a system for automatic verification of arrhythmia

A System for Automatic Verification of Arrhythmia Detection - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

A System for Automatic Verification of Arrhythmia Detection Algorithms Yulia V. Zavyalova, Artem A. Rudenia, Alexander V. Borodin Petrozavodsk State University Department of Computer Science This project is supported by grant KA432 of Karelia

  1. A System for Automatic Verification of Arrhythmia Detection Algorithms Yulia V. Zavyalova, Artem A. Rudenia, Alexander V. Borodin Petrozavodsk State University Department of Computer Science This project is supported by grant KA432 of Karelia ENPI - joint program of the European Union, Russian Federation and the Republic of Finland 16 th FRUCT conference October 28–31, Oulu, Finland Artem Rudenia CardiaCare FRUCT16 1 / 6

  2. CardiaCare Architecture Artem Rudenia CardiaCare FRUCT16 2 / 6

  3. Algorithm Quality Indicators True Positive (TP) — counter of the correctly identifies an arrhythmia case. False Negative (FN) — counter of the algorithm fails to detect the arrhythmia. False Positive (FP) — counter of the normal ECG-episodes are detected as arrhythmias. Sensitivity: Positive Prediction: TP TP P = S = TP + FP TP + FN Artem Rudenia CardiaCare FRUCT16 3 / 6

  4. Verification System Artem Rudenia CardiaCare FRUCT16 4 / 6

  5. Arrhythmia Types Category Beat Annotations Description N, P, f, p, Q, |, 1 normal beats +, s, t, , L, R atrial, nodal and 2 A, a, J, S supraventricular premature beats ventricular premature 3 V, F beats 4 e, j, n, E escape beats ventricular flutter- 5 [, !, ] fibrillation beats Artem Rudenia CardiaCare FRUCT16 5 / 6

  6. Verification System Artem Rudenia CardiaCare FRUCT16 6 / 6

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