas. • We give display calculi for IL , CL , LM and dMM. Form of antecedent and consequent parts is restricted in each case.

  23. DL CL : a display calculus for CL Antecedent connectives: ∅ ; ♯ Consequent connectives: ∅ ♯ ; Display postulates: X ; Y ⊢ Z <> D X ⊢ ♯Y ; Z <> D Y ; X ⊢ Z X ⊢ Y ; Z <> D X ; ♯Y ⊢ Z <> D X ⊢ Z ; Y X ⊢ Y <> D ♯Y ⊢ ♯X <> D ♯♯X ⊢ Y Logical rules: X ⊢ F 1 ; F 2 F ⊢ X G ⊢ X ( ∨ L) ( ∨ R) (etc.) X ⊢ F 1 ∨ F 2 F ∨ G ⊢ X Structural rules: X ⊢ Z ∅ ; X ⊢ Y (WkL) (etc.) = = = = = = = ( ∅ L) X ; Y ⊢ Z X ⊢ Y

  24. DL LM : a display calculus for LM Antecedent connectives: , ∅ Consequent connectives: ⊸ Display postulates: X , Y ⊢ Z <> D X ⊢ Y ⊸ Z <> D Y , X ⊢ Z Logical rules: X ⊢ F G ⊢ Y X ⊢ F ⊸ G (etc.) (— ∗ L) (— ∗ R) F — ∗ G ⊢ X ⊸ Y X ⊢ F — ∗ G Structural rules: W , ( X , Y ) ⊢ Z ∅ , X ⊢ Y = = = = = = = = = = = = = (MAL) = = = = = = = = ( ∅ L) ( W , X ) , Y ⊢ Z X ⊢ Y

  25. Display calculi for bunched logics We obtain display calculi DL L for L ∈ { BI , BBI , dMBI , CBI } by: DL L 1 + L 2 = DL L 1 + DL L 2 where + is component-wise union of specifications. The following hold for all our calculi:


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