Arrietta Chakos Urban Resilience Strategies May 31, 2013 Bay Area Planning Directors Association
A resilient community can grow, adapt and restore itself in the aftermath of disruptive change Mitigation and Disaster preparedness Long-term Relief and Recovery Response adapted from ABAG Earthquake & Hazards Program
Vulnerability of urban systems Multi-hazard disaster planning and energy grid disruption issues Varied experience and actions on the disaster/disruption continuum slow development of a “ recipe ” for resilience
Natural Loss Events, 2012 World Map
Oklahoma ’ s 2013 devastation
ShakeMap, California Integrated Seismic Network
Sonoma Napa Napa Napa Solano Solano Solano Napa Napa Napa Solano Solano Solano Sonoma Sonoma Sonoma Napa Napa Napa Solano Solano Solano Sonoma Sonoma Sonoma Sonoma Sonoma Marin Marin Marin Marin Marin Marin Marin Marin Marin Contra Contra Contra Contra Contra Contra Contra Contra Contra Costa Costa Costa Costa Costa Costa Costa Costa Costa 500 to 600 Fires San Francisco San Francisco San Francisco San Francisco San Francisco San Francisco San Francisco San Francisco San Francisco About 100 in San Alameda Alameda Alameda Alameda Alameda Alameda Alameda Alameda Alameda Francisco San Mateo San Mateo San Mateo San Mateo San Mateo San Mateo San Mateo San Mateo San Mateo Santa Santa Santa Santa Santa Santa Santa Santa Santa Predicted Number Clara Clara Clara Clara Clara Clara Clara Clara Clara of Ignitions 10 or more TM , with support from PBS&J 8 to 9 *Data Provided by HAZUS (Jawhar Bouabid) , Charles Kircher & Associates, ABS 6 to 7 Consulting (Hope Seligson), the Cities of San Jose, 4 to 5 Berkeley and San Francisco, and OSHPD. Funding for Santa Santa Santa 2 to 3 Santa Santa Santa Santa Santa Santa this Scenario was provided by an Urban Area Security Less than 2 Initiative Grant to the City and County of San Francisco Cruz Cruz Cruz Cruz Cruz Cruz Cruz Cruz Cruz San San San San San San San San San 0 0 0 10 10 10 20 20 20 0 0 0 0 0 0 10 10 10 10 10 10 20 20 20 20 20 20 Benito Benito Benito Benito Benito Benito Benito Benito Benito Monterey Monterey Monterey Monterey Monterey Monterey Monterey Monterey Monterey miles miles miles miles miles miles miles miles miles
Sonoma Napa Napa Napa Solano Solano Solano Napa Napa Napa Solano Solano Solano Napa Napa Napa Solano Solano Solano Sonoma Sonoma Sonoma Sonoma Sonoma Sonoma Sonoma Sonoma Marin Marin Marin Marin Marin Marin Marin Marin Marin Over $120 Billion of Contra Contra Contra Contra Contra Contra Contra Contra Contra Costa Costa Costa Costa Costa Costa Costa Costa Costa San Francisco San Francisco San Francisco San Francisco San Francisco San Francisco San Francisco San Francisco San Francisco Building Losses Direct and Alameda Alameda Alameda Alameda Alameda Alameda Alameda Alameda Alameda Indirect Losses San Mateo San Mateo San Mateo San Mateo San Mateo San Mateo San Mateo San Mateo San Mateo will Exceed Loss Density Santa Santa Santa Santa Santa Santa Santa Santa Santa [$M per sq.mi.] Clara Clara Clara Clara Clara Clara Clara Clara Clara $150 Billion Over 250 50 to 250 10 to 50 5 to 10 1 to 5 TM , with support from PBS&J *Data Provided by HAZUS 0.2 to 1 Santa Santa Santa Santa Santa Santa Santa Santa Santa (Jawhar Bouabid) , Charles Kircher & Associates, ABS Consulting (Hope Seligson), the Cities of San Jose, Less than 0.2 Cruz Cruz Cruz Cruz Cruz Cruz Cruz Cruz Cruz San San San Berkeley and San Francisco, and OSHPD. Funding for San San San San San San 0 0 0 10 10 10 20 20 20 0 0 0 10 10 10 20 20 20 0 0 0 10 10 10 20 20 20 this Scenario was provided by an Urban Area Security Benito Benito Benito Benito Benito Benito Benito Benito Benito Monterey Monterey Monterey Initiative Grant to the City and County of San Francisco. Monterey Monterey Monterey Monterey Monterey Monterey miles miles miles miles miles miles miles miles miles
Federal Resilience Initiatives Presidential Policy Directives and the White House Office of Resilience National Academy of Sciences long-term study on national resilience capacity Federal Emergency Management Agency National Recovery Framework
National Academies of Science 2012 Resilience Study
From FEMA ’ s National Recovery Framework
National Resilience Initiatives Rockefeller Foundation ’ s 100 city program to launch global resilience National Association of Counties new resilience effort launches this fall Community And Regional Resilience Institute — CARRI ’ s national tool kit ecoAmerica program in partnership with the MacArthur Foundation
100 Resilient Cities: A Call to Action
ecoAmerica ’ s Climate Initiative
ABAG examines how 9 counties, 101 cities can incorporate resilience strategies Joint Policy Committee ’ s Resilience Initiative examines climate & sustainability action California Energy Commission’s Energy Assurance Initiative in 5 Bay Area cities
Resilience starts with people and social/community connection Dealing with disruption in adaptive ways is crucial A restoration plan for essential community systems — power, water systems — is a key element of resilience
Baseline Resilience Planning Evaluate potential disruptions from natural & human generated disasters Strengthen sectoral partnerships with executed MOUs Implement resilience action planning through local General, mitigation & climate plans — use what is at hand
Cultivating Resilience Planning Resilience allows a community to consider its values: • What do we want to pass to our children (heritage, debt, community character, economic strength)? • How is this community interconnected and interdependent? • How are these values woven into daily planning?
America ’ s Infrastructure Report Card
FEMA ’ s 4:1 Investment Ratio “ The analysis … of FEMA grants awarded during the (MMC) study period indicates that a dollar spent on mitigation saves society an average of $4 . ” — from the 2006 study published by the U.S. MultiHazard Mitigation Council l
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