A Regional gional Dair airy Foods oods Res esear earch h Cent enter er 1
Founda oundation ion of of Dair airy Res esear earch h • University professors affiliated with WDC • Knowledge and expertise in various fields relevant to dairy foods. • Provides manpower to supervise student research and generate innovative ideas. • Motivation 2
• What are our resources? • What is most important to the university? • What is most important to the dairy industry? • What is our common ground? • What thing is most important to both the university and the dairy industry? 3
Human Human Capit pital: al: • the collective skills, knowledge, or other intangible assets of individuals that can be used to create economic value for the individuals, their employers, or their community: • Education is an investment in human capital that pays off in terms of higher productivity. • http://www.dictionary.com 4
BUILD Dairy: Concept B uilding U niversity I ndustry linkages through L earning and D iscovery
BUILD Dairy: Concept WHAT ARE THESE LINKAGES • Research that is relevant to the dairy industry. • Students learning about dairy processing • Industry interacFon and input with students and faculty. • Student interacFon with industry through internships • Students report on a regular basis to industry sponsors. • Industry sponsorship of student research. • OpportuniFes for future hiring.
BUILD Dairy: Concept Mission • To foster parFcipaFon and success by students in research that can lead to employment in the dairy manufacturing industry and at universiFes in the United States. • Increase the pool of graduates with knowledge of dairy technology • Develop leadership qualiFes among students who understand of dairy manufacturing and technology.
BUILD Dairy: Concept Building a Pipeline Filling the Dairy Industry Technical Advisory Future CommiXee provides guidance need for more technology Undergrad. innovaFon Research Internships Experiences people in Masters in the Research Dairy Dairy Projects Foods Industry and at PhD Research universiFe Over 10 years generate: s in the 100 Undergraduate experiences to build interest in MS studies. U.S.A. 75 MS Graduates with experience and interest in dairy 15 PhD Graduates with experience and interest in dairy
Western Dairy Center – BUILD Dairy Program 2016 Affiliated Areas of Expertise Professors Students Universities Dairy Proteins Marie Walsh MS Student Muscle Biochemistry Chuck Carpenter PhD Student Dairy Microbiology Jeff Broadbent PhD Student Utah State Robert Ward Milk fat & Bioactives University MS Student Cooperating Silvana Martini Lipids & Sensory PhD Student Researchers & Adjunct MS Student Dairy Food Biostructure Almut Vollmer Weber State Faculty University MS Student Dairy Technology Donald McMahon MaryAnne Drake MS Student NCSU MS Student Craig Oberg Cheese Microbiology Brigham Young David Everett University Cal Poly Microbiology Michele Culumber MS Student University of Idaho Food Technology MS Student Michael Dunn Washington State University Nabil Youssef MS Student Food Texture Helen Joyner MS Student Randall Thunell Oregon State Dairy Technology MS Student University Wayne Geilman PhD Student Lisbeth Goddik Allen Sayler Texas A&M Gut Health University Guiliana Noratto PhD Student Western Dairy Center director: Donald McMahon BUILD Dairy program coordinator: Kimberly Rasmussen
BUI UILD LD Dair airy Prog ogres ess 1. Human capital has been developed because of the BUILD Dairy program since it started in 2014 2. Sponsorship from Glanbia Foods and the Idaho Dairy Commission 3. To continue to fill this pipeline of human capital requires increased sponsorship from the dairy industry. 10
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