a totally new approach to measuring the degree of

A totally new approach to measuring the degree of hardening of UV - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

A totally new approach to measuring the degree of hardening of UV cured resins AcroEdge Co., Ltd C.E.O. Kenichi Nakamune Non-contact Non-destructive Even when samples are inserted in glass or film, such as film bonding with UV curing resin,

  1. A totally new approach to measuring the degree of hardening of UV cured resins AcroEdge Co., Ltd C.E.O. Kenichi Nakamune

  2. Non-contact Non-destructive Even when samples are inserted in glass or film, such as film bonding with UV curing resin, it is possible to measure them as they are. Real time Measuring in just 0.1second, suitable for in-line inspection.Also measuring while performing irradiation is possible.

  3. Why do people choose the Curea? Before Curea Issue Destructive inspection and analysis with FT- IR or DS-C etc. The current method of the quality control in industrial Unproductive quality control by excessive products using UV curable irradiation resin Presumption of curing state of UV curable resin

  4. Why do people choose the Curea? With Curea Solition In real time the Curea monitors the state of UV curable resins without stopping or slowing down Real time inspection of the product line a resin’s state without making contact Analyze appropriate irradiation conditions Total inspection in a quantity production line greatly Perform inspection in a quantity production shortens the inspection time line in real time

  5. Process for coating a smartphone case Possible excessive Defective Defective goods UV coating UV-LED In real time the Curea Possible excessive UV coating UV-LED monitors the Target quality state of UV coating without The Curea comfirm that the resin has stopping or proprerly cured slowing down the product line

  6. Example for smartphone The Curea UV-LED UV seal

  7. Process for manufacturing films In real time the Curea monitors the state of UV UV-LED coatings without stopping or slowing down the product line The Curea - UV cured resins - Films - UV Coatings


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